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Created July 23, 2014 05:02
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iOS webview cache
// WebViewImageCache.m
// DoubanShuo
// Created by Jianjun Wu on 7/1/11.
// Copyright 2011 Douban Inc. All rights reserved.
#import "WebViewImageCache.h"
#import "UserAppPreference.h"
@implementation WebViewImageCache
- (BOOL)isImageResource:(NSString *)resourceURL {
static NSArray *nonImgSuffies = nil;
static NSArray *imgSuffies = nil;
if (!nonImgSuffies) {
nonImgSuffies = [[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@".html", @".htm", @".js", @".css", nil] retain];
if (!imgSuffies) {
imgSuffies = [[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@".bmp", @".gif", @".jpe", @".jpeg", @".jpg",
@".ico", @".png", @".tif", @".tiff", nil] retain];
NSString *nonImgSuffix = nil;
for (nonImgSuffix in nonImgSuffies) {
if ([resourceURL hasSuffix:nonImgSuffix]) {
return NO;
NSString *imgSuffix = nil;
for (imgSuffix in imgSuffies) {
if ([resourceURL hasSuffix:imgSuffix]) {
return YES;
return NO;
- (NSCachedURLResponse *)cachedResponseForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request {
NSString *ua = [[request allHTTPHeaderFields] objectForKey:@"User-Agent"];
if ([UserAppPreference sharedInstance].browserNoPictureMode
&& ua && [ua rangeOfString:@"AppleWebKit"].length > 0) {
NSString *relativePath = [[request URL] relativePath];
UIImage *defaultImg = [UIImage imageNamed:@"place_webimageholder.png"];
NSData *imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(defaultImg);
if ([self isImageResource:relativePath]) {
//NSLog(@"return cached picture with data length: %d", [imageData length]);
NSURLResponse *response = [[[NSURLResponse alloc] initWithURL:[request URL]
expectedContentLength:[imageData length]
return [[[NSCachedURLResponse alloc] initWithResponse:response data:imageData] autorelease];
return [super cachedResponseForRequest:request];
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