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Last active March 17, 2023 13:54
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def run(xs: List[Int], x: Int = 1, cycle: Int, checkList: List[Int], res: List[Int] = List()): List[Int] =
checkList match
case Nil => res
case h :: t if h == cycle => run(xs, x, cycle, t, x * h :: res)
case _ =>
xs match
case Nil => res
case h :: t => run(t, x + h, cycle + 1, checkList, res)
def change(xs: List[String], res: List[Int] = List()): List[Int] =
xs match
case Nil => res
case h :: t =>
if h == "noop" then change(t, 0 :: res)
else change(t, h.split(" ")(1).toInt :: 0 :: res)
def ans1(xs: List[String]): Int =
val checkCycle = List(20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220)
val t = run(xs = change(xs).reverse, cycle = 1, checkList = checkCycle)
def run2(xs: List[Int], x: Int = 1, cycle: Int = 0, res: String = ""): String =
val next = if cycle >= x - 1 && cycle < x + 2 then "#" else "."
xs match
case Nil => res
case h :: t => run2(t, x + h, (cycle + 1) % 40, res + next)
def screen(xs: String): List[String] =
if xs.length > 40 then
val (h, t) = xs.splitAt(40)
h :: screen(t)
xs :: List()
def ans2(xs: List[String]): String =
val s = run2(xs = change(xs).reverse)
def solve =
val input = Source.fromFile("day10.txt").getLines.toList
def test =
val input = Source.fromFile("ex10.txt").getLines.toList
val ans = """##..##..##..##..##..##..##..##..##..##..
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