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Last active May 28, 2024 05:31
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Karoo Rendertheme
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rendertheme xmlns:xsi="" map-background="#dcd5d0"
map-background-outside="#dcd5d0" version="5" xmlns=""
<!-- AREA STYLES -->
<style-area fill="#6e91cd" id="water" mesh="true"/>
<style-line id="unpaved_casing" stroke="#669e844c" stroke-linecap="round"/>
<style-line id="paved_cycleway_casing" stroke="#66327a04" stroke-linecap="round"/>
<!-- LINE STYLES -->
<style-line id="path" stroke="#606060" stroke-linecap="round"
<style-line id="cycling_path" stroke="#58865d" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.6"/>
<style-line id="unpaved_cycling_path" stroke="#947123" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.6"/>
<!-- Base style for fixed width lines -->
<style-line cap="butt" fix="true" id="fix" width="1.0"/>
<!-- Water line styles -->
<style-line cap="butt" id="water" stroke="#6e91cd" width="1.0"/>
<style-line fix="false" id="river" stroke="#6e91cd" use="water"/>
<!-- Text styles -->
<style-text id="poi_label" caption="true" dy="-15" fill="#2d51bc" font-family="thin"
k="name" size="11" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" style="bold" />
<!-- Road Labels - need to set priority and font-size where used, and override fill if needed -->
<style-text id="road_label" k="name" font-family="thin" fill="#00666666" stroke="#00ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" font-style="bold"/>
<!-- Land vs. sea -->
<m e="way" k="natural" v="issea|sea">
<area use="water"/>
<m e="way" k="natural" v="nosea">
<area mesh="true" fill="#dcd5d0"/>
<!-- Closed ways (except highways and buildings -->
<m closed="yes" e="way" k="highway|building" v="~">
<m k="landuse">
<m v="meadow">
<area mesh="true" fill="#bfe0ad"/>
<m v="residential">
<area mesh="true" fill="#c2c2bc"/>
<m v="allotments">
<area mesh="true" fill="#cfac7c"/>
<m v="commercial|retail">
<area mesh="true" fill="#d4d4d4"/>
<m v="farm|farmyard|farmland|orchard|vineyard">
<area mesh="true" fill="#a7c28f"/>
<m v="quarry">
<area mesh="true" fill="#b8b1ad"/>
<m v="industrial|railway">
<area mesh="true" fill="#d4c3d6"/>
<m v="cemetery">
<area mesh="true" fill="#bdc7b3"/>
<m k="amenity">
<m v="kindergarten|school|college|university">
<area mesh="true" fill="#c2c180"/>
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#9aabae" width="1.0"/>
<m v="hospital">
<area mesh="true" fill="#d9c7ab"/>
<m k="landuse">
<m v="recreation_ground">
<area mesh="true" fill="#9ac56e"/>
<m v="brownfield">
<area mesh="true" fill="#b9baad"/>
<m k="leisure" v="park|common|green|golf_course|pitch">
<area mesh="true" fill="#9ac56e"/>
<m k="natural">
<m k="natural" v="grassland|scrub">
<area mesh="true" fill="#8ed496"/>
<m v="sand|beach">
<area mesh="true" fill="#f5e8d6"/>
<m v="rock|bare_rock|stone|scree|glacier|cliff">
<area mesh="true" fill="#cccccc"/>
<m k="amenity" v="parking">
<area mesh="true" fill="#999999"/>
<m k="landuse|natural" v="forest|wood">
<area mesh="true" fill="#a8bc9a"/>
<!-- keep grass above forest:wood and leisure:park! -->
often serves as background for leisure=nature_reserve -->
<m k="landuse" v="grass">
<area mesh="true" fill="#c4deab"/>
<m k="leisure" v="garden">
<area mesh="true" fill="#cce0b8"/>
<m k="landuse" v="reservoir|basin">
<area use="water"/>
<!-- End landuse, natural, leisure, tourism, amenity areas -->
</m> <!--- End of closed ways -->
<!-- Waterways (rivers, streams, etc.) -->
<m e="way" k="waterway">
<m v="ditch|drain" zoom-min="14">
<line use="water" width="0.2"/>
<m v="stream" zoom-min="13">
<line use="water" width="0.4"/>
<m v="canal">
<line use="river" width="-0.3"/>
<m v="river">
<m zoom-min="12">
<line use="river" width="0.5"/>
<m zoom-min="10">
<line use="water" width="0.3"/>
<m zoom-min="8">
<line use="water" width="0.1"/>
<m v="riverbank|dock">
<!-- Using mesh=true for areas causes problems below ZL 12 -->
<!-- Using just lines at lower ZL is not a good solution (big rivers look bad) -->
<area use="water" mesh="false"/>
<m v="weir">
<line stroke="#000088" use="fix"/>
<m v="dam" zoom-min="12">
<line stroke="#ababab" use="fix" width="0.2"/>
<m k="lock" v="yes|true">
<line stroke="#f8f8f8" use="fix" width="0.5"/>
<!-- Closed natural water features (e.g. lakes) -->
<m e="way">
<m closed="yes" k="natural" v="water">
<area use="water" />
<caption font-family="thin" area-size="0.2" fill="#000000" k="name" size="14"/>
<!-- partially transparent areas, draw later. these can overlap water and land -->
<m k="leisure" v="nature_reserve">
<area mesh="true" fill="#9988b8b3"/>
<m k="landuse" v="military">
<area mesh="true" fill="#99b89488"/>
<caption font-family="thin" area-size="0.2" fill="#000000" k="name" size="14"/>
<!-- Railway -->
<m e="way" k="railway">
<m v="station">
<area fill="#dbdbc9" stroke="#707070" stroke-width="0.3"/>
<!-- Railway bridge casings (TODO - needs work?) -->
<m zoom-min="14">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<m v="tram|subway|light_rail|narrow_gauge">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#777777" width="0.9"/>
