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Last active December 15, 2015 23:09
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"name":"Joe Ziegler",
"job":"<a href='' target='_blank'>Amazon Web Services</a>",
"topic":"The evolution of JavaScript & Public Cloud",
"topicIntro":" The past of JavaScript\n- The present\n- The future\n- Explosive growth of JavaScript in leveraging public cloud",
"intro":"Joe is originally from Texas, but began his career in Silicon Valley. In 1995, he worked on some of the first e-commerce applications at Netscape, and worked at NetGravity during the time of its IPO. After that, Joe built several startups from the ground up. As a technical executive, he was responsible for the company IP, and for managing engineering groups. His recent venture, Iris Data Services, was listed as one of the “Forbes 500 Fastest Growing Companies in the US”.\nIn 2006, Joe used cloud services and virtualisation for his startup, Iris Data Services, as the Director of Technical Services. Later, he worked with several enterprises that developed on Amazon Web Services, including his own company, IndexMedia. Today, he works across Asia Pacific as the AWS Startup Business Development Manager, enabling the ecosystem and working with amazing startup companies.\n\nJoe has lived on five continents and enjoys meeting people in different parts of the globe. He has studied Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Currently, he enjoys long-distance running in and around Sydney, Australia.\n\nHe has a degree in Computer Science from Texas A&M University, and an MBA from The University of Texas at Dallas.",
"name":"Vladimir Vukicevic",
"topic":"High-performance games and more in JavaScript with asm.js",
"topicIntro":"Using Emscripten and asm.js, it's possible to compile C/C++ code to JavaScript and get extremely high performance. This talk will give an overview of the Emscripten toolchain and development process, and will show some examples from the games and other applications that we've ported using Emscripten.",
"name": "Kuro Hsu",
"job": "",
"topic": "Optimizing Your Mobile Web Apps.",
"name": "Paul Li",
"job": "Yahoo",
"topic": "樸實與浮華 (Plain and Vanity)",
"name": "Even Wu",
"job": "evendesign",
"topic": "如何教設計師前端技術",
"name": "Eric Chuang",
"job": "Yahoo",
"topic": "關於 Mobile Web 開發二三事",
"name": "陳世欽",
"job": "",
"topic": "Mobile Web Game經驗開發談",
"name": "Kevin Huang",
"job": "VideOhya 歐酷網路有限公司",
"topic": "Titanium 入門實戰 30 分鐘教你寫出 youtube App + 會員系統",
"name": "othree",
"intro":"othree,十年前為了製作個人網頁而自學起 HTML、CSS 和JavaScript,接著便一頭栽進網路標準的世界,並持續關注網路前端技術的發展,不時在部落格及各活動分享新知,近期關注HTML5、CSS3、Web API、語意網等議題,被認為專長於JavaScript,其實最喜歡寫的是漂亮的 HTML Markup,現職為 HTC 前端工程師兼博士生。",
"job": "HTC",
"topic": "Magic this",
"topicIntro":"`this` 在物件導向程式語言中通常代表的是現在的物件本身,不過在 JavaScript 中,`this` 則是和程式碼所在的function context 及呼叫 function 的方法息息相關,有時候和一般物件導向程式語言的用法一樣,有時候它又代表不一樣的東西,即使是同樣的function,根據呼叫的方法不同,`this` 可能就是完全不同的東西,加上早期瀏覽器實作的差異,搞懂 this 在學習 JavaScript 的路上一直是一大挑戰,本主題就是要環繞著 this,從它的定義開始、一般的使用、瀏覽器的問題、常見的相關pattern、到如何使用、如何不要使用到未來的各種變化等等,希望能讓聽眾了解 this 的前世今生,正確的了解何時該用,該怎麼用,不再害怕與 `this` 打交道。",
"name": "josephj (蔣定宇)",
"job": "miiiCasa",
"topic": "Code for Quality - 提昇 JavaScript 撰寫品質。",
"name": "Bingo Yang (楊秉桓)",
"job": "hTC, 前端工程師",
