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Created May 15, 2022 06:35
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General function that takes an array of structs representing data to go on the file along with column/row/cell styling.
Example argument structure
worksheets = [
name: [sheet_name],
data: [query],
includeColumnNames: [true|false],
columnFormat: [struct],
columnCellStyle: [array_of_structs]
* @hint Creates a spreadsheet object of the data passed in.
* @worksheets.hint An array of structs that represent the worksheet name, data, and column details.
* @xmlFormat.hint Determines if the workbook format should be XLSX or XLS. Defaults to true (XLSX).
public string function createSpreadsheet(
required array worksheets,
boolean xmlFormat = true
) {
// Reduce each worksheet collection into a single workbook
return arguments.worksheets.reduce((workbook, worksheet, wsIndex) => {
// Sheet names have a max length of 31, default if too long
var sheetName = ( <= 31)
: "Sheet #wsIndex#";
// Set workbook worksheet name if first page
if (arguments.wsIndex == 1) {
arguments.workbook.getWorkBook().setSheetName(0, sheetName);
// Otherwise create the next worksheet
else {
// Set which worksheet is currently being worked on
// Get the worksheet object for further formatting (index begins at 0)
var currentWorksheet = arguments.workBook.getWorkBook().getSheetAt(arguments.wsIndex - 1);
// Get query columns going on the worksheet
// Excludes an config/styling columns (e.g. X_BackgroundColor)
// Note: The result is not a true CF array, so member functions cannot be used on it
var columns = arrayFilter(,
(column) => !arguments.column.findNoCase("X_")
// Column header
var rowPadding = 0;
if (arguments.worksheet.includeColumnNames) {
// Increase row position by 1 to account for header
// Add and format columns to worksheet
columns.each((column, colIndex) => {
workbook.addColumn(arguments.column, 1, arguments.colIndex, true, "STRING");
arguments.workBook.formatRow(arguments.worksheet.columnFormat, 1);
// Write row data to worksheet
for (var row in {
// Current row going on sheet (data row + column row)
var currentDataRow = + rowPadding;
// Get row formats, if defined (color, font, etc.)
// Format Options:
var format = (row?.X_Format?.len() > 0) ? deserializeJSON(row.X_Format) : {};
// Write cells and apply any formatting
columns.each((column, colIndex) => {
// Write the current column row cell to the workbook
var columnRowCell = row[arguments.column];
workbook.setCellValue(columnRowCell, currentDataRow, arguments.colIndex, "STRING");
// Get current column cell style info
var cellStyle = worksheet.columnCellStyle[arguments.colIndex];
// Merge column cell format with row format
// Note: Overwrites any formats already specified on the row
if (cellStyle.format.count() > 0) {
format.append(cellStyle.format, true);
// Apply formatting to the current column row cell
workbook.formatCell(format, currentDataRow, arguments.colIndex);
// Apply formula to the current column row cell
if (cellStyle.formula.len() > 0) {
workbook.setCellFormula(cellStyle.formula, currentDataRow, arguments.colIndex);
return arguments.workbook;
}, spreadsheetNew(arguments.xmlFormat));
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