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Last active April 4, 2018 07:39
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i. treating disorders of their interiorly-exteriorly related channel or zangfu ii. treating disorders in regions reached by the luo-connecting channel, and iii. treating psycho-emotional disorders.

Treating disorders of their interiorly-exteriorly related channel or zangfu

The Guide to the Classic of Acupuncture states "the luo-connecting points are located between two channels ... if they are punctured, symptoms of the exteriorly-interiorly related channels can be treated"20. In clinical practice, many of these points are used to treat disorders of both their corresponding zangfu and channel as well as their interiorly-exteriorly related zangfu or channel, for example:

  • Lieque LU-7 is an important point in the treatment of headache, pain of the neck and nape, wind disorders which affect the head etc. despite the fact that the Lung channel does not ascend higher than the throat, and these indications are explained by the pathway of its interiorly-exteriorly related Large Intestine channel.
  • Pianli L.I.-6 is used in the treatment of acute oedema which occurs when external wind disrupts the function of the Lung in regulating the water passages.
  • Fenglong ST-40 is an essential point to assist the transformation of phlegm which accumulates when the Spleen's transportation and transformation function is impaired.
  • Gongsun SP-4 is able to harmonise the function of the Stomach and intestines (which are governed by the Spleen) and to treat both upper (Stomach) and lower (Spleen) abdominal pain.
  • Zhizheng SI-7 has a pronounced effect on regulating and calming the Heart spirit and is indicated for a wide range of psycho-emotional disorders.
  • Feiyang BL-58 is able to treat Kidney deficiency and cold in the lower part of the body (coldness and weakness of the legs, lumbar pain etc.) as well as uprising of yang along the Bladder channel to the head (headache, dizziness, heat etc.).
  • Neiguan P-6 is universally known for its ability to treat nausea and vomiting. Both the Pericardium channel and its interiorly-exteriorly related Sanjiao channel descend through the upper, middle and lower jiao, reinforcing the ability of Neiguan P-6 to treat disorders of the middle jiao.
  • Guangming GB-37 is much used in the treatment of eye disorders due to disharmony of the Liver.

Treating disorders in regions reached by the luo-connecting channel

  • Lieque LU-7: the Lung luo-connecting channel spreads through the thenar eminence, and Lieque LU-7 is an important point in the treatment of thumb disorders.
  • Pianli L.I.-6: the Large Intestine luo-connecting channel ascends to the ears, and Pianli L.I.-6 is especially applicable in the treatment of ear disorders such as tinnitus and deafness.
  • Fenglong ST-40: the Stomach luo-connecting channel terminates at the throat and Fenglong ST-40 is indicated for swelling and pain of the throat, throat painful obstruction with sudden loss of voice, and plumstone throat.
  • Gongsun SP-4: the Spleen luo-connecting channel enters the abdomen and connects with the intestines and Stomach, reinforcing the ability of Gongsun SP-4 to treat pain and disharmony in both these areas.
  • Tongli HE-5: the Heart luo-connecting channel ascends to the root of the tongue and Tongli HE-5 is much used clinically to treat stiffness of the tongue and speech impairment, especially following windstroke.
  • Dazhong KID-4: the Kidney luo-connecting channel ascends to a point below the Pericardium, and Dazhong KID-4 is indicated in the treatment of palpitations, restlessness and agitation of the Heart with fullness and vomiting.
  • Ligou LIV-5: the Liver luo-connecting channel ascends to the genitals and Ligou LIV-5 is the primary point on the channel to treat a wide variety of disorders affecting this region.

