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Last active June 16, 2024 07:13
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MTL in Java
//usr/bin/env jbang "$0" "$@" ; exit $?
//JAVA 21
//JAVAC_OPTIONS --enable-preview -source 21
//JAVA_OPTIONS --enable-preview
//DEPS com.github.tonivade:purefun-typeclasses:5.0
//DEPS com.github.tonivade:purefun-instances:5.0
//DEPS com.github.tonivade:purefun-transformer:5.0
import static com.github.tonivade.purefun.core.Precondition.checkNonEmpty;
import static com.github.tonivade.purefun.core.Precondition.checkNonNull;
import static com.github.tonivade.purefun.core.Precondition.checkRange;
import static java.util.Comparator.comparing;
import static java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.current;
import java.util.Comparator;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.Kind;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.core.Tuple;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.core.Tuple2;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.core.Unit;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.instances.MonadMTL;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.instances.MonadMTL.EffectS;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.monad.IO;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.monad.IOOf;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.type.Either;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.type.Option;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.type.Try;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.typeclasses.Console;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.typeclasses.Instances;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.typeclasses.Monad;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.typeclasses.MonadError;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.typeclasses.MonadReader;
import com.github.tonivade.purefun.typeclasses.MonadState;
public class MTL<F extends Kind<F, ?>, E extends Console<F> & Monad<F> & MonadError<F, Error> & MonadState<F, Requests> & MonadReader<F, Config>> {
private final E $;
public MTL(E ev) {
this.$ = checkNonNull(ev);
public Kind<F, Unit> program() {
return $.use()
private Kind<F, Unit> mainLoopAndRecover() {
return $.handleErrorWith(mainLoop(), error -> $.printf("Error: %s", error));
private Kind<F, Unit> mainLoop() {
return $.use()
.flatMap(t -> t.applyTo((host, port) -> $.printf("connecting to %s:%d", host, port)))
private Kind<F, Tuple2<String, Integer>> hostAndPort() {
return $.use()
private Kind<F, String> host() {
return $.reader(Config::host);
private Kind<F, Integer> port() {
return $.reader(Config::port);
private Kind<F, Unit> askAndFetchAndPrint() {
return $.use()
.flatMap(t -> t
.applyTo((city, forecast) -> $.printf("Forecast for city %s is %s",, forecast.temperature())))
.flatMap(hottest -> $.printf("Hottest city so far: %s", hottest))
private Kind<F, Tuple2<City, Forecast>> askAndFetch() {
return $.use()
private Kind<F, String> hottestCity() {
return $.inspect(Requests::hottest);
private Kind<F, Forecast> fetchForecast(City city) {
return $.use()
.then($.inspect(requests -> requests.get(city)))
.flatMap(forecast -> forecast.fold(() -> forecast(city), $::pure))
.flatMap(forecast -> $.modify(requests -> requests.put(city, forecast)))
.apply((a, b, c) -> b);
private Kind<F, City> askCity() {
return $.use()
.then($.println("What city?"))
private Kind<F, City> cityByName(String name) {
return switch (name) {
case "Madrid", "Getafe", "Elche" -> $.pure(new City(name));
default -> $.raiseError(new UnknownCity(name));
private Kind<F, Forecast> forecast(City city) {
return $.use()
public static void main(String[] args) {
var mtl = new MTL<>(new AllInstances());
var result = mtl.program().fix(EffectS::<IO<?>, Requests, Config, Error, Unit>toEffectS); Requests()).run(new Config("localhost", 8080)).run().fix(IOOf::toIO).unsafeRunSync();
sealed interface Error permits UnknownError, UnknownCity {
static <T> Either<Error, T> fromTry(Try<T> value) {
return value.toEither().mapLeft(UnknownError::new);
record UnknownCity(String name) implements Error {
UnknownCity {
record UnknownError(Throwable error) implements Error {
UnknownError {
public String toString() {
return error.toString();
record Config(String host, int port) {
Config {
checkRange(port, 1024, 65535);
record Requests(ImmutableMap<String, Forecast> map) {
Requests {
public Requests() {
Option<Forecast> get(City city) {
return map.get(;
String hottest() {
Comparator<Tuple2<String, Forecast>> comparator = comparing(entry -> entry.get2().temperature());
return map.entries().asList().sort(comparator.reversed()).head().map(Tuple2::get1).getOrElseNull();
Requests put(City city, Forecast forecast) {
return new Requests(map.put(, forecast));
record Forecast(int temperature) {
record City(String name) {
City {
class AllInstances extends MonadMTL<IO<?>, Requests, Config, Error> implements Console<EffectS<IO<?>, Requests, Config, Error, ?>> {
private final Console<IO<?>> ioConsole = Instances.<IO<?>>console();
public AllInstances() {
public EffectS<IO<?>, Requests, Config, Error, String> readln() {
var readln = ioConsole.readln().fix(IOOf::<String>toIO).attempt().map(Error::fromTry);
return effect(readln);
public EffectS<IO<?>, Requests, Config, Error, Unit> println(String text) {
var println = ioConsole.println(text).fix(IOOf::<Unit>toIO).attempt().map(Error::fromTry);
return effect(println);
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