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Created July 10, 2024 08:35
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#lang racket
;; An Expression is a Variable, an Abstraction, or an Application.
;; A Variable is a Symbol, denoting use of a bound variable.
;; An Abstraction is an (abs Symbol Expression), denoting a lambda term and evaluating to a Closure.
(struct abs (var exp))
;; An Application is an (app Expression Expression), denoting a function call
(struct app (fun arg))
;; An Environment is a hash-table mapping Symbol to Value.
;; extend-env : Symbol Value Environment -> Environment
;; Extends the given environment with a new binding.
(define (extend-env var val env) (hash-set env var val))
;; lookup-env : Symbol Environment -> Value or exception
(define (lookup-env env var) (hash-ref env var))
;; A Value is a Closure, represented by a Racket closure.
;; Direct interpreter. Walks the syntax tree, doing the work *immediately*.
;; direct-eval : Expression Environment -> Value
(define (direct-eval exp env)
(match exp
[(abs var body) (lambda (val) (direct-eval body (extend-env var val env)))]
[(app fun arg)
(define f (direct-eval fun env))
(define a (direct-eval arg env))
(f a)]
[var (lookup-env env var)]))
;; Staged interpreter. Walks the syntax tree, building another tree of closures that do the
;; work *later*. (Depending on how you look at it, you might think of this is a kind of very
;; high-level compiler.)
;; The environment is split into two: a *static* environment, managed at compile time, and
;; useful for detecting invalid variable references before runtime even starts; and a *dynamic*
;; or runtime environment, that actually holds the run-time values associated with particular
;; variables.
;; A StaticEnvironment is a hash-table mapping Symbol to a constant #t value.
(define (extend-static-env var static-env) (hash-set static-env var #t))
(define (bound-in-static-env? static-env var) (hash-has-key? static-env var))
;; staged-eval : Expression StaticEnvironment -> Environment -> Value
(define (staged-eval exp static-env)
(match exp
[(abs var body)
(define body-c (staged-eval body (extend-static-env var static-env)))
(lambda (runtime-env) (lambda (val) (body-c (extend-env var val runtime-env))))]
[(app fun arg)
(define fun-c (staged-eval fun static-env))
(define arg-c (staged-eval arg static-env))
(lambda (runtime-env) ((fun-c runtime-env) (arg-c runtime-env)))]
(when (not (bound-in-static-env? static-env var))
(error 'staged-eval "Detected use of an unbound variable: ~a" var))
(lambda (runtime-env) (lookup-env runtime-env var))]))
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