Treating psycho-emotional disorders

Whilst it is true that classical texts include a variety of psycho-emotional indications for many of the acupuncture points, several of the luo-connecting points are particularly important in this respect, for example:

  • Lieque LU-7: poor memory, propensity to laughter.
  • Fenglong ST-40: mania-depression, mad laughter, great happiness, desires to ascend to high places and sing, discards clothing and runs around, seeing ghosts.
  • Gongsun SP-4: mania-depression disorder, manic raving, insomnia and restlessness, Gall Bladder deficiency, much sighing.
  • Tongli HE-5: frequent yawning and groaning with sadness, vexation and anger, sadness and fright, frequent agitation with burning sensation of the Heart, depressive disorder.
  • Zhizheng SI-7: mania-depression, fear and fright, sadness and anxiety, restless zang disorder.
  • Dazhong KID-4: palpitations, restlessness, dementia, mental retardation, somnolence, propensity to anger, fright, fear and unhappiness, desire to close the door and remain at home.
  • Neiguan P-6: insomnia, the five types of epilepsy, mania, poor memory, apprehensiveness, fear and fright, sadness, loss of memory following windstroke.
  • Ligou LIV-5: plumstone sensation in the throat, depression, fright palpitations, fear and fright, worried oppression.

In addition to the luo-connecting points of the twelve primary channels there are three further luo-connecting points:

  • Jiuwei REN-15 is the luo-connecting point of the Conception vessel, from where the qi disperses and spreads down over the abdomen.
  • Chengqiang DU-1 is the luo-connecting point of the Governing vessel, from where the qi ascends bilaterally along the sides of the spine to the nape of the neck and spreads over the occiput; at the scapular region it connects with the Bladder channel and threads through the spine.
  • Dabao SP-21 is the great luo-connecting point of the Spleen, which emerges at three cun below the axilla spreading in the chest and lateral costal region.

The method of combining the yuan-source and luo-connecting points

The combination of the yuan-source and luo-connecting points in clinical practice is known as the 'host and guest combination'21. According to this theory, the yuan-source point of the first or primarily affected channel is combined with the luo-connecting point of its interiorly-exteriorly coupled channel. An examination of many classical point combinations shows that this method seems to have been little used (or at least recorded) through the centuries. It does, however, reflect some interesting combinations of points, some of which are frequently used in modern clinical practice:

  • Hegu L.I.-4 and Lieque LU-7: this combination is frequently applied when exterior pathogenic wind invades the exterior of the body. Hegu L.I.-4 is able to expel the pathogen whilst Lieque LU-7 both assists in expelling the pathogen and restores the descending and disseminating functions of the Lung.
  • Taiyuan LU-9 and Pianli L.I.-6: Pianli L.I.-6 is an important point to open and regulate the water passages and is indicated when pathogenic wind disrupts the function of the Lung resulting in acute oedema, especially of the upper part of the body, accompanied by absence of sweating and difficult urination. Since the root of this pattern is Lung deficiency, its combination with Taiyuan LU-9 is able to treat both the root and branch of this disorder.
  • Taibai SP-3 and Fenglong ST-40: deficiency of the Spleen is the root cause of the formation of excessive phlegm. Taibai SP-3 is an important point to tonify the Spleen, whilst Fenglong ST-40 is the primary point on the body to resolve phlegm.
  • Shenmen HE-7 and Zhizheng SI-7: Shenmen HE-7 is the principal point on the Heart channel to calm and regulate the spirit, and this is complemented by the strong action Zhizheng SI-7 has on treating psycho-emotional disorders.
  • Taixi KID-3 and Feiyang BL-58: Taixi KID-3 is the main point on the Kidney channel to benefit Kidney yin below, whilst Feiyang BL-58 (Soaring Upwards) lowers excessive yang, which, not rooted and secured by deficient yin, rushes upwards to the head.
  • Taichong LIV-3 and Guangming GB-37: the Liver 'opens into the eyes' and deficiency of Liver blood or yin, or blazing up of Liver fire or Liver yang may all give rise to eye disorders. Taichong LIV-3 is the primary point on the Liver channel to regulate these disharmonies of the Liver zang, whilst Guangming GB-37 (Bright Light) is an important point to benefit the eyes.

Some modern texts also refer to the combined use of the yuan-source and luo-connecting point of the same yin channel in the case of chronic diseases, for example Taiyuan LU-9 with Lieque LU-7 for chronic cough. This is based on the sayings "chronic disease often involves deficiency" and "at the outset disease is in the channels, later it will be in the luo-collaterals". For example, the yuan-source point (Taiyuan LU-9) is the main point on the Lung channel to tonify deficiency of the Lung, whilst Lieque LU-7, the luo-connecting point, is able to root out the disease from the luo-connecting channels.

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