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Last active November 13, 2024 18:07
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Freepbx Voicemail Transcription Script: Google Speech API
# sendmail-gcloud
# Installation instructions
# Copy the content of this file to /usr/sbin/sendmail-gcloud
# Google Account
# ---------------
# Create a Google Cloud account if you don't have one yet. Free trial is available at
# Within search for Cloud Speech-to-Text API and enable it
# Some users report you need to have configured a service account: See creating a service account in Google Cloud.
# From the Linux command line on the FreePBX machine
# -------------------------------------------
# Follow steps 1 and 3 of the instructions on Google Cloud
# Step 1 Note: since FreePBX is Centos 7, follow the instructions to replace el8 with el7 in the base url:
# sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/google-cloud-sdk.repo << EOM [google-cloud-cli] name=Google Cloud CLI baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 repo_gpgcheck=0 gpgkey= EOM
# Step 3 Note: use yum instead of dnf:
# yum install google-cloud-cli
# Run the following commands on FreePBX;
# cd /usr/sbin/
# chown asterisk:asterisk sendmail-gcloud
# chmod 744 sendmail-gcloud
# chmod 744 /usr/bin/dos2unix
# Verify that you have the following (by simply running the command) and if not use yum install;
# jq
# sox
# flac
# dos2unix -V
# Ensure dos2unix is executable by the asterisk user (chmod 777 /usr/bin/dos2unix)
# Connect FreePBX to Google Cloud
# su asterisk
# gcloud auth login
# CLI will provide you a url. Copy that and paste it into your browser. Google will give you a verification code to copy.
# Paste it into the cli waiting for a verification code.
# Some users report that you need to run the following at this point:
# gcloud config set project "Your Project ID"
# Open FreePBX web interface
# Go to Settings > Voicemail Admin > Settings > Email Config
# Change Mail Command to: /usr/sbin/sendmail-gcloud
# Submit and apply changes
# Original source created by N. Bernaerts:
# modified per:
# modified per:
# current version:
# Notes: This is a script modified from the original to work with FreePBX so that email notifications sent from
# Asterisk voicemail contain a speech to text transcription provided by Google Cloud Speech API
# License: There are no explicit license terms on the original script or on the blog post with modifications
# I'm assumig GNU/GPL2+ unless notified otherwise by copyright holder(s)
# Version History:
# 2023-12-11 Add gcloud cli parameters by grintor to enhance gcloud ml telephony transcription
# 2023-09-01 Update instructions for installing google-cloud-cli
# 2023-08-24 Add fix by EagleTalonSystems: gcloud config set project "Your Project ID"
# 2021-05-06 Add fix by dcat127: trim flac file to 59 seconds
# 2020-08-27 Add fix by chrisduncansn
# Minor edit in instruction wording
# 2020-05-27 Add instructions from sr10952
# Add export fix by levishores
# 2019-02-27 Initial commit by tony722
# set PATH
# save the current directory
pushd .
# create a temporary directory and cd to it
TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
# dump the stream to a temporary file
cat >>
# get the boundary
BOUNDARY=$(grep "boundary=" | cut -d'"' -f 2)
# if mail has no boundaries, assume no attachment
if [ "$BOUNDARY" = "" ]
# send the original stream
# cut the original stream into parts
# stream.part - header before the boundary
# stream.part1 - header after the bounday
# stream.part2 - body of the message
# stream.part3 - attachment in base64 (WAV file)
# stream.part4 - footer of the message
awk '/'$BOUNDARY'/{i++}{print > "stream.part"i}'
# cut the attachment into parts
# stream.part3.head - header of attachment
# stream.part3.wav.base64 - wav file of attachment (encoded base64)
sed '7,$d' stream.part3 > stream.part3.wav.head
sed '1,6d' stream.part3 > stream.part3.wav.base64
# convert the base64 file to a wav file
dos2unix -o stream.part3.wav.base64
base64 -di stream.part3.wav.base64 > stream.part3.wav
# convert the wav file to FLAC
sox -G stream.part3.wav --channels=1 --bits=16 --rate=8000 stream.part3.flac trim 0 59
# convert to MP3
sox stream.part3.wav stream.part3-pcm.wav
lame -m m -b 24 stream.part3-pcm.wav stream.part3.mp3
base64 stream.part3.mp3 > stream.part3.mp3.base64
# create mp3 mail part
sed 's/x-[wW][aA][vV]/mpeg/g' stream.part3.wav.head | sed 's/.[wW][aA][vV]/.mp3/g' >
dos2unix -o
unix2dos -o stream.part3.mp3.base64
cat stream.part3.mp3.base64 >>
# save voicemail in tmp folder in case of trouble
# TMPMP3=$(mktemp -u /tmp/msg_XXXXXXXX.mp3)
# cp "stream.part3.mp3" "$TMPMP3"
export CLOUDSDK_CONFIG=/home/asterisk/.config/gcloud
RESULT=`gcloud ml speech recognize stream.part3.flac --language-code='en-US' --model=phone_call --filter-profanity --enable-automatic-punctuation`
FILTERED=`echo "$RESULT" | jq -r '.results[].alternatives[].transcript'`
# generate first part of mail body, converting it to LF only
mv stream.part
cat stream.part1 >>
sed '$d' < stream.part2 >>
# beginning of transcription section
echo "" >>
echo "--- Google transcription result ---" >>
# append result of transcription
if [ -z "$FILTERED" ]
echo "(Google was unable to recognize any speech in audio data.)" >>
echo "$FILTERED" >>
# end of message body
tail -1 stream.part2 >>
# add converted attachment
cat >>
# append end of mail body, converting it to LF only
echo "" >> stream.tmp
echo "" >> stream.tmp
cat stream.part4 >> stream.tmp
dos2unix -o stream.tmp
cat stream.tmp >>
# send the mail thru sendmail
cat | sendmail -t
# go back to original directory
# remove all temporary files and temporary directory
rm -Rf $TMPDIR
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Acpek23 commented Sep 23, 2020

