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Forked from bollwyvl/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
Show Gist options
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Save tonyfast/c8300e62c3d5d4c7ff95 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

An interactive version of a Reingold–Tilford tree. Click on the nodes to expand or collapse.


Very minor tweaks were made to create a collapsible tree of a dict-like object.

  • The dict is converted to the flare.json tree structure with a default size.
  • I added a subset of a gist API response because that is what I am working on.
  • I added lodash because the tree converter was already written.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>list gists</title>
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<a href="{ opts.html_url}">{ opts.description }</a>
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<a each={ opts.files} href={ raw_url } class="badge">{ filename } :: { size }</a>&nbsp;
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<p>I don't get moment, but this is about riot.</p>
//iife to force wait for load
// let d3 handle the selection management
var files ='.files').selectAll('gist');
var delay = function(d, i){ return i * 50; };
var render = function(e, gists) {
if (e){
return console.warn(e);
// rebind! note the reassignment... dirty, but works!
files =, 100), function(d){ return; });
// html
var gist = files.enter()
.each( function(d){
// convert object to array for template
d['files'] = d3.values( d['files'] );
riot.mountTo( this, 'gist', d );
gist.classed({row: true})
.style({opacity: 0})
.style({opacity: 1.0});
var get = function(url){
d3.json(url, render);
// wire up the listener
var input ="#user")
.on("change", function(){
get('' +"value") + '/gists');
// intialize with some data
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"created_at": "2014-12-15T03:49:02Z",
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"description": "Load Structured Data in Gist and Parse the Markdownified text with Moustache notation",
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"created_at": "2014-12-01T19:09:24Z",
"updated_at": "2014-12-03T13:08:50Z",
"description": "Using Jekyll blog posts as data in Python",
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