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Created May 4, 2011 20:11
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#lang racket
(require racket/private/class-internal)
;; An ordinary Racket class.
(define a%
(class* object% ()
(define/public (op x) (+ x 1))))
;; Representation of a trivial vtable.
(struct ob (vt state) #:transparent)
;; A simple vtable providing a single method named "op".
(define (b%-vt selector)
(case selector
((op) (lambda (self x) (+ x 2)))
(else (error 'dnu))))
;; A simple class, using b%-vt as its behaviour.
(define (b%)
(ob b%-vt 'no-state))
;; An uncached send to a struct ob.
(define-syntax unmemo-send
(syntax-rules ()
((_ obj msg arg ...)
(let ((tmp obj))
(((ob-vt tmp) 'msg) tmp arg ...)))))
;; A quasi-cached send to a struct ob.
;; A real cache would have per-send-site state rather than a single
;; (!) global variable.
(define *memo-class* #f)
(define *memo-method* #f)
(define-syntax memo-send
(syntax-rules ()
((_ obj msg arg ...)
(let* ((tmp obj)
(cls (ob-vt tmp)))
(if (eq? *memo-class* cls)
(*memo-method* tmp arg ...)
(let ((method (cls 'msg)))
(set! *memo-class* cls)
(set! *memo-method* method)
(method tmp arg ...)))))))
;; A more serious attempt at an inline-caching send for the normal
;; Racket object system.
;; Uses a single box to avoid concurrency issues.
(define-syntax cached-send
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((_ obj msg arg ...)
(with-syntax ([*cached-state*
(syntax (cons #f #f)))])
(let* ((tmp obj)
(cls tmp) ;; there's no reliable way of getting hold
;; of the raw class object at the moment
(state *cached-state*))
(if (eq? (car state) cls)
((cdr state) tmp arg ...)
(let ((method (find-method/who 'cached-send tmp 'msg)))
(set! *cached-state* (cons cls method))
(method tmp arg ...))))))))))
;; As for cached-send, but with a weak box to improve space safety.
(define-syntax cached-weak-send
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
((_ obj msg arg ...)
(with-syntax ([*cached-state*
(syntax (make-weak-box (cons #f #f))))])
(let* ((tmp obj)
(cls tmp) ;; there's no reliable way of getting hold
;; of the raw class object at the moment
(state (weak-box-value *cached-state*)))
(if (and state (eq? (car state) cls))
((cdr state) tmp arg ...)
(let ((method (find-method/who 'cached-send tmp 'msg)))
(set! *cached-state* (make-weak-box (cons cls method)))
(method tmp arg ...))))))))))
;; Test objects.
(define a0 (new a%))
(define b0 (b%))
;; Syntax: (measure-ns exp)
;; Expands to an expression that repeats "exp" NREPEATS times,
;; measuring the elapsed time, and returns the number of nanoseconds
;; of CPU time used *per iteration*, excluding any GC time.
(define NREPEATS 5000000)
(define-syntax measure-ns
(syntax-rules ()
((_ exp)
(call-with-values (lambda ()
(pretty-print `(measuring exp))
(time-apply (lambda ()
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i NREPEATS))
(lambda (results cpu real gc)
(/ (* 1000000000.0 (/ (- cpu gc) 1000.0))
;; Main program.
;; Fibonacci experiments
(define fib%
(class* object% ()
(define/public (ifib n)
(if (< n 2)
(+ (ifib (- n 2))
(ifib (- n 1)))))
(define/public (cfib n)
(if (< n 2)
(+ (cached-send this cfib (- n 2))
(cached-send this cfib (- n 1)))))
(define/public (fib n)
(if (< n 2)
(+ (send this fib (- n 2))
(send this fib (- n 1)))))))
(time (send (new fib%) ifib 31))
(time (send (new fib%) cfib 31))
(time (send (new fib%) fib 31))
;; Measure the time for a null measure-ns loop first, then measure the
;; operations of interest, subtracting the null-time overhead
;; measurement from each to get an estimate of the time taken for the
;; interesting operation.
(let ((null-time (measure-ns 123)))
(define (report-on t)
(let ((name (first t))
(ns/op (second t)))
(write (list name (- ns/op null-time)))
(for-each report-on
;; Report on the loop overhead for sanity checking.
(constant ,null-time)
;; How long does a plain Scheme addition operation take?
,(measure-ns (+ 123 12)))
;; How long does a regular Racket object send take?
,(measure-ns (send a0 op 123)))
;; What about if we expand the send macro in place?
;; This should be almost identical to the time for the
;; previous expression.
,(measure-ns (let-values (((temp1) 'op))
(let ((temp2 (find-method/who 'send a0 temp1)))
(temp2 a0 '123)))))
;; What about an approximation to a monomorphic inline
;; cache for the Racket object system? This should be
;; much faster than plain old send.
,(with-method ((a-op (a0 op)))
(let ((method (lambda (x) (a-op x))))
(measure-ns (if (eq? *memo-class* a0)
(*memo-method* 123)
(set! *memo-class* a0)
(set! *memo-method* method)
(method 123)))))))
;; A more serious effort.
,(measure-ns (cached-send a0 op 123)))
;; A more serious effort, with better space-safety.
,(measure-ns (cached-weak-send a0 op 123)))
;; How long does a Racket generic send take?
,(let ([op/g (generic a% op)])
(measure-ns (send-generic a0 op/g 123))))
;; What about an uncached lookup using the trivial
;; vtable format defined above?
,(measure-ns (unmemo-send b0 op 123)))
;; Finally, the vtable format defined above using an
;; approximation of monomorphic inline caching.
,(measure-ns (memo-send b0 op 123)))
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