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#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
char psstr[40];
pid_t p = getpid();
snprintf(psstr, sizeof(psstr), "ps -l -p %ld", (long)p);
exact:19654: (op EXACT) OK 25575 (len 196295) (max 25639).
** (19655) offset of node 25575 is 196295.
** (14757) size of node 25575 is 483.
<\\\\\\\\\\\>...|25637| tail~ EXACT <\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\>... (25513) -> EXACT
| | piec
| | atom
exact:19654: (op EXACT) OK 25637 (len 196779) (max 25701).
** (19655) offset of node 25637 is 196779.
** (14757) size of node 25637 is 483.
Compiling REx "d%x{ff}%x{ff}%x{ff}%x{d2}%x{e9}%x{df}?%177%0%x{fa}%32%31%31"...
~ tying lastbr BRANCH (88) to ender CLOSE1 (299627) offset 299539
br 7f4b2caa40e8 next 7f4b2caa40f0 off 44 nextoff 46
br 7f4b2caa40f0 next 7f4b2caa4108 off 46 nextoff 52
br 7f4b2caa4108 next 7f4b2caa4110 off 52 nextoff 54
br 7f4b2caa4110 next 7f4b2caa4118 off 54 nextoff 56
br 7f4b2caa4118 next 7f4b2caa4120 off 56 nextoff 58
br 7f4b2caa4120 next 7f4b2caa4128 off 58 nextoff 60
br 7f4b2caa4128 next 7f4b2caa4130 off 60 nextoff 62
br 7f4b2caa4130 next 7f4b2caa4138 off 62 nextoff 64
$(libperl_dtrace_obj) $(DTRACE_PERLLIB_O): $(perllib_objs_nodt) perldtrace.d
[ -d lpdtrace ] || mkdir lpdtrace
cp $(ndt_obj) lpdtrace/
$(DTRACE) -G -s perldtrace.d -o $(DTRACE_PERLLIB_O)
# and use $(libperl_dtrace_obj) to build libperl.{a|so) instead of $(perllib_objs_nodt)
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
my $code;
my $missing;
GetOptions('code|c' => \$code,
'missing|m' => \$missing)
or die "usage: $0 [-code] [ base-commit [ base-path ] ]\n";
<:-.set options = [ article.option_descs(cfg) ]:>
<:-.for option in options:>
<label for="<:=>"><:= option.desc:>:</label>
<select name="<:=>" id="<:=>" class="form-control">
<:-.for item in option.values:>
<option value="<:= item:>"><:= option.labels[item]:></option>
<:-.end for:>
<:-.end for:>
neptune:perl tony$ cc -v
Apple LLVM version 6.0 (clang-600.0.54) (based on LLVM 3.5svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin14.0.0
Thread model: posix
neptune:perl tony$ ./perl -Ilib -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 21 subversion 7) configuration:
Commit id: 94708f6d9bd9347f0cbb485f61d2f74215b62fd4
osname=darwin, osvers=14.0.0, archname=darwin-thread-multi-2level
uname='darwin neptune.local 14.0.0 darwin kernel version 14.0.0: fri sep 19 00:26:44 pdt 2014; root:xnu-2782.1.97~2release_x86_64 x86_64 '
repo modal-test
RW+ = admin adriann
R = gitweb
modal-test "Tony Cook" = "Adrian's form thing"
You have:
options = Object.extend(Object.extend({ }, options));
options = {
openClass: options.openClass ? options.openClass : "open",
disclosureWidgetClass: options.disclosureWidgetClass ? options.disclosureWidgetClass : "disclosure-widget",
disclosureEvent: options.disclosureEvent ? options.disclosureEvent : "click"
tony@mars:.../git/perl$ ./perl -e '$x = bless{}, "foo"; Internals::SvREADONLY($x, 1); utf8::upgrade($x)'
Can't coerce readonly REF to string in subroutine entry at -e line 1.