<m v="rail">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#777777" width="0.9"/>
<!--- Rail: use a line pattern above zoom 13 -->
<m v="rail|turntable" zoom-min="14">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stipple="10" stipple-stroke="#ffffff"
stipple-width="0.8" stroke="#666666" width="2.0"/>
<m v="rail|turntable" zoom-max="13">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#ddaa9988" width="1.0"/>
<m v="tram" zoom-min="15">
<line fix="true" stroke="#887766" width="1.0"/>
<m v="light_rail|subway|narrow_gauge" zoom-min="14">
<line stroke="#999999" stroke-width="0.25"/>
<!-- Other tag values such as disused, spur, abandoned, preserved... -->
<m k="railway" v="~">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#cccccc" width="0.6"/>
<!-- airport area features -->
<m e="way" k="aeroway" v="aerodrome|apron|helipad">
<area mesh="true" fill="#c7c7b1"/>
<caption font-family="thin" area-size="0.2" fill="#000000" k="name" size="14"/>
<m e="way" k="aeroway" v="terminal">
<area mesh="true" fill="#c2c180"/>
<!-- buildings -->
<m e="way" k="building" v="*" zoom-min="17">
<area mesh="true" fill="#a29186" stroke="#958175" stroke-width="0.25"/>
<!-- special roads -->
<!-- runway lines -->
<m e="way" k="aeroway" v="runway|taxiway">
<m k="*" v="*" zoom-min="10" zoom-max="12">
<line stroke="#a6a5a2" stroke-width="1.5"/>
<m k="*" v="*" zoom-min="13">
<line stroke="#a6a5a2" stroke-width="2.0"/>
<!-- piste (ski slopes) -->
<m e="way" k="piste" v="*">
<line stroke="#494c88" stroke-width="0.3"/>
<!-- aerialways (gondola, cablecar, chair-lift, etc.) -->
<m e="way" k="aerialway" v="*">
<line stroke="#624d41" stroke-width="0.3"/>
<!-- bridleway (horses) -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="bridleway">
<line use="path" stroke="#905b2e"/>
<!-- footway (separate bicycle allowed from other)-->
<!-- TODO - need to add sidewalk as renderable=false in tag-mapping.xml -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="footway">
<m k="footway" v="sidewalk" zoom-min="14">
<line stroke="#e35959" stroke-dasharray="3,1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.25"/>
<m k="bicycle" v="yes|designated">
<line use="cycling_path"/>
<m k="~" v="~">
<line use="path"/>
<!-- highway=track - mostly agricultural and farm roads -->
<!-- TODO - highlight any with explicit bicycleaccess? -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="track">
<m k="tracktype" v="grade1">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel">
<line stroke="#905b2e" stroke-dasharray="4,4" width="1.2"/>
<line stroke="#f3d6be" stroke-width="0.8"/>
<m k="surface" v="~">
<line stroke="#707070" width="1.4"/>
<line stroke="#f2f5ed" stroke-width="1"/>
<m k="tracktype" v="grade2|grade3">
<line stroke="#905b2e" stroke-dasharray="4,4" width="1.2"/>
<line stroke="#f3d6be" stroke-width="0.8"/>
<m k="tracktype" v="grade4|grade5|~">
<line use="path"/>
<!-- TODO casing for bicycle routes not working -->
<m e="way" k="route" v="bicycle" zoom-min="12">
<line stroke="#00aaaa" width="8.0"/>
<!-- service roads - separate parking aisle and driveway from other service roads -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="service">
<m k="service" v="driveway" zoom-min="16">
<line stroke="#f2f5ed" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dasharray="15,5" stroke-width="0.3"/>
<m k="service" v="parking_aisle" zoom-min="14">
<line stroke="#f2f5ed" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.5"/>
<!-- TODO - change color/style for alleys to differentiate from regular service roads? -->
<m k="service" v="alley" zoom-min="14">
<line stroke="#f2f5ed" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.75"/>
<m k="service" v="~">
<line stroke="#707070" width="1.2"/>
<line stroke="#f2f5ed" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="0.8"/>
<!-- pedestrian highways -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="pedestrian">
<m zoom-min="14">
<line stroke="#f2f5ed" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.8"/>
<text use="road_label" font-size="12" priority="15"/>
<!-- road casings (separate treatment for unpaved, cycleways, cyclelanes) -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="path">
<!-- use an unpaved casing for mtb or unpaved with bicycle designation -->
<m select="first">
<m k="cycleway|mtb:scale|mtb:uphill|mtb:imba" v="*">
<line use="unpaved_cycling_path" />
<m k="bicycle" v="yes|designated">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel">
<line use="unpaved_cycling_path" />
<m e="way" k="highway" v="cycleway">
<!-- differentiate unpaved from paved -->
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel">
<line use="unpaved_casing" width="0.5"/>
<m k="surface" v="~">
<line use="paved_cycleway_casing" width="0.5"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="residential|living_street">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel" zoom-min="13">
<line use="unpaved_casing" width="2.0"/>
<m k="surface" v="~">
<m k="cycleway" v="*" zoom-min="13">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<line use="paved_cycleway_casing" stroke-linecap="butt" width="1.8"/>
