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Created February 9, 2021 07:35
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sealed trait Expr
case class BinOp(left: Expr, op:String, right: Expr) extends Expr
case class Literal(value: Int) extends Expr
case class Variable(name: String) extends Expr
trait ExprParser[T] { def parse(s: String): T }
object ExprParser {
implicit object ParseLiteral extends ExprParser[Literal] {
def parse(s: String): Literal = Literal(s.toInt)
implicit object ParseVariable extends ExprParser[Variable] {
def parse(s: String): Variable = Variable(s)
implicit object ParseBinOp extends ExprParser[BinOp] {
def parse(s: String): BinOp = {
val binOpPattern = "\\(([0-9]+) (\\+|\\-|\\*) ([0-9]+)\\)".r
s match {
case binOpPattern(left, op, right) => BinOp(Literal(left.toInt), op, Literal(right.toInt))
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid expression: $s")
def parse[T](s:String)(implicit parser: ExprParser[T]) = {
def evaluate(expr: Expr): Int = {
expr match {
case BinOp(left, "+", right) => evaluate(left) + evaluate(right)
case BinOp(left, "*", right) => evaluate(left) * evaluate(right)
case Literal(value) => value
// TODO: case Variable(name) => name
val literal = parse[Literal]("1")
assert(literal.value == 1)
val variable = parse[Variable]("x")
assert( == "x")
val binPlusOp = parse[BinOp]("(1 + 1)")
assert(binPlusOp == BinOp(Literal(1), "+", Literal(1)))
assert(evaluate(binPlusOp) == 2)
val binMultiplyOp = parse[BinOp]("(4 * 2)")
assert(binMultiplyOp == BinOp(Literal(4), "*", Literal(2)))
assert(evaluate(binMultiplyOp) == 8)
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