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Created October 15, 2014 03:55
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import Control.Applicative
import Data.Array (Array,array,assocs,(//),(!))
import Data.Maybe (isJust,listToMaybe)
import Data.List (sortBy,transpose,nub,(\\))
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Debug.Trace
type Loc = (Int, Int)
type Mesh = Array Loc (Maybe Int)
ans :: [Int]
ans = [1..9]
block_side :: Int
block_side = 3
paper :: Mesh
paper = array ((1,1),(length ans,length ans)) [(l, Nothing) | l <- (,) <$> ans <*> ans]
main :: IO ()
main = case solve problem of
Nothing -> print "can't solve it."
Just m -> mapM_ print $ showMesh m
problem = paper // [
((1, 2), Just 5), ((1, 4), Just 7), ((1, 9), Just 1)
, ((2, 4), Just 3), ((2, 5), Just 2)
, ((3, 2), Just 8), ((3, 4), Just 6), ((3, 5), Just 9), ((3, 9), Just 4)
, ((4, 1), Just 2), ((4, 3), Just 9), ((4, 5), Just 1), ((4, 7), Just 3)
, ((5, 2), Just 6), ((5, 3), Just 3), ((5, 7), Just 1), ((5, 8), Just 4)
, ((6, 3), Just 7), ((6, 5), Just 5), ((6, 7), Just 6), ((6, 9), Just 2)
, ((7, 1), Just 1), ((7, 5), Just 3), ((7, 6), Just 9), ((7, 8), Just 7)
, ((8, 5), Just 6), ((8, 6), Just 4)
, ((9, 1), Just 4), ((9, 6), Just 7), ((9, 8), Just 2)
solve :: Mesh -> Maybe Mesh
solve m
| completed m = Just m
| otherwise = listToMaybe [s | Just s <- map solve progress]
completed = (all $ isJust . snd) . assocs
empties = [l | (l, Nothing) <- assocs m]
easy_to_head = sortBy . comparing $ length . snd
filling = easy_to_head $ zip empties $ map (candidates m) empties
progress = progress' -- `debugMesh` m
progress' = [m // [(loc, Just x)] | (loc, xs) <- filling, x <- xs]
candidates :: Mesh -> Loc -> [Int]
candidates m (x,y) = let
block_range l = map (+ 3 * div (l - 1) block_side) [1 .. block_side]
block = (,) <$> block_range x <*> block_range y
row = (,) <$> [x] <*> ans
col = (,) <$> ans <*> [y]
fixedVals ls = [ n | Just n <- [m ! l | l <- ls]]
constraint = fixedVals . nub $ block ++ row ++ col
in ans \\ constraint
chunk :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunk _ [] = []
chunk n list = first : (chunk n rest) where (first,rest) = splitAt n list
showMesh :: Mesh -> [[String]]
showMesh m = transpose $ chunk (length ans) [maybe " " show x | (_, x) <- assocs m]
debugMesh :: a -> Mesh -> a
debugMesh f m = foldr traceShow (trace "----" f) $ showMesh m
debug :: Show a => c -> a -> c
debug = flip traceShow
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