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Last active August 6, 2021 14:25
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  • Save tonatiuh/e342073184da92b3b15f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tonatiuh/e342073184da92b3b15f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Since git allows you to run scripts as if they were git commands, this will show how to create a command for creating a pull request from the terminal.

  1. Create a file with the following name "git-pull-request", we can put it inside ~/.git/extensions for instance. Add the following content to the file

repo=`git remote -v | grep -m 1 "(push)" | sed -e "s/.*[:/]\(.*\)\.git.*/\1/"`
branch=`git name-rev --name-only HEAD`
echo "... creating pull request for branch \"$branch\" in \"$repo\""
  1. Then make it executable, in the console run:
chmod +x ~/.git/extensions/git-pull-request
  1. Add the path to the folder containing this script to your $PATH environment variable. Open your ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.basrc) and add:
export PATH=$HOME/.git/extensions:$PATH

Then you should be able to create a pull request of the current branch where you're from the terminal by running:

git pull-request

Script credits to:

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