RESULT=gcloud ml speech recognize stream.part3.flac --language-code='en-US'

youre right and im getting this:
[asterisk@pbx sbin]$ RESULT= gcloud ml speech recognize stream.part3.flac --language-code='en-US'
ERROR: ( Invalid audio source [stream.part3.flac]. The source must either be a local path or a Google Cloud Storage URL (such as gs://bucket/object).
[asterisk@pbx sbin]$

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//comment this line at the bottom to keep the TMP directory for analysis after the script runs
rm -Rf $TMPDIR

run the script again, then cd in to the temp directory and re-run

RESULT=gcloud ml speech recognize stream.part3.flac --language-code='en-US'
echo $RESULT

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Acpek23 commented Sep 23, 2020

same result
[asterisk@pbx tmp]$ cd tmp.t6QQWwfhbN/
[asterisk@pbx tmp.t6QQWwfhbN]$ ls
[asterisk@pbx tmp.t6QQWwfhbN]$ RESULT= gcloud ml speech recognize stream.part3.flac --language-code='en-US'
ERROR: ( Invalid audio source [stream.part3.flac]. The source must either be a local path or a Google Cloud Storage URL (such as gs://bucket/object).
[asterisk@pbx tmp.t6QQWwfhbN]$ echo $RESULT

[asterisk@pbx tmp.t6QQWwfhbN]$

on im able to see the "normal message" this is the one that im currently sending.
or do i need to disabled this on the pbx configuration?
i have this config: Mail Command : /usr/sbin/sendmail-gcloud

Alejandro Cardenas,

Hay un nuevo correo de voz en el buzón ext:

De:	"Gustavo Martinez" <ext>
Duración del mensaje:	0:19 seconds
Fecha:	Wednesday, September 23, 2020 at 05:24:35 PM

Marca *98 para acceder a su correo de voz por teléfono.
Ingresa a url para revisar su correo de voz con un navegador web.

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You may wish to consider using the phone_call model. This will improve the transcription.

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You may wish to consider using the phone_call model. This will improve the transcription.

Could you please be more specific? Example what to change? Thanks

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You may wish to consider using the phone_call model. This will improve the transcription.

Could you please be more specific? Example what to change? Thanks

Looks like skippy1976 is referring to the speech model options available in Speech-to-Text. But I don't see an option to set a model using gcloud from the terminal.
Here's model documentation
Here's the gcloud documentation

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Looks like there's a 60 second limit for the transcriptions using "gcloud ml speech recognize". But there would be no limit to the length using "gcloud ml speech recognize-long-running". I know the length of the message is stored somewhere as that ends up in the body of the email. Anyone have any ideas on how to modify this to use an "if then" option for longer voicemails?

