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Created December 28, 2022 21:55
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# Screenshot wrapper script by Tonkku
# Since I couldn't find a screenshot app that fit my needs,
# I made this wrapper script over flameshot.
# Only downside rn is that it doesn't capture the cursor.
# Depends on
# - flameshot
# - curl
# - kdialog
# - xclip
TMP="$(mktemp -t screenshot-XXXXXXXXXX.png)"
FILENAME="$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S').png"
# Take screenshot (flameshot doesn't like if the file already exists)
rm "$TMP"
flameshot gui -p "$TMP"
# Check if screenshot was canceled
if [ ! -f "$TMP" ]; then exit 0; fi
choice=$(kdialog --title "Choose action" --radiolist "Choose action" 1 "Copy to clipboard" on 2 "Save as..." off 3 "Upload to" off)
if [ $choice -eq 1 ]; then
xclip -selection clipboard -target image/png -i "$TMP"
elif [ $choice -eq 2 ]; then
location=$(kdialog --title "Where should this screenshot be saved?" --getsavefilename $HOME/Desktop/$FILENAME "PNG File (*.png)")
mv $TMP $location
elif [ $choice -eq 3 ]; then
notify-send --icon=dialog-information "Uploading..."
REMOTE=$(curl -F "file=@$TMP;filename=$FILENAME" -H "key: $UPLOADERKEY"
notify-send --icon=dialog-information "Uploaded. $REMOTE"
echo -n $REMOTE | xclip -selection clipboard
echo "Invalid option / cancel"
trap "rm -f '$TMP'" 0
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