<m k="bridge" v="~">
<line use="paved_cycleway_casing" width="1.8"/>
<m k="cycleway" v="~" zoom-min="15">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1.4"/>
<m k="bridge" v="~">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.4"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="unclassified|road">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel" zoom-min="12">
<line use="unpaved_casing" width="2.2"/>
<m k="surface" v="~">
<m k="cycleway" v="*" zoom-min="12">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<line use="paved_cycleway_casing" stroke-linecap="butt" width="2.0"/>
<m k="bridge" v="~">
<line use="paved_cycleway_casing" width="2.0"/>
<m k="cycleway" v="~" zoom-min="14">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1.6"/>
<m k="bridge" v="~">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.6"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="tertiary|tertiary_link">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel" zoom-min="12">
<line use="unpaved_casing" width="2.4"/>
<m k="surface" v="~">
<m k="cycleway" v="*" zoom-min="12">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<line use="paved_cycleway_casing" stroke-linecap="butt" width="2.2"/>
<m k="bridge" v="~">
<line use="paved_cycleway_casing" width="2.2"/>
<m k="cycleway" v="~" zoom-min="14">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1.8"/>
<m k="bridge" v="~">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.8"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="secondary|secondary_link">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel" zoom-min="10">
<line use="unpaved_casing" width="2.6"/>
<m k="surface" v="~">
<m k="cycleway" v="*" zoom-min="10">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<line use="paved_cycleway_casing" stroke-linecap="butt" width="2.4"/>
<m k="bridge" v="~">
<line use="paved_cycleway_casing" width="2.4"/>
<m k="cycleway" v="~" zoom-min="13">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1.9"/>
<m k="bridge" v="~">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.9"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="primary|primary_link">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel" zoom-min="10">
<line use="unpaved_casing" width="2.6"/>
<m k="surface" v="~">
<m k="cycleway" v="*" zoom-min="10">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<line use="paved_cycleway_casing" stroke-linecap="butt" width="2.4"/>
<m k="bridge" v="~">
<line use="paved_cycleway_casing" width="2.4"/>
<m k="cycleway" v="~" zoom-min="12">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="2.1"/>
<m k="bridge" v="~">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="2.1"/>
<!-- motorways and trunk roads - no casing -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link">
<line stroke="#dbb042" stroke-width="1.4"/>
<text use="road_label" fill="#444444" font-size="13" priority="15"/>
<!-- inner fill and labels for roads -->
<!-- TODO - check for mtb tags -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="residential|living_street">
<m zoom-min="15">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.0"/>
<m zoom-max="14" zoom-min="13">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.8"/>
<m zoom-min="13">
<text use="road_label" font-size="12" priority="13"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="unclassified|road">
<m zoom-min="15">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.2"/>
<m zoom-max="14" zoom-min="12">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.0"/>
<m zoom-min="12">
<text use="road_label" font-size="12" priority="13"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="tertiary|tertiary_link">
<m zoom-min="14">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.4"/>
<m zoom-max="13" zoom-min="11">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.2"/>
<m zoom-min="11">
<text use="road_label" font-size="12" priority="11"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="secondary|secondary_link">
<m zoom-min="13">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.5"/>
<m zoom-max="12" zoom-min="10">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.3"/>
<m zoom-min="10">
<text use="road_label" fil="#444444" font-size="13" priority="10"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="primary|primary_link">
<m zoom-min="12">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.7"/>
<m zoom-max="11" zoom-min="8">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.5"/>
<m zoom-min="8">
<text use="road_label" fill="#222222" display="ifspace" font-size="13" priority="10"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link">
<line stroke="#dbb042" stroke-width="1.5"/>
<pathText font-size="13" font-style="bold" k="name" priority="15" stroke="#ffffff"
<!-- path - allows bicycles by default. Yellow dash indicates mountain bike preferred, white dash -->
<!-- indicates bicycle access but no special mountain bike information -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="path">
