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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Hierarchical facets
= Using hierarchical facets
We have a usecase with documents that are tagged with keywords in a theasaurus. This gists explains the model and is at the same time an invitation to suggest improvements. Because it would be nice to have something that performs better.
NOTE : In this example we have a quite regular thesaurus. IRL the thesaurus with branches of varying depth and docs are tagged with both leaf and non-leaf nodes (i.e. nodes without and with children repectively)
== The model
CREATE (doc1:`doc` {`name`:"doc 1"})
CREATE (doc2:`doc` {`name`:"doc 2"})
CREATE (doc3:`doc` {`name`:"doc 3"})
CREATE (doc4:`doc` {`name`:"doc 4"})
CREATE (doc5:`doc` {`name`:"doc 5"})
CREATE (root:`term` {`name`:"root"})
CREATE (term2:`term` {`name`:"term 2"})
CREATE (term3:`term` {`name`:"term 3"})
CREATE (term4:`term` {`name`:"term 4"})
CREATE (term5:`term` {`name`:"term 5"})
CREATE (term6:`term` {`name`:"term 6"})
CREATE (term7:`term` {`name`:"term 7"})
CREATE (term2)-[:BT]->(root)
CREATE (term3)-[:BT]->(root)
CREATE (term4)-[:BT]->(term2)
CREATE (term5)-[:BT]->(term2)
CREATE (term6)-[:BT]->(term3)
CREATE (term7)-[:BT]->(term3)
CREATE (doc1)-[:HAS_TERM]->(term2)
CREATE (doc1)-[:HAS_TERM]->(term4)
CREATE (doc1)-[:HAS_TERM]->(term5)
CREATE (doc2)-[:HAS_TERM]->(root)
CREATE (doc2)-[:HAS_TERM]->(term3)
CREATE (doc3)-[:HAS_TERM]->(term6)
CREATE (doc3)-[:HAS_TERM]->(term4)
CREATE (doc3)-[:HAS_TERM]->(term2)
CREATE (doc4)-[:HAS_TERM]->(term7)
CREATE (doc5)-[:HAS_TERM]->(term2)
CREATE (doc5)-[:HAS_TERM]->(term3)
== Get docs for each term
This query returns the docs to which the specified term is directly (the term has a link to the doc)
MATCH (d:doc)-[:HAS_TERM]->(t:term)
RETURN AS term,collect(DISTINCT AS docs ORDER BY term
This query returns the docs to which the specified term is linked, both directly (the term has a link to the doc) and indirectly (one of the more detailed terms is linked to the doc)
MATCH (d:doc)-[:HAS_TERM|BT*0..]->(t:term)
RETURN AS term,collect(DISTINCT AS docs ORDER BY term
== Get count for root and its children
match (d:doc)-[:HAS_TERM|BT*0..]->(t:term)-[:BT*0..1]->(t2:term {name:"root"})
return AS term, count(DISTINCT d) as docs order by docs desc
== Get count for "term 3" and its children
match (d:doc)-[:HAS_TERM|BT*0..]->(t:term)-[:BT*0..1]->(t2:term {name:"term 3"})
return AS term, count(DISTINCT d) as docs order by docs desc
== Question
The main question is, is there a faster way based on pure Neo4j? Trying this approach with 10k docs, a thesausrus with 12k terms and 1.2M [:HAS_TERM] relationships takes over 20 secs when getting counts for "root" and diirect children.
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