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# unicorn_rails -c /data/github/current/config/unicorn.rb -E production -D
rails_env = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'production'
# 16 workers and 1 master
worker_processes (rails_env == 'production' ? 16 : 4)
# Load rails+github.git into the master before forking workers
# for super-fast worker spawn times
preload_app true
myronmarston / heroku.rake
Created December 18, 2009 23:48
Rake task to download a sql dump from a heroku app
namespace :heroku do
def app_name
@app_name ||=[]).app
def latest_bundle(timeout = 30)
puts "Attempting to get latest bundle..."
get_bundle = lambda do
bundles ='bundles', {})
bundles.sort { |b1, b2| b1[:created_at] <=> b2[:created_at] }
mislav /
Created October 12, 2010 17:20
"Pagination 101" by Faruk Ateş

Pagination 101

Article by Faruk Ateş, [originally on][original] which is currently down

One of the most commonly overlooked and under-refined elements of a website is its pagination controls. In many cases, these are treated as an afterthought. I rarely come across a website that has decent pagination, and it always makes me wonder why so few manage to get it right. After all, I'd say that pagination is pretty easy to get right. Alas, that doesn't seem the case, so after encouragement from Chris Messina on Flickr I decided to write my Pagination 101, hopefully it'll give you some clues as to what makes good pagination.

Before going into analyzing good and bad pagination, I want to explain just what I consider to be pagination: Pagination is any kind of control system that lets the user browse through pages of search results, archives, or any other kind of continued content. Search results are the o

beccasaurus / README.markdown
Created May 5, 2011 19:37
Adds hooks to jQuery.validate's form/element validation methods (via trigger())

jQuery Validate Hooks

If you're using [ASP.NET MVC3][], it uses [jQuery Validate][] to do client-side validations. Instead of using [jQuery Validate][] directly, however, it wraps it with its own jQuery plugin called [jQuery.Validate.Unobtrusive][]. [jQuery.Validate.Unobtrusive][] sets up [jQuery Validate][] for you, behind the scenes, so you don't have an opportunity to customize your [jQuery Validate][] settings at all!

We've been running into trouble with this when we've been doing our own custom client-side validations. We need a way to integrate with the build-in [ASP.NET MVC3][] validation so we can:

erichurst / database.yml.example mysql2
Created May 9, 2011 02:58
Rails 3 database.yml examples
# MySQL. Versions 4.1 and 5.0 are recommended.
# Install the MySQL driver:
# gem install mysql2
# And be sure to use new-style password hashing:
adapter: mysql2
encoding: utf8
dhh / gist:1014971
Created June 8, 2011 18:09
Use concerns to keep your models manageable
# autoload concerns
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.autoload_paths += %W(
daz4126 / main.rb
Created July 27, 2011 18:06
Robot Factory part 1 - Adding and Deleting Resources in Sinatra
%w[sinatra dm-core dm-migrations slim sass].each{ |lib| require lib }
DataMapper.setup(:default, ENV['DATABASE_URL'] || File.join("sqlite3://",settings.root, "development.db"))
class Robot
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :top, Integer, :default => proc { 1+rand(6) }
property :middle, Integer, :default => proc { 1+rand(4) }
property :bottom, Integer, :default => proc { 1+rand(5) }
jpantuso /
Created July 27, 2011 19:51
Setup OS X 10.7 w/ homebrew, oh-my-zsh, rvm, rails, and MySQL
mvoto /
Created February 22, 2012 13:41 — forked from lucasallan/
Installing PostGIS on Mac OS X and Ubuntu
# Some good references are:
#1. Install PostgreSQL postgis and postgres
brew install postgis
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start
Capncavedan / gist:2293043
Created April 3, 2012 15:45
how to install rdiscount 1.6.8 with jruby 1.6.7
Bundler command complained of not being able to find bundle1.o although I could easily locate it within /usr/lib myself.
Damn computers.
gem install rdiscount -- --with-ldflags="-L/usr/lib"