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Last active February 14, 2020 00:37
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R functions for retrieving data, possibly from local files.
import_andor_export <-
data = NULL,
f = NULL,
.otherwise = NULL,
file = NULL,
ext = '.RData',
dir = 'output',
path = NULL,
var = NULL,
.envir = .GlobalEnv,
overwrite = FALSE,
export = TRUE,
assign = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE) {
if(is.null(data) & is.null(f)) {
'Both `data` and `f` can\'t be null.',
verbose = verbose
if(is.null(path) & is.null(file)) {
if(export) {
'Both `file` and `path` can\'t be null.',
verbose = verbose
if (is.null(path)) {
'Generating `path` from `dir` ({dir}), `file` ({file}), and `ext` ({ext}).',
verbose = verbose
path <- file.path(dir, paste0(file, ext))
if(is.null(file) & !is.null(path)) {
basename <- basename(path)
file <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(path)
dir <- dirname(path)
ext <- tools::file_ext(path)
if(is.null(var)) {
var <- file
file_exists <- file.exists(path)
if (!file_exists | overwrite) {
if (file_exists & overwrite) {
'Ignoring `overwrite` because `path` ({path}) does not exist.',
verbose = verbose
data_is_null <- is.null(data)
if(!data_is_null) {
res <- data
} else {
f_safe <- purrr::safely(f, otherwise = .otherwise, quiet = !verbose)
# res <- f_safe(...)
res <- f_safe()
if (is.null(res)) {
.display_warning('Something went wrong with function call!', verbose = verbose)
if (export) {
.display_info('Exporting {var} to {path}.', verbose = verbose)
# rio::export(res, file = path)
rio::export(res, file = path, ...)
} else {
.display_info('Importing data from {path}.', verbose = verbose)
# res <- rio::import(path)
res <- rio::import(path, ...)
if (assign) {
.display_info('Assiging {var} to `.envir`.', verbose = verbose)
.do_assign(x = res, .name = var, ...)
import_andor_export_image <-
.envir = .GlobalEnv,
import = TRUE,
overwrite = import,
verbose = TRUE) {
ext <- tools::file_ext(path)
stopifnot(any(tolower(ext) %in% c('rda', 'rdata')))
if (import) {
path = path,
overwrite = overwrite,
assign = FALSE,
export = FALSE,
verbose = verbose
} else {
.validate_path(path, strict = TRUE, verbose = verbose)
load(path, envir = .GlobalEnv, verbose = verbose)
config_get_safe <- purrr::safely(config::get)
config <- config_get_safe()[['result']]
if(!is.null(config)) {
.do_assign(x = config, .name = 'config')
invisible(R.utils::sourceDirectory(file.path('R'), recursive = FALSE))
# NOTE: This is a generalization of some functions for my Austin real estate analysis project.
.get_data <-
data = NULL,
f = NULL,
.otherwise = NULL,
file = tempfile(),
ext = '.rds',
dir = 'output',
path = NULL,
var = file,
.envir = .GlobalEnv,
overwrite = FALSE,
export = TRUE,
assign = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE) {
if (is.null(path)) {
path <- file.path(dir, paste0(file, ext))
file_exists <- file.exists(path)
if (!file_exists | overwrite) {
if (file_exists & overwrite) {
if (verbose) {
message(glue::glue('Ignoring `overwrite` because `path` ({path}) does not exist.'))
data_is_null <- is.null(data)
if(!data_is_null) {
res <- data
} else {
f_safe <- purrr::safely(f, otherwise = .otherwise, quiet = !verbose)
res <- f_safe(...)
if (is.null(res)) {
warning('Something went wrong with function call!', call. = FALSE)
if (export) {
if (verbose) {
message(glue::glue('Exporting {var} to {path}.'))
rio::export(res, file = path)
} else {
if (verbose) {
message(glue::glue('Importing data from {path}.'))
res <- rio::import(path)
if (assign) {
if (verbose) {
message(glue::glue('Assiging {var} to `.envir`.'))
assign(x = var,
value = res,
envir = .envir)
.get_data_wrapper <-
function(x = NULL,
file = tempfile(),
f_given_x) {
if (is.null(x)) {
x <- f_get_x()
.f <- function() {
f_given_x(x, ...)
.get_data(f = .f, file = file, ...)
get_data_wrapper <- function(file = 'file', ...) {
.get_data_wrapper(..., file = file, f_given_data = realtR::listings)
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