class EventsEmitter { |
constructor(){ |
this.events = {}; |
} |
on(name, callback, context, once = false){ |
if(name == null) throw new Error('No first argument passed'); |
if(callback == null) throw new Error('No second argument passed'); |
if(typeof callback !== 'function') throw new Error('Second argument must be a function'); |
if(typeof context === 'boolean' && context === true && once === false){ |
[once, context] = [context, null]; |
} |
this.events[name] = [...(this.events[name] || []), {callback, context, once}]; |
} |
off(name, callback){ |
if(name == null) throw new Error('No first argument passed'); |
if(!this.events[name]) return; |
if(callback){ |
if(callback == null) throw new Error('No second argument passed'); |
if(typeof callback !== 'function') throw new Error('Second argument must be a function'); |
this.events[name] = this.events[name].filter(event=>event.callback != callback); |
} |
else{ |
delete this.events[name]; |
} |
} |
emit(name, ...args){ |
if(name == null) throw new Error('No first argument passed'); |
(this.events[name] || []).forEach(event=>{ |
try{ |
event.callback.call(event.context, ...args); |
if(event.once){ |
this.off(name, event.callback); |
} |
} |
catch(e){ |
throw e; |
} |
}); |
} |
//aliases |
once(name, callback, context){ |
this.on(name, callback, context, true); |
} |
subscribe(name, callback, context){ |
this.on(name, callback, context); |
} |
unsubscribe(name, callback){ |
this.off(name, callback); |
} |
addListener(name, listener, context){ |
this.on(name, listener, context); |
} |
removeListener(name, listener){ |
this.off(name, listener); |
} |
removeListeners(name){ |
this.off(name); |
} |
dispatchEvent(name, ...args){ |
this.emit(name, ...args); |
} |
} |
export default EventEmitter; |