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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Save tonosaman/c24770ad893fb75edc3b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
WebSharper input formlet with radio button suggestions.
Id Version Description/Release Notes
-- ------- -------------------------
Microsoft.Bcl 1.1.10 This packages enables projects targeting down-level platforms to use some of the types added in later versions ...
Microsoft.Bcl.Async 1.0.168 This package enables Visual Studio 2012 projects to use the new 'async' and 'await' keywords. This package also...
Microsoft.Bcl.Build 1.0.14 This package provides build infrastructure components so that projects referencing specific Microsoft packages ...
Microsoft.Owin 2.1.0 Provides a set of helper types and abstractions for simplifying the creation of OWIN components.
Microsoft.Owin.Diagnostics 2.1.0 Provides middleware components to assist in developing OWIN-based applications.
Microsoft.Owin.FileSystems 2.1.0 This package contains file system abstractions and implementations.
Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpLis... 2.1.0 OWIN server built on the .NET Framework's HttpListener class. Currently the default server used for self-hosting.
Microsoft.Owin.Hosting 2.1.0 Provides default infrastructure types for hosting and running OWIN-based applications.
Microsoft.Owin.StaticFiles 2.1.0 This package contains OWIN middleware that handle requests for file system resources including files and direct...
Mono.Cecil Cecil is a library written by Jb Evain to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL format. I...
Owin 1.0 OWIN IAppBuilder startup interface
WebSharper F#-to-JavaScript compiler and web application framework
Add References
Id Version Description/Release Notes
-- ------- -------------------------
Microsoft.Owin 3.0.0 Provides a set of helper types and abstractions for simplifying the creation of OWIN components.
Microsoft.Owin.Diagnostics 3.0.0 Provides middleware components to assist in developing OWIN-based applications.
Microsoft.Owin.FileSystems 3.0.0 This package contains file system abstractions and implementations.
Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpLis... 3.0.0 OWIN server built on the .NET Framework's HttpListener class. Currently the default server used for self-hosting.
Microsoft.Owin.Hosting 3.0.0 Provides default infrastructure types for hosting and running OWIN-based applications.
Microsoft.Owin.StaticFiles 3.0.0 This package contains OWIN middleware that handle requests for file system resources including files and directories.
Mono.Cecil Cecil is a library written by Jb Evain to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL format. It has full support for generics, and support some debugging symbol format. In simple Engl...
Owin 1.0 OWIN IAppBuilder startup interface
WebSharper F#-to-JavaScript compiler and web application framework
WebSharper.Owin WebSharper Sitelets module for Owin 1.0
module SuggestFormlet
// [References]
// -
// -
open IntelliFactory.WebSharper
module Server =
type Suggests = (string * string) list
let queryA (s: string): Async<Suggests> =
[ "Church", "1"; "Chompsky", "2"; "Turing", "3"; "Torvalds", "4"; "Curry", "5"; ]
|> List.filter (fst >> fun x -> x.Contains s)
|> async.Return
module Client =
open IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Formlets
open IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Html.Client
let WithSuggests (a : Async<Server.Suggests>) (f : Server.Suggests -> Formlet<'U>) : Formlet<'U> =
let loadingPane =
Formlet.BuildFormlet <| fun _ ->
let elem = Span [Attr.Class "suggests"]
let observer = new Event<Result<Server.Suggests>>()
async {
let! (x: Server.Suggests) = a
do observer.Trigger (Result.Success x)
return ()
} |> Async.Start
elem, ignore, observer.Publish
Formlet.Replace loadingPane f
let SuggestFormlet : Formlet<string> =
Formlet.Do {
let! str = Controls.Input ""
return! WithSuggests (Server.queryA str) <| fun xs ->
|> Controls.RadioButtonGroup None
|> Formlet.Horizontal
|> Validator.IsNotEmpty "Plese select one from suggests."
|> Enhance.WithValidationIcon
|> Enhance.WithFormContainer
type Action =
| Create
module View =
type SuggestHtml() =
inherit Web.Control()
override this.Body = Client.SuggestFormlet :> _
open IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Html.Server
let Create : Sitelets.Content<Action> =
Sitelets.PageContent <| fun ctx ->
{ Sitelets.Page.Default with
Title = Some @"test"
Body = [Div [new SuggestHtml()]]
let Sitelet : Sitelets.Sitelet<Action> = Sitelets.Sitelet.Content "/" Action.Create View.Create
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I need to build Self-Host WebSharper for "net40" platform.
But WebSharper.Owin only support "net45".

  • git clone
  • change "project > properties > Application > Target Framework" to ".Net Framework 4"
  • build HttpMultipartParser.dll
  • copy Owin.Sitelets.fs to my project, and commented out codes about cookie.
  • install several packages by nuget and add references. (@see "packages for net40")

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