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kevinrossen commented Oct 28, 2020

I found a couple options that I like while digging into the documentation. The options I like are on the alpha channel, so there's a good chance they won't work long-term, but I'm okay with that on my setup. Here's what I changed:

ORIGINAL: RESULT=`gcloud ml speech recognize stream.part3.flac --language-code='en-US'\`

NEW: RESULT=`gcloud alpha ml speech recognize stream.part3.flac --language-code='en-US' --interaction-type='voicemail' --include-word-time-offsets --filter-profanity --enable-automatic-punctuation`

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CadillacRick commented Oct 31, 2020

Hey guys, new to this topic... Trying to get this to work on my Asterisk box... follow all the steps as indicated. Didn't get any errors along the way, but I don't seem to get any results... The voicemail still answers, records the file... and I still get the audio file to my email.. but at the bottom I see

--Google transcription result --
(Google was unable to recognize any speech in audio data.)

Also noticed that I can't play the MP3 file attached with the email.... says it's unsupported or corrupt.

Did some more testing... when I leave a voicemail... and I go into the /tmp/tmp.xxxxxxx folder... I can run the command manually

RESULT= `gcloud ml speech recognize stream.part3.flac --language-code='en-US'`

and with echo $RESULT I get the transcription like so...

{  "results": [  {  "alternatives": [  {  "confidence": 0.7456564, "transcript": "This is yet another test of the voicemail system Richard testing Richard testing."  } ] } ] }

But still unable to get it in the email from Asterisk....

In the error file in the /tmp/tmp.xxxxxx I see this --

ERROR: ( Your current active account [] does not have any valid credentials
Please run:

$ gcloud auth login

to obtain new credentials.

For service account, please activate it first:

$ gcloud auth activate-service-account ACCOUNT

Which is weird because the command runs manually....



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CadillacRick commented Oct 31, 2020

Ok, well it turns out that this line --- export CLOUDSDK_CONFIG=/home/asterisk/.config/gcloud

was a problem for my setup... Now I get the transcription....

But!!!!! the audio file is still a problem. the mp3 file doesn't work... can't listen to it..

@tony722 Any ideas ??? Anyone ???

@kevinrossen have the MP3 attachments been working for you ?

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dcat127 commented Jan 26, 2021

This script fails for any voicemail longer than 1 minute, with the following error:
ERROR: ( INVALID_ARGUMENT: Sync input too long. For audio longer than 1 min use LongRunningRecognize with a 'uri' parameter.

I have fixed it by replacing
sox -G stream.part3.wav --channels=1 --bits=16 --rate=8000 stream.part3.flac

sox -G stream.part3.wav --channels=1 --bits=16 --rate=8000 stream.part3.flac trim 0 59

this does not "fix" the issue of too long voicemails, but it changes it so it only transcribes the first 59 seconds, which in my case is good enough.

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I found a couple options that I like while digging into the documentation. The options I like are on the alpha channel, so there's a good chance they won't work long-term, but I'm okay with that on my setup. Here's what I changed:

ORIGINAL: RESULT=`gcloud ml speech recognize stream.part3.flac --language-code='en-US'\`

NEW: RESULT=`gcloud alpha ml speech recognize stream.part3.flac --language-code='en-US' --interaction-type='voicemail' --include-word-time-offsets --filter-profanity --enable-automatic-punctuation`

@kevinrossen how are those alpha options working for you? I checked and it looks like they are still in Alpha status, which is a bummer.

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Identity9165 commented May 6, 2021

was a problem for my setup... Now I get the transcription....

@CadillacRick did you run it as asterisk or root?

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rr10 commented Jan 13, 2022

Thanks @tony722 @chrisduncansn I preferred to modify the APIs used to support multiple languages ​​and punctuation. Now I no longer have to worry about the caller's language (at least up to three additional languages).
I have noticed that if the sentence starts with a word in a different language from the rest of the message there can be problems. It might be interesting to use different APIs for multiple languages ​​in succession.
RESULT=gcloud alpha ml speech recognize-long-running stream.part3.flac --language-code='ro-RO' --additional-language-codes='it-IT','en-US' --enable-automatic-punctuation --interaction-type=voicemail

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irn-eric commented Dec 8, 2022

I'm a noob with this gcloud, for me the fix was to su -asterisk gcloud auth login and then do the same for set the project id, I'm sure there was a more clever way it didn't put the json key in the asterisk directory until I did it that way and when i copied it permissions were a mess (for me anyway)

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In no circumstance should anybody ever chmod 777 /usr/bin/dos2unix. The dos2unix command as installed by the operating system correctly set to 744, and will thus be executable for all users.

Adding write bits for "everyone" to this program means that if an attacker gains even the lowest-privilege account on the machine, they can completely replace the contents of dos2unix. If at any point in the future that program is run by 'root' to perform any action at all, the attacker now owns your entire machine. I've used this technique myself several times when doing embedded security assessments.