"topic": "Web Worker 行不行",
"topicIntro":"隨著Web Application的發展,前端開發越來越複雜,多執行緒的需求也慢慢浮現,本議題主要介紹何謂Web Worker,到底能做到什麼,不能做到什麼,以及實際案例的分享。",
"name": "York Tsai",
"intro":"Software Developer. Interested in Web Service and Data Science.",
"job": "EZTable Engineering",
"jobIntro" :"EZTABLE is the largest restaurant on-line reservation service in Asia.",
"topic": "Real-time Web Application with Socket.IO, Node.js, and Redis.",
"name": "Brooky Yen",
"job": "EZTable Engineering",
"topic": "好的開發工具帶你上天堂",
"name": "Calvin Yeh",
"job": "Pastico",
"topic": "The seven year itch with ExtJS",
"name": "Jace Ju (大澤木小鐵)",
"job": "Sina Taiwan",
"topic": "透視 JavaScript 的 MVC / MVP / MVVM",
"name": "UP Chen",
"job": "Nvesto CTO",
"topic": "做更快一點 工程師討生活工具介紹",
"name": "Sean Liu",
"job": "YouMeb",
"topic": "OMG!Mobile Web can do that?",
"name": "長頸鹿(liberation)",
"intro":"曾為 開發者,耕耘網站系統開發多年.",
"job": "Ragic 立即科技",
"topic": "Ragic UI",
"name": "阿土伯",
"job": "VIVIPOS Co., Ltd.",
"topic": "XULRunner + JS 開發應用",
"profile":" "
"name": "高見龍",
"job": "高思數位網路",
"topic": "CreateJS:「從 Flash 到 JavaScript 」",
"name": "胡舜元(Shun-Yun Hu)",
"intro":"目前服務於中央研究院資訊所多媒體網路與系統實驗室。從 2003 年起,開始研究如何採用同儕式網路 (peer-to-peer) 技術,建構百萬人同時上線的虛擬世界系統,也將研究成果分享為開源網站 SourceForge 上的 VAST 及 ASCEND 專案。為了促進同儕式網路在虛擬世界的應用,協辦數屆「巨量多人虛擬世界」國際研討會 (MMVE workshop)。2010 年協助成立「意門科技」,以將研究成果技術及產品化。自從 19 歲那年獨自騎自行車環島後,即成為一位素食者及馬拉松跑者。",
"job": "中央研究院資訊所多媒體網路與系統實驗室",
"topic": "支援遊戲及互動應用的雲",
"topicIntro":"手機及行動裝置的普及已使遊戲及應用軟體的戰場轉了全新方向。雖然開發門檻降低,行動市場的競爭也更為激烈。如何透過差異化及更深入的互動以增加吸引力,成為各方角力的重點。\n\n從單機進入多人互動的模式雖可提升使用者體驗的內容及層次,其中牽涉的網路、伺服器、及負載等相關問題,卻非小型團隊所能輕易負擔。\n\n我們因此設計一套更簡易的雲端開發模式及架構,以協助遊戲及應用軟體開發者,可更輕易的加入多人互動,並降低從開發到測試的周期。我們將展示 javascript 及 node.js 的特性,如何協助動態的 script 載入、Remote Procedural Call (RPC)、及跨接受端的訊息傳送。",
"name": "Butany Chuang",
"job": "KKBOX",
"topic": "用 Node.JS 開發 KKBOX 一起聽",
"name": "Michael",
"job": "JustFont",
"topic": "JustFont 中文字型實作過程",
"name": "廖一帆",
"job": "The Manx Entertainment Group",
"jobIntro":"The Manx is a group of talented game developers who relish opportunities to use leading web technologies such as Python, Django, HTML5 and Javascript in the world of online gaming. We understand how fruitful Python is, and would like to support the growth of Python community in Taiwan.",
"topic": "Begin Three.js",
"name": "流浪小風 (陳鋒逸)",
"intro":"一個喜歡找出軟體開發的Best Practice,用最簡單的步驟完成最複雜的事情的小小工程師。",
"job": "91mai 就要買",
"jobIntro":"「91mai就要買」是由興奇科技創業團隊打造的下一代手機 /行動 / 網路購物商城",
"topic": "Rock with Knockout.js",
"name": "Appleboy",
"intro":"喜歡學習嘗試任何新技術,不管 Web 前後端或系統調校及嵌入式開發,目前專注於 CodeIgniter 發展及官方 3.x 分支及前端開發工具 Backbone.js。",
"job": "瑞昱半導體",
"topic": "你不可不知的前端開發工具",
"name": "阿修(Justin Lee)",
"job": "CO-funder and UX Lead / 旅人一番",
"topic": "Sketching with code",
"name": "Aidan Wu",
"job": "SympaSoft",
"topic": "Your Phone is the Controller",
"topicIntro":"手機螢幕不一定要用來'看',多點觸控螢幕,是絕佳的輸入介面。第二螢幕的魔力!連結電腦螢幕或TV,可以創造另一種互動體驗;而一個人的娛樂只不過用來打發時間,怎都比不上一團人的群樂。本議程將與大家共同探討運用 HTML5 與 Canvas 還有 WebSocket 打造多人 Sync 的連線遊戲體驗。",
"name": "Fred Chien",
"job": "Mandice",
"topic": "我編譯故我在:誰說 Node.js 程式不能編成 Binary",
"name": "Rex Huang",
"job": "群暉科技 軟體開發部經理",
"intro": "Rex Huang 是 Synology 軟體開發部經理,目前於 Synology 負責 Web application 軟體開發。",
"topic": "Building a Web OS based on Ext JS",
