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Last active September 26, 2021 23:19
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remove nag screen in sublimetext 3
# Place this file in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import subprocess
from time import sleep
import sys
cl = lambda line: subprocess.Popen(line, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip()
log = lambda message: sys.stderr.write("Log: %s\n" % message)
class LicenseWindowKiller(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def run(self, edit):
def seek_n_close(self):
# Get main winids and pid
out = cl("""wmctrl -Gpl | grep "Sublime Text (UNREGISTERED)" | awk '{print $1, $3}'""").splitlines()
out = [c.strip() for c in out]
for c in out:
win_id, pid = c.split()
pid = int(pid)
out_2 = cl("""wmctrl -Gpl | grep '{}' | grep -v '{}' | awk '{{print $1, $6, $7}}'""".format(pid, win_id)).decode().splitlines()
for c_2 in out_2:
w2_id, w, h = c_2.split()
w, h = int(w), int(h)
if (w, h) == (541, 179):
title = cl("""wmctrl -lp | grep {}| awk '{{print $5}}'""".format(w2_id)).decode()
if not title:
cl("wmctrl -i -c {}".format(w2_id))
return True
return False
def on_pre_save_async(self, *args):
seek = True
counter = 10
while seek:
counter -= 1
if counter < 0:
seek = False
seek = not self.seek_n_close()
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it works only in linux with wmctrl command available and 1920x1080 screen resolution. you can adjust it for your resolution (try to play with values in line 28)

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