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I just had to rebuild our PBX and re-did this install - this was the one part I wondered about. I just chmod 744'd it back to as it was. Thank you for coming here and saying this.

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BryanKoehn commented Apr 9, 2023

Thanks for the awesome script, I did have to troubleshoot it a little. It appears this now needs to be done with a service account.

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pete1019 commented Apr 9, 2023

Thanks for the awesome script, I did have to troubleshoot it a little. It appears this now needs to be done with a service account.

Can you please specify the need of a "service account"?

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BryanKoehn commented Apr 10, 2023

Thanks for the awesome script, I did have to troubleshoot it a little. It appears this now needs to be done with a service account.

Can you please specify the need of a "service account"? Thanks

When using 'gcloud auth login' and using my credentials it would fail because the speech to text wants you to use a service account. Which can be done with the following.

gcloud auth activate-service-account "ServiceAccountName" --key-file=./"KeyFileName".json

See creating a service account in Google Cloud.

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EagleTalonSystems commented Aug 24, 2023

Missing a step,

After you:
"gcloud auth login
CLI will provide you a url. Copy that and paste it into your browser. Google will give you a verification code to copy. Paste it"

You will also need to run:

gcloud config set project "Your Project ID"

Else you will get this error:
--- Google transcription result ---
(Google was unable to recognize any speech in audio data.)

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tony722 commented Aug 24, 2023

@EagleTalonSystems wrote
You will also need to run:
gcloud config set project "Your Project ID"

Thanks, added that. --Tony

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BryanKoehn commented Aug 25, 2023 via email

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EagleTalonSystems commented Aug 29, 2023

@tony722 Thanks for adding that.

One other thing that might confuse people, google might of changed either webpage but for:

"# Follow steps 1 and 2 of the instructions on Google Cloud"

It should be 1 and 3, since the FreePBX distro is Centos version 7.

Step 1
sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/google-cloud-sdk.repo << EOM
name=Google Cloud CLI

Step 3
yum install google-cloud-cli

Everything else is perfect

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I see that Google transcribe can add punctuation. Can the script the modified to pass that variable?

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meretrout commented Oct 27, 2023

I just installed this and it works a treat. A genius idea with very clear instructions. Thank you.

EDIT: changing the code line 130 as below improved the transcript quality:

gcloud ml speech recognize stream.part3.flac --language-code='en-US'
gcloud alpha ml speech recognize-long-running stream.part3.flac --language-code='en-US' --enable-automatic-punctuation --interaction-type='voicemail' --model='phone_call_enhanced'

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grintor commented Dec 7, 2023

For better dictation, you should change the command from
gcloud ml speech recognize stream.part3.flac --language-code='en-US'
gcloud ml speech recognize stream.part3.flac --language-code='en-US' --enable-automatic-punctuation --model=phone_call_enhanced

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dolesec commented May 5, 2024

I was toying around with this on FreePBX 17 which is now based on Debian 12

I've taken into account every previous issue reported however I still only see the following from the emails which are processed:
--- Google transcription result ---
(Google was unable to recognize any speech in audio data.)

any advice on how to further troubleshoot ?

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jds13 commented Jul 11, 2024

This was terrific - thanks! A couple of thoughts... Some of these might only apply to my situation - I installed Asterisk from the repo, not with FreePBX:

  1. Add 'lame' to the prerequisites
  2. I reworked the transcription, which didn't work for me as originally coded:
export CLOUDSDK_CONFIG=/home/myid/.config/gcloud
RESULT=`gcloud ml speech recognize stream.part3.flac --language-code='en-US' --model=phone_call --filter-profanity --enable-automatic-punctuation 2> transcribe_error.txt`
echo $RESULT > transcription.txt
FILTERED=`jq -r '.results[].alternatives[].transcript' < transcription.txt`

Piping stderr to a file identified gcloud authentication problems, and saving the transcription text really boosted my morale!

My asterisk user is marked "no login" ("This account is currently not available"), maybe because of the way Asterisk was installed. Anyway, I couldn't figure out an easy way to authenticate the asterisk user with gcloud, so I had used my own login account's authentication:
export CLOUDSDK_CONFIG=/home/myuserid/.config/gcloud
and did chown -R asterisk:asterisk. In retrospect, it might have been better to temporarily set asterisk to the bash shell, do the gcloud auth thing, then set it back to nologin - but it now works so I'm leaving it alone.

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@dolesec Just tested on FreePBX 17 and its working.

Just had to use the Debian installer for gcloud

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