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Created April 2, 2024 23:51
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// Copyright (c) Tony Nguyen. All rights reserved.
// Note: Some code blocks are intentionally omitted.
#pragma once
using FPoolObjectCreationFunc = TFunction<TObjectPtr<UObject>()>;
struct FObjectPool
FObjectPool() { }
/** Constructor that takes in a capacity parameter. Internally, the buffer leaves 1 item to detect full/empty states, so we add 1 to make up for it. */
FObjectPool(const uint32 InCapacity, FPoolObjectCreationFunc* InCreationFunc)
: Capacity(InCapacity)
, CreationFunc(MakeShared<FPoolObjectCreationFunc>(*InCreationFunc))
// Initialize with set capacity. This cannot be changed.
AvailableObjects = MakeShared<TCircularQueue<TObjectPtr<UObject>>>(InCapacity + 1);
/** Adds object to pool if pool is not at capacity. Do not use this for returning objects to pool. */
bool AddObject(const TObjectPtr<UObject>& ObjectToAdd)
if (!ObjectToAdd || IsFull()) return false;
const int32 AvailableIndex = Objects.Find(nullptr);
if (AvailableIndex != INDEX_NONE)
Objects[AvailableIndex] = ObjectToAdd;
return true;
return false;
/** Returns the next available object from the pool. */
TObjectPtr<UObject> AcquireObject()
TObjectPtr<UObject> Obj = nullptr;
if (AvailableObjects->Dequeue(Obj))
if (IsValid(Obj))
return Obj;
return Obj;
/** Returns the object to the pool. */
bool ReturnObject(const TObjectPtr<UObject>& ReturningObject) const
if (!IsValid(ReturningObject)) return false;
return AvailableObjects->Enqueue(ReturningObject);
/** Returns true if pool is full. */
bool IsFull() const
// If index of nullptr cannot be found, this means the pool is completely filled.
return Objects.Find(nullptr) == INDEX_NONE;
/** Fills the remaining space in the object pool with new objects. */
void Replenish()
if (CreationFunc)
const int32 NextAvailableIndex = Objects.Find(nullptr);
const int32 NumObjectsToCreate = Objects.Max() - (NextAvailableIndex != INDEX_NONE ? NextAvailableIndex : Objects.Max());
for (int32 i = 0; i < NumObjectsToCreate; ++i)
auto Obj = (*CreationFunc)();
/** Cleans the object pool. */
void Clean()
Objects.RemoveAll([](const TObjectPtr<UObject>& Object)
return !IsValid(Object);
TArray<TObjectPtr<UObject>> Objects;
TSharedPtr<TCircularQueue<TObjectPtr<UObject>>> AvailableObjects;
* The pool's buffer capacity.
* This will include the extra 1 item in the buffer that is used to detect full/empty states.
* So, this will appear 1 more than what the user inputs.
uint32 Capacity = 0;
TSharedPtr<FPoolObjectCreationFunc> CreationFunc = nullptr;
* The component that manages and stores the pooled objects.
UCLASS(Blueprintable, ClassGroup=(Custom), meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class OBJECTPOOLER_API UObjectPoolComponent : public UActorComponent
virtual void BeginPlay() override;
* Acquires an object from the pool. Returns true if successful.
* @param OutObject The object acquired from the pool, if valid.
* @return True if acquiring the object was successful.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Object Pool", meta=(ExpandBoolAsExecs="ReturnValue"))
bool AcquireObject(UObject*& OutObject);
* Returns an object to the pool.
* @param ObjectToReturn The object to return to the pool.
* @return True if return is successful.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Object Pool")
bool ReturnObject(UObject* ObjectToReturn);
/** Called when a pool object is created. Useful for object initialization. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "Object Pool")
void OnCreateObject(const UObject* InObject);
virtual void OnCreateObject_Implementation(const UObject* InObject);
/** Called when a pool object is acquired. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "Object Pool")
void OnAcquireObject(const UObject* InObject);
virtual void OnAcquireObject_Implementation(const UObject* InObject);
/** Called when an object returns to the pool. Any object re-initialization should be done here. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "Object Pool")
void OnReturnObject(const UObject* InObject);
virtual void OnReturnObject_Implementation(const UObject* InObject);
/** Called when an object fails to return to the pool. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "Object Pool")
void OnRejectObject(const UObject* InObject);
virtual void OnRejectObject_Implementation(const UObject* InObject);
bool IsPoolValid() const { return Pool.IsValid(); }
/** Initialize the object pool. Can only call this once successfully. */
void InitializePool();
/** Creates a new object to pooled. */
TObjectPtr<UObject> CreateObject();
/** The class of the object to pool. */
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly)
TSubclassOf<UObject> PoolObjectClass;
/** The limit for the number of pooled objects. */
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, meta=(ClampMin=0, UIMin=0))
int32 PoolCapacity = 0;
TSharedPtr<FObjectPool> Pool;
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