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Created May 1, 2011 20:26
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## ----------------------------------- ##
## A homegrown IV regression command ##
## that handles the case where there ##
## is one endogenous variable and many ##
## (or one) instrument. ##
## ##
## Disadvantage: The command doesn't ##
## handle multiple endogenous vars ##
## ##
## Advantage: testing for relevance, ##
## displaying the first stage and ##
## conducting overidentification tests ##
## are natural and easy. ##
## ----------------------------------- ##
ivregress = function(second, first, data){
s.names = all.vars(second)
f.names = all.vars(first)
data.names = names(data)
N = length(data[,1])
all.names = c(s.names,f.names)
resp = s.names[1]
endog = f.names[1]
inst = f.names[-1]
explan = s.names[-1]
exog = explan[explan!=endog]
exog.f = paste(exog,collapse="+")
inst.f = paste(inst, collapse="+")
RHS = paste(exog.f, inst.f, sep="+")
first.form = as.formula( paste(endog, "~", RHS))
first.lm = lm(first.form, data)
ftest = linearHypothesis(first.lm, inst, rep(0,length(inst)))
x.hat = fitted(first.lm)
data2 = cbind(data,x.hat)
iname = paste(endog,".hat",sep="")
names(data2) = c(names(data), iname)
data2.names = names(data2)
RHS2 = paste(exog.f,iname,sep="+")
second.form = as.formula(paste(resp, "~", RHS2))
second.lm = lm(second.form, data2)
Xmat = data2[c(exog,endog)]
Xmat2 = data2[c(exog,iname)]
z = summary(second.lm)
X = as.matrix(cbind(1,Xmat))
X2 = as.matrix(cbind(1,Xmat2))
Y = data[resp]
fit = X%*%second.lm$coefficients
res = Y - fit
## Tests for overidentifying restrictions ##
data3 = cbind(data2, res)
names(data3) = c(names(data2), "res")
## J test
J.test =,2),nrow=1))
names(J.test) = c("J.stat","P[J > J.stat ]")
## Sargan's Test
S.test =,2),nrow=1))
names(S.test) = c("S.stat","P[S > S.stat ]")
J.form = as.formula(paste("res", "~", RHS))
J.lm = lm(J.form, data3)
f.test = linearHypothesis(J.lm,inst, rep(0,length(inst)))
J.stat = length(inst)*f.test$F[2]
S.stat = N*summary(J.lm)$r.squared
J.test[1,1] = J.stat
J.test[1,2] = 1-pchisq(J.stat, length(inst)-1)
S.test[1,1] = S.stat
S.test[1,2] = 1-pchisq(S.stat, length(inst)-1)
xPx = t(X2)%*%X2
xPx.inv = solve(xPx)
z$cov.unscaled = xPx.inv
z$residuals = res
z$sigma = sqrt(mean(res^2))
varcovmat = z$cov.unscaled*z$sigma
coef = z$coefficients[,1]
IV.SE = z$sigma*sqrt(diag(xPx.inv))
t.iv = coef/IV.SE
p.val = 2*(1-pnorm(abs(t.iv)))
z$coefficients[,2] = IV.SE
z$coefficients[,3] = t.iv
z$coefficients[,4] = p.val
result = list(summary(first.lm),z,ftest,J.test, S.test)
names(result) = c("first", "second", "ftest", "Jtest", "Sargan")
print("IV object successfully created. Use sum.iv() on object")
print("to learn about your 2SLS Regression")
sum.iv = function(reg.iv, first=FALSE,
second=TRUE, ftest=FALSE, overid=FALSE) {
x= rep(0,5)
if(first==TRUE) x[1] = 1
if(second==TRUE) x[2]= 2
if(ftest==TRUE) x[3]= 3
if(overid==TRUE) x[4:5] = 4:5
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Hi! How to add interaction term in equations. I make x1:x2 but this don't run. I need help.

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