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Last active March 28, 2021 14:24
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from tensorflow.keras.utils import Sequence
import numpy as np
class DatasetGenerator(Sequence):
TensorFlow Dataset from Python/NumPy Iterator
def __init__(self, filenames, batch_size=8, crop_dim=[240,240], augment=False, seed=816):
self.filenames = filenames
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.crop_dim = crop_dim
self.augment = augment
self.seed = seed
self.slice_dim = 2
self.num_slices_per_scan = 155
self.num_files = len(self.filenames)
self.ds = self.get_dataset()
def preprocess_img(self, img):
Preprocessing for the image
z-score normalize
return (img - img.mean()) / img.std()
def preprocess_label(self, label):
Predict whole tumor. If you want to predict tumor sections, then
just comment this out.
label[label > 0] = 1.0
return label
def augment_data(self, img, msk):
Data augmentation
Flip image and mask. Rotate image and mask.
if np.random.rand() > 0.5:
ax = np.random.choice([0,1])
img = np.flip(img, ax)
msk = np.flip(msk, ax)
if np.random.rand() > 0.5:
rot = np.random.choice([1, 2, 3]) # 90, 180, or 270 degrees
img = np.rot90(img, rot, axes=[0,1]) # Rotate axes 0 and 1
msk = np.rot90(msk, rot, axes=[0,1]) # Rotate axes 0 and 1
return img, msk
def crop_input(self, img, msk):
Randomly crop the image and mask
slices = []
# Do we randomize?
is_random = self.augment and np.random.rand() > 0.5
for idx, idy in enumerate(range(2)): # Go through each dimension
cropLen = self.crop_dim[idx]
imgLen = img.shape[idy]
start = (imgLen-cropLen)//2
ratio_crop = 0.20 # Crop up this this % of pixels for offset
# Number of pixels to offset crop in this dimension
offset = int(np.floor(start*ratio_crop))
if offset > 0:
if is_random:
start += np.random.choice(range(-offset, offset))
if ((start + cropLen) > imgLen): # Don't fall off the image
start = (imgLen-cropLen)//2
start = 0
slices.append(slice(start, start+cropLen))
return img[tuple(slices)], msk[tuple(slices)]
def generate_batch_from_files(self, randomize_slices=True):
Python generator which goes through a list of filenames to load.
The files are 3D image (slice is dimension index 2 by default). However,
we need to yield them as a batch of 2D slices. This generator
keeps yielding a batch of 2D slices at a time until the 3D image is
complete and then moves to the next 3D image in the filenames.
An optional `randomize_slices` allows the user to randomize the 3D image
slices after loading if desired.
import nibabel as nib
np.random.seed(self.seed) # Set a random seed
idx = 0
idy = 0
while True:
label_filename = self.filenames[idx]
img_filename = label_filename.replace("_seg.nii.gz", "_flair.nii.gz")
img = np.array(nib.load(img_filename).dataobj)
img = self.preprocess_img(img)
label = np.array(nib.load(label_filename).dataobj)
label = self.preprocess_label(label)
# Crop input and label
img, label = self.crop_input(img, label)
num_slices = img.shape[self.slice_dim]
if self.batch_size > num_slices:
raise Exception("Batch size {} is greater than"
" the number of slices in the image {}."
" Data loader cannot be used.".format(batch_size, num_slices))
We can also randomize the slices so that no 2 runs will return the same slice order
for a given file. This also helps get slices at the end that would be skipped
if the number of slices is not the same as the batch order.
if randomize_slices:
slice_idx = np.random.choice(range(num_slices), num_slices)
img = img[:,:,slice_idx] # Randomize the slices
label = label[:,:,slice_idx]
name = self.filenames[idx]
if (idy + self.batch_size) < num_slices: # We have enough slices for batch
img_batch, label_batch = img[:,:,idy:idy+self.batch_size], label[:,:,idy:idy+self.batch_size]
else: # We need to pad the batch with slices
img_batch, label_batch = img[:,:,-self.batch_size:], label[:,:,-self.batch_size:] # Get remaining slices
if self.augment:
img_batch, label_batch = self.augment_data(img_batch, label_batch)
if len(np.shape(img_batch)) == 3:
img_batch = np.expand_dims(img_batch, axis=-1)
if len(np.shape(label_batch)) == 3:
label_batch = np.expand_dims(label_batch, axis=-1)
yield np.transpose(img_batch, [2,0,1,3]).astype(np.float32), np.transpose(label_batch, [2,0,1,3]).astype(np.float32)
idy += self.batch_size
if idy >= num_slices: # We finished this file, move to the next
idy = 0
idx += 1
if idx >= len(self.filenames):
idx = 0
np.random.shuffle(self.filenames) # Shuffle the filenames for the next iteration
def get_input_shape(self):
Get image shape
return [self.crop_dim[0], self.crop_dim[1], 1]
def get_output_shape(self):
Get label shape
return [self.crop_dim[0], self.crop_dim[1], 1]
def get_dataset(self):
Return a dataset
ds = self.generate_batch_from_files()
return ds
def __len__(self):
return (self.num_slices_per_scan * self.num_files)//self.batch_size
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return next(self.ds)
def plot_samples(self):
Plot some random samples
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
img, label = next(self.ds)
slice_num = 3
plt.title("MRI, Slice #{}".format(slice_num));
plt.title("Tumor, Slice #{}".format(slice_num));
slice_num = self.batch_size - 1
plt.title("MRI, Slice #{}".format(slice_num));
plt.title("Tumor, Slice #{}".format(slice_num));
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