"topicIntro": "Synology DiskStation Manger (DSM) offers a desktop on-web that’s completely intuitive with customizable settings, realizing the idea of software personalization. See how to multitask and how Javascript/CSS3 based desktop tools, e.g., Grouping, Instant View and Pilot View, can help users increase productivity and efficiency.",
"name": "Ruben Tan",
"job": "VP of Engineering, OnApp CDN Sdn Bhd, Malaysia",
"jobIntro":"OnApp is a cloud infrastructure solution provider, and OnApp CDN currently powers more than 30% of all public CDN services",
"topic": "Defensive backend programming with node.js",
"name": "Will 保哥",
"job": "多奇數位創意有限公司",
"topic": "JavaScript 開發實戰:效能調校與常見陷阱",
"name": "Marty (許益祥) ",
"job": "中冠資訊",
"intro":"曾以為JavaScript就只是用來寫跑馬燈 XD ,近幾年玩GWT玩過頭,現在反而大部分時間都在玩前端技術,現在最希望能把後端元件的概念帶到前端來,讓前端開發應用能更為輕鬆、便利。",
"topic": "如何打造雲端開發平台",
"name": "Hina Blue(閃光洽)",
"job": "",
"topic": "生在幸福的 JS 年代",
"name": "Steven XP",
"job": "<a href='' target='blank_'>Fandora</a>",
"topic": "Node.js 佈署常見問題",
"name": "Ant ",
"job": "",
"topic": "前端工程師的資安挑戰",
"name": "Xdite",
"jobIntro":"Rocodev 是專業的網站開發團隊。具有豐富的網站開發與營運經驗。是台灣地區 Ruby on Rails 技術的領導品牌。",
"topic":"為什麼你還是應該使用 Rails 開發(前端加速及前端開發管理)",
"intro":"xdite 是台灣著名的 Rubyist,擅長敏捷開發。曾經得過世界級 Hackathon 獎項。休閒時刻喜歡使用模擬市民3探索生命的意義。",
"name": "Nowill",
"job":"Nowill Design",
"jobIntro":",網頁設計。經驗設計。前端設計。程式設計。粉絲團代管。 主機代管。廣告行銷。社群媒體。噗浪經營。Blog設計。FB app開發。CI/VI設計",
"name": "David Shariff",
"jobIntro":"Richi is the winner of 2010 Red Herring 100 Asia and 2011 TechCrunch Disrupt Beijing. After raising US$ 2,360,000, we are an open virtual currency exchange platform allowing anyone with points from loyalty programs, in-store value cards, or frequent flyer miles to use them for something of more immediate value.",
"topic":"RequireJs - Using AMD to fight the good, the bad and the ugly of JavaScript.",
"intro":"Web application development has been a hot topic for a while, but many developers still use the old &lt;script&gt; tag with no structure or dependency management, resulting in spaghetti code. RequireJS brings JavaScript development into the 21st century by structuring your code, creating re-usable AMD modules and optimizes for production releases.",
"name": "Fillano",
"topic":"easier async - flow control的原理、應用、實作及展望",
"name": "Ting-Yuan Huang",
"job":"Mozilla Taiwan 美商謀智",
"jobIntro":"Mozilla Taiwan 美商謀智由 Mozilla 基金會所擁有,是一個全球化的非營利組織,其願景是打造一個開放自由的網路未來,提升人們的網路經驗,並支持開放源碼的資源共享精神。主要產品 Firefox、Firefox for Android、Firefox OS。其中 Firefox 為全球市場前三大瀏覽器,在世界各地擁有廣大支持者。2013 年 Mozilla 進軍行動,目標在於將 Web 的開放、自由、平等理念帶進行動市場。",
"topic":"Porting to Web: An Introduction to Emscripten",
"topicIntro":"Emscripten, a C/C++ to JavaScript compiler, opens a new life to those old-but-good libraries written in the traditional languages. In this talk, a real case will be demonstrated to show how it can save you from burning nights oils to rewrite a large project by hand.",
"intro":"畢業於台灣大學,目前任職於 Mozilla Taiwan並擔任 Platform 部門的工程師。曾經有人用 JavaScript 寫了一個 PC emulator,再加上對 compiler 的濃厚興趣,從此開啓亭遠對 JavaScript 的探索之路。平時喜歡閱讀更愛用好奇心發掘身邊大小事。",
"job" :"奇虎360 前端工程师",
"profile" : "",
"topic":"从前端到终端 -- 跨越平台的前端技术",
"topicIntro":"先从HTML5谈起,讨论终端,尤其是移动终端带来的新挑战。探讨 JavaScript 在这种新挑战中的地位和能力,介绍了一种以JavaScript 为主要工具的终端开发之道。并探讨前端工程师这一角色在过去、现在、未来发展中的自我定位与学习成长。"
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