<m select="first">
<!-- TODO - different treatment based on difficulty? -->
<m k="mtb:scale" v="2|3|4|5|6">
<line stroke="#FF0000" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-dasharray="4,4" />
<m k="mtb:scale" v="0">
<line stroke="#5fbd18" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-dasharray="4,4" />
<m k="mtb:scale" v="1">
<line stroke="#ea27ae" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-dasharray="4,4" />
<m k="cycleway" v="*">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel">
<line use="unpaved_cycling_path" />
<m k="surface" v="~">
<line use="cycling_path"/>
<m k="bicycle" v="designated">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel">
<line use="unpaved_cycling_path" />
<m k="surface" v="~">
<line use="cycling_path"/>
<m k="~" v="~">
<line use="path"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="steps">
<line use="path" stroke-dasharray="2,2"/>
<!-- highway=cycleway indicates a separate way used for cycling -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="cycleway">
<line use="cycling_path"/>
<m zoom-min="13">
<text use="road_label" fill="#222222" font-size="13" priority="11"/>
<!-- highway one-way markers -->
<m k="tunnel" v="~|false|no">
<m k="area" v="~|false|no">
<m k="highway">
<m k="oneway" v="yes|true" zoom-min="15">
<lineSymbol src="file:/icons/oneway.svg" symbol-percent="125" repeat-gap="175"/>
<!-- /roads -->
<!-- poi -->
<m e="node" k="amenity">
<m v="bank|atm" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="bank" priority="1" src="file:/icons/bank-15-bg.svg"/>
<m v="beach" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="beach" priority="1" src="file:/icons/beach-15-bg.svg"/>
<m v="grave_yard" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="cemetery" priority="1" src="file:/icons/cemetery-15-bg.svg"/>
<m v="university" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="college" priority="1" src="file:/icons/college-15-bg.svg"/>
<m v="convenience" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="convenience" priority="1" src="file:/icons/convenience-15-bg.svg"/>
<m v="hospital" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="hospital" priority="1" src="file:/icons/hospital-15-bg.svg"/>
<text use="poi_label"/>
<m e="node" k="tourism" v="information" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="information" priority="1" src="file:/icons/information-15-bg.svg"/>
<m v="library" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="library" priority="1" src="file:/icons/library-15-bg.svg"/>
<text use="poi_label"/>
<!-- <m e="node" k="amenity" v="park" zoom-min="15">
<symbol priority="1" id="park" src="file:/icons/park-15-bg.svg" />
</m> -->
<!-- <m e="node" k="amenity" v="parking" zoom-min="13">
<symbol priority="1" id="parking" src="file:/icons/parking-15-bg.svg" />
</m> -->
<m v="pharmacy" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="pharmacy" priority="1" src="file:/icons/pharmacy-15-bg.svg"/>
<text use="poi_label"/>
<m v="police" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="police" priority="1" src="file:/icons/police-15-bg.svg"/>
<m v="toilets" zoom-min="15">
<symbol display="always" id="toilet" priority="2" src="file:/icons/toilet-15-bg.svg"/>
<text use="poi_label"/>
<m v="drinking_water" zoom-min="15">
<symbol display="always" id="drinking-water" priority="3"
<text use="poi_label"/>
<m v="cafe" zoom-min="15">
<symbol display="always" id="cafe" priority="5" src="file:/icons/cafe-15-bg.svg"/>
<text use="poi_label"/>
<m v="bicycle_rental" zoom-min="15">
<symbol display="always" id="bicycle" priority="5"
<m e="node" k="tourism">
<m v="picnic_site" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="picnic-site" priority="1" src="file:/icons/picnic-site-15-bg.svg"/>
<m v="camp_site" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="campsite" priority="2" src="file:/icons/campsite-15-bg.svg"/>
<text use="poi_label"/>
<m e="node" k="shop">
<m v="supermarket" zoom-min="15">
<symbol display="always" id="grocery" priority="4"
<m v="bicycle" zoom-min="15">
<symbol display="always" id="bicycle" priority="5"
<text use="poi_label"/>
<!-- place labels -->
<m e="node" k="place">
<m v="locality" zoom-min="13">
<caption style="bold" fill="#606060" k="name" priority="5" size="11"
font-family="thin" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="suburb|neighborhood" zoom-min="12">
<caption style="bold_italic" fill="#404040" k="name" priority="4" size="12"
font-family="thin" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="village|hamlet" zoom-min="12">
<caption style="bold_italic" fill="#404040" k="name" priority="3" size="12"
font-family="thin" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="island" zoom-min="10">
<caption style="bold_italic" fill="#404040" k="name" priority="5" size="12"
font-family="thin" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="town">
<caption style="bold_italic" fill="#404040" k="name" priority="2" size="13"
font-family="thin" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="city">
<caption style="bold_italic" dy="14" fill="#000000" k="name" priority="1" size="15"
