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Created August 9, 2016 05:56
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import pandas as pd
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
with open('tweets.csv') as tweets:
df = pd.read_csv(tweets)
data = []
sid = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp'])
df['weekday'] = df['timestamp'].apply(lambda x: x.weekday())
chart = []
for (sentence, id) in zip(df.text.values, df.weekday.values):
ss = sid.polarity_scores(sentence)
chart.append({'sentiment': ss['compound'], 'date': id})
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(chart)
mean_weekday = df.groupby('date')['sentiment'].mean()
fig, ax = plt.subplots()[0,1,2,3,4,5,6], mean_weekday)
ax.set_xticklabels(('M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S', 'S'))
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