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Created July 13, 2012 03:09
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Brainf*ck decorder
// Brainf*ck decorder
// usage:
// $ scala <thisfile>
object BrainfuckDecorder extends util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers {
val memory = collection.mutable.Map.empty[Int, Int].withDefaultValue(0)
var pointer = 0
def read = memory(pointer)
def write(x: Int) = memory(pointer) = x
override val whiteSpace = """[^><+-.,\[\]]+""".r
def exec(in: String): ParseResult[Unit] = parseAll(exprs, in)
def exprs: Parser[Unit] = (incPtr | decPtr | incMem | decMem | output | input | loop).* ^^ { _ => }
def incPtr = ">" ^^ { _ => pointer += 1 }
def decPtr = "<" ^^ { _ => pointer -= 1 }
def incMem = "+" ^^ { _ => write(read + 1) }
def decMem = "-" ^^ { _ => write(read - 1) }
def output = "." ^^ { _ => print(read.toChar) }
def input = "," ^^ { _ =>
if (! print("Brainf*ck (Ctrl-D to end): ") match {
case '\u0004' => write(0); println
case c => write(c)
def loop = "[" ~> LoopParser <~ "]"
object LoopParser extends Parser[Unit] {
def apply(in: Input): ParseResult[Unit] =
if (memory(pointer) == 0)
seekLoopEnd(in) match {
case Right(offset) => Success(Unit, in.drop(offset - in.offset))
case Left(offset) => Failure("] expected", in.drop(offset - in.offset))
exprs(in) match {
case ns: NoSuccess => ns
case Success(_, _) => apply(in)
def seekLoopEnd(in: Input, depth: Int=1): Either[Int, Int] =
(depth + Map('[' -> 1, ']' -> -1).getOrElse(in.first, 0)) match {
case 0 => Right(in.offset)
case depth => if (in.atEnd) Left(in.offset) else seekLoopEnd(, depth)
def encode_brainfuck_echo(s: String, rep: Int) =
s.flatMap("+" * _.toInt + ">") + "+" * rep + "[" + "<" * s.length + ".>" * s.length + "-]"
BrainfuckDecorder.exec(encode_brainfuck_echo("hoge\n", 3))
// Brainfuck echo back program
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ParseResult[T]を抽象構文木と位置づけ、木の走査(Visitorパターン)はmap(^^), flatMap(>>)側で記述。



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