font-family="thin" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<!-- /place -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rendertheme xmlns:xsi="" map-background="#e8e5d8"
map-background-outside="#e8e5d8" version="5" xmlns=""
<!-- AREA STYLES -->
<style-area fill="#adccde" id="water" mesh="true"/>
<!-- LINE STYLES -->
<style-line id="path" stroke="#606060" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.5"/>
<style-line id="paved_cycleway_casing" stroke="#58865d" width="1.2" />
<style-line id="paved_cycleway_fill" stroke="#f4ffea" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.8"/>
<style-line id="unpaved_casing" stroke="#905b2e" width="1.2" />
<style-line id="unpaved_fill" stroke="#f3d6be" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.8"/>
<style-line id="cycling_path" stroke="#58865d" width="0.8" />
<style-line id="unpaved_cycling_path" stroke="#905b2e" width="0.8" />
<!-- Base style for fixed width lines -->
<style-line cap="butt" fix="true" id="fix" width="1.0"/>
<!-- Water line styles -->
<style-line cap="butt" id="water" stroke="#adccde" width="1.0"/>
<style-line fix="false" id="river" stroke="#adccde" use="water"/>
<!-- Text styles -->
<style-text id="poi_label" caption="true" dy="-15" fill="#2d51bc" font-family="thin"
k="name" size="11" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" style="bold" />
<!-- Road Labels - need to set priority and font-size where used, and override fill if needed -->
<style-text id="road_label" k="name" font-family="thin" fill="#00666666" stroke="#00ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" font-style="bold"/>
<!-- Land vs. sea -->
<m e="way" k="natural" v="issea|sea">
<area use="water"/>
<m e="way" k="natural" v="nosea">
<area mesh="true" fill="#e6e8c2"/>
<!-- Closed ways (except highways and buildings -->
<m closed="yes" e="way" k="highway|building" v="~">
<m k="natural">
<m k="natural" v="grassland|scrub">
<area mesh="true" fill="#d8dfc5"/>
<m k="landuse|natural" v="forest|wood">
<area mesh="true" fill="#c9dba6"/>
<!-- keep grass above forest:wood and leisure:park! -->
often serves as background for leisure=nature_reserve -->
<m k="landuse" v="grass">
<area mesh="true" fill="#c4deab"/>
<m k="landuse" v="reservoir|basin">
<area use="water"/>
<!-- End landuse, natural, leisure, tourism, amenity areas -->
</m> <!--- End of closed ways -->
<!-- Waterways (rivers, streams, etc.) -->
<m e="way" k="waterway">
<m v="stream" zoom-min="13">
<line use="water" width="0.4"/>
<m v="canal">
<line use="river" width="-0.3"/>
<m v="river">
<m zoom-min="12">
<line use="river" width="0.5"/>
<m zoom-min="10">
<line use="water" width="0.3"/>
<m zoom-min="8">
<line use="water" width="0.1"/>
<m v="riverbank|dock">
<!-- Using mesh=true for areas causes problems below ZL 12 -->
<!-- Using just lines at lower ZL is not a good solution (big rivers look bad) -->
<area use="water" mesh="false"/>
<m v="weir">
<line stroke="#adccde" use="fix"/>
<m v="dam" zoom-min="12">
<line stroke="#ababab" use="fix" width="0.2"/>
<m k="lock" v="yes|true">
<line stroke="#f8f8f8" use="fix" width="0.5"/>
<!-- Closed natural water features (e.g. lakes) -->
<m e="way">
<m closed="yes" k="natural" v="water">
<area use="water" />
<caption font-family="thin" area-size="0.2" fill="#000000" k="name" size="14"/>
<!-- partially transparent areas, draw later. these can overlap water and land -->
<m k="landuse" v="military">
<area mesh="true" fill="#99b89488"/>
<caption font-family="thin" area-size="0.2" fill="#000000" k="name" size="14"/>
<!-- Railway -->
<m e="way" k="railway">
<m v="station">
<area fill="#dbdbc9" stroke="#707070" stroke-width="0.3"/>
<!-- Railway bridge casings (TODO - needs work?) -->
<m zoom-min="14">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<m v="tram|subway|light_rail|narrow_gauge">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#777777" width="0.9"/>
<m v="rail">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#777777" width="0.9"/>
<!--- Rail: use a line pattern above zoom 13 -->
<m v="rail|turntable" zoom-min="14">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stipple="10" stipple-stroke="#ffffff"
stipple-width="0.8" stroke="#666666" width="2.0"/>
<m v="rail|turntable" zoom-max="13">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#ddaa9988" width="1.0"/>
<m v="tram" zoom-min="15">
<line fix="true" stroke="#887766" width="1.0"/>
<m v="light_rail|subway|narrow_gauge" zoom-min="14">
<line stroke="#999999" stroke-width="0.25"/>
<!-- Other tag values such as disused, spur, abandoned, preserved... -->
<m k="railway" v="~">
<line cap="butt" fix="true" stroke="#cccccc" width="0.6"/>
<!-- airport area features -->
<m e="way" k="aeroway" v="aerodrome|apron|helipad">
<area mesh="true" fill="#c7c7b1"/>
<caption font-family="thin" area-size="0.2" fill="#000000" k="name" size="14"/>
<m e="way" k="aeroway" v="terminal">
<area mesh="true" fill="#c2c180"/>
<m e="way" k="aeroway" v="runway|taxiway">
<m k="*" v="*" zoom-min="10" zoom-max="12">
<line stroke="#a6a5a2" stroke-width="1.5"/>
<m k="*" v="*" zoom-min="13">
