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Last active July 10, 2017 02:26
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Testing libSwiftPM
import Basic
import PackageGraph
import PackageLoading
import Workspace
class MyWorkspaceDelegate: WorkspaceDelegate {
func packageGraphWillLoad(currentGraph: PackageGraph, dependencies: AnySequence<ManagedDependency>, missingURLs: Set<String>) {
func fetching(repository: String) {
print("fetching \(repository)")
func cloning(repository: String) {
print("cloning \(repository)")
func checkingOut(repository: String, at reference: String) {
print("checking out \(repository)")
func removing(repository: String) {
print("removing \(repository)")
func warning(message: String) {
print("warning \(message)")
func managedDependenciesDidUpdate(_ dependencies: AnySequence<ManagedDependency>) {
struct MyManifestResourceProvider: ManifestResourceProvider {
var swiftCompiler = AbsolutePath("/Applications/")
var libDir = AbsolutePath("/Users/tonisuter/Projects/swift-package-manager/.build/lib/swift/pm")
func printManifest(pkgPath: AbsolutePath) {
let manifestLoader = ManifestLoader(resources: MyManifestResourceProvider())
let workspace = Workspace(
dataPath: pkgPath.appending(component: ".build"),
editablesPath: pkgPath.appending(component: "Packages"),
pinsFile: pkgPath.appending(component: "Package.pins"),
manifestLoader: manifestLoader,
delegate: MyWorkspaceDelegate()
let diagnosticsEngine = DiagnosticsEngine()
let manifests = workspace.loadRootManifests(packages: [pkgPath], diagnostics: diagnosticsEngine)
if let manifest = manifests.first {
} else {
for diagnostic in diagnosticsEngine.diagnostics {
printManifest(pkgPath: AbsolutePath("/Users/tonisuter/Downloads/MyProj"))
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The problem was that I used the libSwiftPM library from the master branch, but the libDir path was set to /Applications/ (i.e., the folder that contains the libPackageDescription.dylib of the current version of Xcode). Instead, I had to execute the following command in the Swift Package Manager repository:

<Path-To-SwiftPM-Repository>/Utilities/bootstrap --libswiftpm-library-dir "/tmp/libSwiftPM/install/dir/include" --libswiftpm-modules-dir "/tmp/libSwiftPM/install/dir/lib"

Finally, the libDir path needs to be set to <Path-To-SwiftPM-Repository>/.build/lib/swift/pm.

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