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Last active May 30, 2022 09:25
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Save tonyhb/2727341 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
New prepareIndexdata method for the CatalogSearch Helper in Magento (to integrate with Sphinx)
// Helper/Data.php
public function prepareIndexdata($index, $separator = ' ', $entity_id = NULL)
$_attributes = array();
$_index = array();
foreach ($index as $key => $value) {
// As long as this isn't a standard attribute use it in our
// concatenated column.
if ( ! in_array($key, array('sku', 'name', 'description', 'short_description', 'meta_keywords', 'meta_title')))
$_attributes[$key] = $value;
if (!is_array($value)) {
$_index[] = $value;
else {
$_index = array_merge($_index, $value);
// Get the product name.
if (is_array($index['name']))
$name = $index['name'][0]; // Use the configurable product's name
$name = $index['name']; // Use the simple product's name
// Combine the name with each non-standard attribute
$name_attributes = array();
foreach ($_attributes as $code => $value)
if ( ! is_array($value))
$value = array($value);
// Loop through each simple product's attribute values and assign to
// product name.
foreach ($value as $key => $item_value)
if (isset($name_attributes[$key]))
$name_attributes[$key] .= ' '.$item_value;
// The first time we see this add the name to start.
$name_attributes[] = $name.' '.$item_value;
$category = '';
if ($entity_id)
$entity_id = (int) $entity_id;
$read = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core/read');
// Get categories
$data = $read->fetchRow("
SELECT value FROM `catalog_category_entity_varchar` `ccev`
JOIN `catalog_category_entity` `cce` ON `cce`.`entity_id` = `ccev`.`entity_id`
JOIN `catalog_category_product` `ccp` on `ccp`.`category_id` = `cce`.`entity_id`
WHERE `ccp`.`product_id` = {$entity_id}
ORDER BY `cce`.`level` DESC
$category = $data['value'];
$data = array(
'name' => $name,
'name_attributes' => join('. ', $name_attributes),
'data_index' => join($separator, $_index),
'category' => $category,
return $data;
// Model/Mysql4/Fulltext.php
// ...
* Prepare results for query
* @param Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Fulltext $object
* @param string $queryText
* @param Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Query $query
* @return Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Mysql4_Fulltext
public function prepareResult($object, $queryText, $query)
if ($query->getIsProcessed())
// return $this;
$searchType = $object->getSearchType($query->getStoreId());
$stringHelper = Mage::helper('core/string');
/* @var $stringHelper Mage_Core_Helper_String */
$bind = array(
':query' => $queryText
$like = array();
$fulltextCond = '';
$likeCond = '';
$separateCond = '';
if ($searchType == Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Fulltext::SEARCH_TYPE_LIKE || $searchType == Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Fulltext::SEARCH_TYPE_COMBINE) {
$words = $stringHelper->splitWords($queryText, true, $query->getMaxQueryWords());
$likeI = 0;
foreach ($words as $word) {
$like[] = '`s`.`data_index` LIKE :likew' . $likeI;
$bind[':likew' . $likeI] = '%' . $word . '%';
$likeI ++;
if ($like) {
$likeCond = '(' . join(' AND ', $like) . ')';
if ($searchType == Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Fulltext::SEARCH_TYPE_FULLTEXT
|| $searchType == Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Fulltext::SEARCH_TYPE_COMBINE) {
$fulltextCond = 'MATCH (`s`.`data_index`) AGAINST (:query IN BOOLEAN MODE)';
if ($searchType == Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Fulltext::SEARCH_TYPE_COMBINE && $likeCond) {
$separateCond = ' OR ';
define('SPH_RANK_SPH04', 7);
define('SPH_RANK_WORDCOUNT', 3);
// Connect to our Sphinx Search Engine and run our queries
$sphinx = new SphinxClient();
$sphinx->SetServer('', 9312);
'name' => 7,
'category' => 1,
'name_attributes' => 3,
'data_index' => 1
$sphinx->setLimits(0, 200, 1000, 5000);
// $sphinx->SetRankingMode(SPH_RANK_SPH04, 7);
$sphinx->AddQuery($queryText, "fulltext");
$results = $sphinx->RunQueries();
// Loop through our Sphinx results
foreach ($results as $item)
if (empty($item['matches']))
foreach ($item['matches'] as $doc => $docinfo)
// Ensure we log query results into the Magento table.
$sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `{$this->getTable('catalogsearch/result')}` "
. " (`query_id`, `product_id`, `relevance`) VALUES "
. " (%d, %d, %f) "
. " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `relevance` = %f",
$this->_getWriteAdapter()->query($sql, $bind);
return $this;
// ...
* Prepare Fulltext index value for product
* @param array $indexData
* @param array $productData
* @return string
protected function _prepareProductIndex($indexData, $productData, $storeId)
$index = array();
foreach ($this->_getSearchableAttributes('static') as $attribute) {
if (isset($productData[$attribute->getAttributeCode()])) {
if ($value = $this->_getAttributeValue($attribute->getId(), $productData[$attribute->getAttributeCode()], $storeId)) {
//For grouped products
if (isset($index[$attribute->getAttributeCode()])) {
if (!is_array($index[$attribute->getAttributeCode()])) {
$index[$attribute->getAttributeCode()] = array($index[$attribute->getAttributeCode()]);
$index[$attribute->getAttributeCode()][] = $value;
//For other types of products
else {
$index[$attribute->getAttributeCode()] = $value;
foreach ($indexData as $attributeData) {
foreach ($attributeData as $attributeId => $attributeValue) {
if ($value = $this->_getAttributeValue($attributeId, $attributeValue, $storeId)) {
$code = $this->_getSearchableAttribute($attributeId)->getAttributeCode();
//For grouped products
if (isset($index[$code])) {
if (!is_array($index[$code])) {
$index[$code] = array($index[$code]);
$index[$code][] = $value;
//For other types of products
else {
$index[$code] = $value;
$product = $this->_getProductEmulator()
$typeInstance = $this->_getProductTypeInstance($productData['type_id']);
if ($data = $typeInstance->getSearchableData($product)) {
$index['options'] = $data;
if (isset($productData['in_stock'])) {
$index['in_stock'] = $productData['in_stock'];
if ($this->_engine) {
return $this->_engine->prepareEntityIndex($index, $this->_separator, $productData['entity_id']);
return Mage::helper('catalogsearch')->prepareIndexdata($index, $this->_separator, $productData['entity_id']);
// Model_Mysql4_Fulltext_Engine.php
// ...
* Multi add entities data to fulltext search table
* @param int $storeId
* @param array $entityIndexes
* @param string $entity 'product'|'cms'
* @return Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Mysql4_Fulltext_Engine
public function saveEntityIndexes($storeId, $entityIndexes, $entity = 'product')
$adapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter();
$data = array();
$storeId = (int)$storeId;
foreach ($entityIndexes as $entityId => &$index) {
$data[] = array(
'product_id' => (int)$entityId,
'store_id' => $storeId,
'data_index' => $index['data_index'],
'name' => $index['name'],
'name_attributes' => $index['name_attributes'],
'category' => $index['category'],
if ($data) {
$adapter->insertOnDuplicate('sphinx_catalogsearch_fulltext', $data, array('data_index', 'name', 'name_attributes', 'category'));
return $this;
// ...
* Prepare index array as a string glued by separator
* @param array $index
* @param string $separator
* @return string
public function prepareEntityIndex($index, $separator = ' ', $entity_id = NULL)
return Mage::helper('catalogsearch')->prepareIndexdata($index, $separator, $entity_id);
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Since using this code, I am getting much more relevant search results in magento. The only problem I'm having now is that if you search by a specific SKU, that product is not returned first. Do you have any suggestions on how to put exact search terms as a priority? Thanks SR

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