<line stroke="#a6a5a2" stroke-width="2.0"/>
<!-- buildings -->
<m e="way" k="building" v="*" zoom-min="17">
<area mesh="true" fill="#a29186" stroke="#958175" stroke-width="0.25"/>
<!-- bridleway (horses) -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="bridleway">
<line use="path" stroke="#905b2e"/>
<!-- footway (separate bicycle allowed from other)-->
<!-- TODO - need to add sidewalk as renderable=false in tag-mapping.xml -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="footway">
<m k="footway" v="sidewalk" zoom-min="14">
<line stroke="#e35959" stroke-dasharray="3,1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.25"/>
<m k="~" v="~" zoom-min="14">
<line use="path"/>
<!-- highway=track - mostly agricultural and farm roads -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="track">
<m k="tracktype" v="grade1">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel">
<line use="unpaved_casing"/>
<line use="unpaved_fill" />
<m k="surface" v="~" zoom-min="12">
<line stroke="#707070" width="1.8" />
<m k="surface" v="~" >
<line stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="1.4" />
<m k="tracktype" v="grade2|grade3">
<line use="unpaved_casing"/>
<line use="unpaved_fill" />
<m k="tracktype" v="grade4|grade5|~" zoom-min="14">
<line use="path"/>
<!-- service roads - separate parking aisle and driveway from other service roads -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="service">
<m k="service" v="driveway" zoom-min="18">
<line stroke="#f2f5ed" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dasharray="15,5" stroke-width="0.3"/>
<m k="service" v="parking_aisle" zoom-min="15">
<line stroke="#99f2f5ed" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.5"/>
<!-- TODO - change color/style for alleys to differentiate from regular service roads? -->
<m k="service" v="alley" zoom-min="15">
<line stroke="#99f2f5ed" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.75"/>
<m k="service" v="~">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel">
<line use="unpaved_casing" />
<line use="unpaved_fill" />
<m k="surface" v="~">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1.4" />
<line stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1" />
<!-- pedestrian highways -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="pedestrian">
<m zoom-min="14">
<line stroke="#f2f5ed" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.8"/>
<!-- path - allows bicycles by default. Yellow dash indicates mountain bike preferred, white dash -->
<!-- indicates bicycle access but no special mountain bike information -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="path">
<m select="first">
<!-- TODO - different treatment based on difficulty? -->
<m k="mtb:scale" v="2|3|4|5|6">
<line stroke="#FF0000" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-dasharray="4,4" />
<m k="mtb:scale" v="0">
<line stroke="#5fbd18" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-dasharray="4,4" />
<m k="mtb:scale" v="1">
<line stroke="#ea27ae" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-dasharray="4,4" />
<m k="cycleway" v="*">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel">
<line use="unpaved_cycling_path" />
<m k="surface" v="~">
<line use="cycling_path"/>
<m k="bicycle" v="yes|designated">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel">
<line use="unpaved_cycling_path" />
<m k="surface" v="~">
<line use="cycling_path"/>
<m k="~" v="~" zoom-min="14">
<line use="path"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="steps" zoom-min="14">
<line use="path" stroke-dasharray="2,2"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="residential|living_street">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel" zoom-min="12">
<line use="unpaved_casing" width="1.4"/>
<m k="surface" v="~">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1.4"/>
<m k="bridge" v="~">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.4"/>
<m zoom-min="15">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.0"/>
<m zoom-max="14" zoom-min="12">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.2"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="unclassified|road">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel" zoom-min="12">
<line use="unpaved_casing" width="1.6"/>
<m k="surface" v="~">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="1.7"/>
<m k="bridge" v="~">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.7"/>
<m zoom-min="15">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.4"/>
<m zoom-max="14" zoom-min="12">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.4"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="tertiary|tertiary_link">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel" zoom-min="12">
<line use="unpaved_casing" width="1.8"/>
<m k="surface" v="~">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="2.6"/>
<m k="bridge" v="~">
<line stroke="#707070" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="2.6"/>
<m zoom-min="14">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="2"/>
<m zoom-max="13" zoom-min="11">
