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Calculate time it takes TensorFlow Keras to handle dynamic reshaping of model inputs
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
num_channels = 3
def create_model():
Generic fully-convolutional (FCN) model
Model inputs can be defined with size "None" so that they can
use different shapes each time. This works for FCN models
because there are no operations with pre-defined shapes (e.g. Dense or Flatten)
inputs_to_model = tf.keras.layers.Input([None, None, num_channels], name="myInput")
conv1 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, (3,3), activation="relu", padding="same")(inputs_to_model)
pool1 = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D((2,2))(conv1)
conv2 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (3,3), activation="relu", padding="same")(pool1)
up1 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2DTranspose(name="transconv1", filters=32,
kernel_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2), padding="same")(conv2)
outputs_to_model = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(num_channels, (3,3), activation="sigmoid", padding="same")(up1)
model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=[inputs_to_model], outputs=[outputs_to_model])
model.summary() # Ask Keras to print the model summary
model.compile(loss="binary_crossentropy", optimizer="Adam", metrics=["accuracy"])
return model
if __name__ == "__main__":
Create fully convolutional model trained on [224, 224, 3] images
(Model just acts as autoencoder)
model = create_model()
dataset_size = 1024*4
input_shape = [dataset_size, 224, 224, num_channels]
random_input = np.random.random(input_shape)
# Train model on [224, 224, 3] input images, random_input, epochs=2, batch_size=64)
Do inference on model with different input sizes and dataset sizes
# Create random size input shape at runtime to measure time between dynamic reshape
dataset_size1 = np.random.randint(32, 1024)
input_shape1 = [dataset_size1, np.random.randint(32, 1024), np.random.randint(32, 1024), num_channels]
random_input1 = np.random.random(input_shape1)
dataset_size2 = np.random.randint(32, 1024)
input_shape2 = [dataset_size2, np.random.randint(128, 1024), np.random.randint(128, 1024), num_channels]
random_input2 = np.random.random(input_shape2)
dataset_size3 = np.random.randint(512, 1024)
input_shape3 = [dataset_size3, np.random.randint(32, 1024), np.random.randint(32, 1024), num_channels]
random_input3 = np.random.random(input_shape3)
dataset_size4 = np.random.randint(128, 1024)
input_shape4 = [dataset_size4, np.random.randint(640, 1024), np.random.randint(640, 1024), num_channels]
random_input4 = np.random.random(input_shape4)
# Looking for the delay between one predict and the next.
import datetime
print("\n\nTest time between predictions on dynamic reshape")
print("Add up the time for each prediction and subtract from total time.")
print("That's the time to reshape model to new shape.")
print("Random input size 1 = {}".format(random_input1.shape))
print("Random input size 2 = {}".format(random_input2.shape))
print("Random input size 3 = {}".format(random_input3.shape))
print("Random input size 4 = {}".format(random_input4.shape))
print("Testing random sizes with back to back model.predict()")
for iter in range(3):
print("Run #{}".format(iter+1))
start =
for i in range(3): # Repeat to give us better estimate of time
model.predict(random_input1, verbose=1)
model.predict(random_input2, verbose=1)
model.predict(random_input3, verbose=1)
model.predict(random_input4, verbose=1)
stop =
print("Elapsed time = {}".format(stop-start))
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