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Last active April 19, 2016 01:22
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def smoSimple(dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler, maxIter):
:param dataMatIn: X
:param classLabels: Y
:param C: 惩罚参数
:param toler: 容错率
:param maxIter: 最大循环次数
dataMatrix = mat(dataMatIn); labelMat = mat(classLabels).transpose()
b = 0; m,n = shape(dataMatrix) # m:=训练实例的个数;n:=每个实例的维度
alphas = mat(zeros((m,1)))
iter = 0
while (iter < maxIter):
alphaPairsChanged = 0 #alpha是否已经进行了优化
for i in range(m):
# w = alpha * y * x; f(x_i) = w^T * x_i + b
fXi = float(multiply(alphas,labelMat).T*dataMatrix*dataMatrix[i,:].T) + b # 预测的类别
Ei = fXi - float(labelMat[i]) #得到误差,如果误差太大,检查是否可能被优化
if ((labelMat[i]*Ei < -toler) and (alphas[i] < C)) or ((labelMat[i]*Ei > toler) and (alphas[i] > 0)): #必须满足约束
j = selectJrand(i,m)
fXj = float(multiply(alphas,labelMat).T*(dataMatrix*dataMatrix[j,:].T)) + b
Ej = fXj - float(labelMat[j])
alphaIold = alphas[i].copy(); alphaJold = alphas[j].copy() # 教材中的α_1^old和α_2^old
if (labelMat[i] != labelMat[j]): # 两者所在的对角线段端点的界
L = max(0, alphas[j] - alphas[i])
H = min(C, C + alphas[j] - alphas[i])
L = max(0, alphas[j] + alphas[i] - C)
H = min(C, alphas[j] + alphas[i])
if L==H: print "L==H"; continue
# Eta = -(2 * K12 - K11 - K22),且Eta非负,此处eta = -Eta则非正
eta = 2.0 * dataMatrix[i,:]*dataMatrix[j,:].T - dataMatrix[i,:]*dataMatrix[i,:].T - dataMatrix[j,:]*dataMatrix[j,:].T
if eta >= 0: print "eta>=0"; continue
alphas[j] -= labelMat[j]*(Ei - Ej)/eta
alphas[j] = clipAlpha(alphas[j],H,L)
if (abs(alphas[j] - alphaJold) < 0.00001): print "j not moving enough"; continue
alphas[i] += labelMat[j]*labelMat[i]*(alphaJold - alphas[j])
b1 = b - Ei- labelMat[i]*(alphas[i]-alphaIold)*dataMatrix[i,:]*dataMatrix[i,:].T - labelMat[j]*(alphas[j]-alphaJold)*dataMatrix[i,:]*dataMatrix[j,:].T
b2 = b - Ej- labelMat[i]*(alphas[i]-alphaIold)*dataMatrix[i,:]*dataMatrix[j,:].T - labelMat[j]*(alphas[j]-alphaJold)*dataMatrix[j,:]*dataMatrix[j,:].T
if (0 < alphas[i]) and (C > alphas[i]): b = b1
elif (0 < alphas[j]) and (C > alphas[j]): b = b2
else: b = (b1 + b2)/2.0
alphaPairsChanged += 1
print "iter: %d i:%d, pairs changed %d" % (iter,i,alphaPairsChanged)
if (alphaPairsChanged == 0): iter += 1
else: iter = 0
print "iteration number: %d" % iter
return b,alphas
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