<line stroke="#ffffff" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="2"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="secondary|secondary_link">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel" zoom-min="10">
<line use="unpaved_casing" width="1.9"/>
<m k="surface" v="~">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<line stroke="#aba071" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="3"/>
<m k="bridge" v="~">
<line stroke="#aba071" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="3"/>
<m zoom-min="13">
<line stroke="#ffff99" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="2.4"/>
<m zoom-max="12" zoom-min="10">
<line stroke="#ffff99" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="2"/>
<m e="way" k="highway" v="primary|primary_link">
<m k="surface" v="unpaved|compacted|ground|gravel|dirt|grass|sand|fine_gravel" zoom-min="10">
<line use="unpaved_casing" width="2.1"/>
<m k="surface" v="~">
<m k="bridge" v="yes|true">
<line stroke="#805739" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-width="3"/>
<m k="bridge" v="~">
<line stroke="#805739" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="3"/>
<m zoom-min="12">
<line stroke="#fcd6a4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="2.4"/>
<m zoom-max="11" zoom-min="8">
<line stroke="#fcd6a4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="2"/>
<m e="way" k="network" v="icn|ncn|rcn">
<line stroke="#FF0000" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="2"/>
<pathText k="ref" font-style="bold" font-size="10" fill="#000000" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="1.5" />
<!-- motorways and trunk roads - no casing -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link">
<line stroke="#dbb042" stroke-width="1.8"/>
<text use="road_label" fill="#444444" font-size="13" priority="15"/>
<!-- highway=cycleway indicates a separate way used for cycling -->
<m e="way" k="highway" v="cycleway">
<!--<line use="cycling_path"/> -->
<line use="paved_cycleway_casing"/>
<line use="paved_cycleway_fill"/>
<!-- highway one-way markers -->
<m k="tunnel" v="~|false|no">
<m k="area" v="~|false|no">
<m k="highway">
<m k="oneway" v="yes|true" zoom-min="15">
<lineSymbol src="file:/icons/oneway.svg" symbol-percent="125" repeat-gap="175"/>
<!-- /roads -->
<!-- poi -->
<m e="node" k="amenity">
<m v="beach" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="beach" priority="1" src="file:/icons/beach-15-bg.svg"/>
<m v="convenience" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="convenience" priority="1" src="file:/icons/convenience-15-bg.svg"/>
<!-- <m e="node" k="amenity" v="park" zoom-min="15">
<symbol priority="1" id="park" src="file:/icons/park-15-bg.svg" />
</m> -->
<!-- <m e="node" k="amenity" v="parking" zoom-min="13">
<symbol priority="1" id="parking" src="file:/icons/parking-15-bg.svg" />
</m> -->
<m v="toilets" zoom-min="15">
<symbol display="always" id="toilet" priority="2" src="file:/icons/toilet-15-bg.svg"/>
<m v="drinking_water" zoom-min="15">
<symbol display="always" id="drinking-water" priority="3"
<m v="cafe" zoom-min="15">
<symbol display="always" id="cafe" priority="5" src="file:/icons/cafe-15-bg.svg"/>
<m e="node" k="tourism">
<m v="picnic_site" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="picnic-site" priority="1" src="file:/icons/picnic-site-15-bg.svg"/>
<m v="camp_site" zoom-min="15">
<symbol id="campsite" priority="2" src="file:/icons/campsite-15-bg.svg"/>
<text use="poi_label"/>
<m e="node" k="shop">
<m v="supermarket" zoom-min="15">
<symbol display="always" id="grocery" priority="4"
<m v="bicycle" zoom-min="15">
<symbol display="always" id="bicycle" priority="5"
<text use="poi_label"/>
<!-- place labels -->
<m e="node" k="place">
<m v="locality" zoom-min="13">
<caption style="bold" fill="#606060" k="name" priority="5" size="11"
font-family="thin" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="suburb|neighborhood" zoom-min="12">
<caption style="bold" fill="#404040" k="name" priority="4" size="12"
font-family="thin" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="village|hamlet" zoom-min="12">
<caption style="bold" fill="#404040" k="name" priority="3" size="14"
font-family="thin" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="island" zoom-min="10">
<caption style="bold" fill="#404040" k="name" priority="5" size="12"
font-family="thin" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="town">
<caption style="bold" fill="#404040" k="name" priority="2" size="15"
font-family="thin" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<m v="city">
<caption style="bold" dy="14" fill="#000000" k="name" priority="1" size="16"
font-family="thin" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2.0" />
<!-- /place -->
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Das geht leider nicht. Das rendert Hammerhead selber und wird nicht über das Render Theme dargestellt. Man könnte evtl. die APK von der Hammerhead ride App dekompilieren und anpassen. Aber dann müsste man die Änderung auch nach jedem Update von Hammerhead machen...

