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Created August 20, 2018 08:41
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# dark_powered.toml --- dark powered configuration example for SpaceVim
# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Wang Shidong & Contributors
# Author: Wang Shidong < wsdjeg at >
# URL:
# License: GPLv3
# All SpaceVim option below [option] section
# set spacevim theme. by default colorscheme layer is not loaded,
# if you want to use more colorscheme, please load the colorscheme
# layer
colorscheme = "desert"
background = "dark"
# Disable guicolors in basic mode, many terminal do not support 24bit
# true colors
enable_guicolors = true
# Disable statusline separator, if you want to use other value, please
# install nerd fonts
statusline_separator = "arrow"
statusline_inactive_separator = "arrow"
buffer_index_type = 4
enable_tabline_filetype_icon = true
enable_statusline_display_mode = false
enable_vimfiler_gitstatus = true
github_username = 'tonyalaribe'
enable_vimfiler_filetypeicon = 1
bootstrap_before = "myspacevim#before"
bootstrap_after = "myspacevim#after"
filemanager = 'nerdtree'
# Yank and paste from system clipboard with leader p and leader y
name = "default"
# Enable autocomplete layer
name = 'autocomplete'
auto-completion-return-key-behavior = "complete"
auto-completion-tab-key-behavior = "smart"
name = 'shell'
default_position = 'top'
default_height = 30
name = "lang#go"
name = "lang#php"
name = "lang#html"
name = "tools"
name = "git"
name = "github"
name = 'VersionControl'
name = "lsp"
filetypes = [
# "rust",
name = "denite"
name = 'tweekmonster/startuptime.vim'
merged = 0
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