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danke für die antwort - dann gewöhne ich mich einfach daran ;)

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auerswald commented Jan 21, 2021

hallo toni,

ich hatte mit deiner datei als basis ein bisschen rumgespielt und zb. versucht, einige pois und andere informationen sichtbar zu machen. für mich persönlich sind universitäten u.ä. in den maps unwichtig. aber zb. sind tankstellen für mich interessant. auch fehlen einige details, wie zb. kanäle oder dämme, die auf OSM mit waterway=ditch getagged sind. habe mit allen möglichen tags und values herumgespielt - erfolglos. dann habe ich mir einen maps-betrachter installiert und diverse maps getestet. offensichtlich wird beim erstellen der maps eine datei angegeben, die steuert, welche elemente in der karte enthalten sein sollen.

lange rede kurzer sinn... ich habe mir die maps von berlin, brandenburg von openandromaps heruntergeladen und die original-maps auf dem karoo 2 damit ersetzt und einige tags in deiner datei ergänzt. was soll ich sagen.... ein traum! nachteil: die karten sind einige MBs grösser, aber das ist mir ziemlich egal.

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Die Maps von Hammerhead selber haben leider nicht alle OSM Typen in jedem Zoomlevel. Daher fehlt vermutlich auch waterway=ditch. Ich glaube ich werde das auch mal ausprobieren mit den openandromaps. Mir fehlten z.B. die Service Roads (asphaltiere Fortstwege) in niedrigen Zoom Levels.

Ich habe nach einer Ausfahrt heute auch nochmal mit dem Maps rumgespielt, weil mir die Karte zu bunt war (die ganzen Äcker, Wiesen etc habe ich entfernt) . Was mich noch am meisten stört, ist, dass wenn man herauszoomt man fast nichts mehr erkennen kann, weil die Straßen so unglaublich schmal dargestellt werden.
Auf dem Wahoo Roam war alles immer so schön auf einen Blick ablesbar :-(

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Mit welchen Programm hast du das denn am Desktop eingelesen? Ich habs bisher nur mit hinbekommen, aber das ist ziemlich unkomfortabel.

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Mit welchen Programm hast du das denn am Desktop eingelesen? Ich habs bisher nur mit hinbekommen, aber das ist ziemlich unkomfortabel.

das programm nennt sich cartograph maps ( da kannst du zb. die maps von karoo, mapsforge oder openandromaps per drag&drop reinziehen und dann hineinzoomen. da siehst du direkt die unterschiede. die karoo maps sind auf grösse getrimmt und daher fehlen dort einige sachen. ich habe auch den roam und liebe ihn. und wenn ich dort kanäle sehe, die im karoo fehlen, krieg ich nen hals... deswegen hab ich da mal genauer nachgeforscht.

HH hat sein framework zum erzeugen der maps auf github veröffentlicht, aber egal was ich dort in der xml-datei eintrage, die erzeugten maps geben die details einfach nicht wider. aber ich hab da nur oberflächlich rumgebastelt und es eingestellt, als ich merkte, dass die openandromaps alles beinhalten, was der radfahrer braucht. man muss es dann nur noch mit der style-datei hybsch machen bzw. darstellen lassen.

ich hatte schon überlegt, wie man sowas publizieren kann, so dass für jeden etwas dabei ist, aber da wird immer jemand schreien und etwas brauchen, was andere nicht wollen. also das gleiche, was im karoo community forum so zu lesen ist ;)

Ich habe nach einer Ausfahrt heute auch nochmal mit dem Maps rumgespielt, weil mir die Karte zu bunt war (die ganzen Äcker, Wiesen etc habe ich entfernt) . Was mich noch am meisten stört, ist, dass wenn man herauszoomt man fast nichts mehr erkennen kann, weil die Straßen so unglaublich schmal dargestellt werden.
Auf dem Wahoo Roam war alles immer so schön auf einen Blick ablesbar :-(

ich hatte beim wechsel vom edge 1030 auf den roam auch erstmal geschluckt, ob der "einfachheit" der roam karten. aber je länger ich den benutzt habe, um so mehr liebte ich gerade diese schlichtheit (und trotzdem fehlte nichts).

der karoo hingegen weckt bei mir begehrlichkeiten, weil man da eben (noch) was schrauben kann an den karten. am liebsten hätte ich es auch wie auf dem roam. schlicht, aber trotzdem mit allen wichtigen infos.

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wie wärs mit einem roam-theme + konfigurierbare pois? :-D

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macdet commented Apr 21, 2022

kannst du haben -> - du bist der stein der fehlt

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