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Last active February 25, 2022 10:40
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// Having multiple Python environments in a single process is a problem.
// The code in this gist is not a complete solution but contains some
// ideas of how the problem might be worked around.
// Python extension modules link against python3.dll which redirects
// to the full python3x.dll module, but if multiple Python runtimes
// are loaded then when loading an extension module the python3.dll
// dependency resolves to the first instance of python3.dll that was
// loaded, which may not be the correct one.
// To attempt to solve this we can redirect the incorrect python3.dll
// to the correct one before doing any Python imports.
// The idea works as follows:
// 1. Get the Ldr data table entry for the python3.dll we want our
// import to use.
// This is loaded as part of initialising Python, or
// we can find it from the path and load it using LoadLibraryEx with
// an altered search path.
// The function FindLoaderEntry does this for us once we have the
// module handle.
// 2. Replace all other entries in the Ldr table where the dll base
// name is the same as our target one (i.e. the other python3.dll).
// When import calls LoadLibrary to load the c extension the DLL
// resolution will use the updated entry and python3.dll will be
// resolved to the one we want.
// This is done by UpdateLoaderTable.
// 3. Import the module as normal.
// 4. Restore the Ldr table using RestoreLoaderTable.
// This may not strictly be necessary if the other Python
// environment is also patching the Ldr table, but we cannot
// be sure of that so better to restore it.
// This technique relies on various undocumented features of Windows
// and messing with the Ldr table may be detected by anti-malware
// or other end point security software.
// It doesn't solve the problem of other DLLs that may conflict
// between Python environments. For example, other pyd files
// named the same (same version of Python) that have already been
// loaded and resolved by the time the second interpreter is
// started.
#include <Python.h>
#include <winternl.h>
// These structs are not in the Windows headers
struct _PEB_LDR_DATA
ULONG Length;
BOOLEAN Initialized;
PVOID SsHandle;
LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderModuleList;
LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList;
LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderModuleList;
LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderLinks;
LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderLinks;
LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderLinks;
PVOID DllBase;
PVOID EntryPoint;
ULONG SizeOfImage;
// Function pointers for the undocumented Loader Lock functions
NTSTATUS (WINAPI *_LdrLockLoaderLock)(ULONG Flags, PULONG State, PULONG_PTR Cookie) = NULL;
NTSTATUS (WINAPI *_LdrUnlockLoaderLock)(ULONG Flags, ULONG_PTR Cookie) = NULL;
bool LdrLockInit()
if (NULL == _LdrLockLoaderLock || NULL == _LdrUnlockLoaderLock)
gNtDLL = LoadLibraryA("ntdll.dll");
if (NULL == gNtDLL)
return false;
*((FARPROC*)&_LdrLockLoaderLock) = GetProcAddress(gNtDLL, "LdrLockLoaderLock");
*((FARPROC*)&_LdrUnlockLoaderLock) = GetProcAddress(gNtDLL, "LdrUnlockLoaderLock");
return NULL != _LdrLockLoaderLock && NULL != _LdrUnlockLoaderLock;
NTSTATUS LdrLockLoaderLock(ULONG Flags, PULONG State, PULONG_PTR Cookie)
if (!LdrLockInit())
return -1;
return _LdrLockLoaderLock(Flags, State, Cookie);
NTSTATUS LdrUnlockLoaderLock(ULONG Flags, ULONG_PTR Cookie)
if (!LdrLockInit())
return -1;
return _LdrUnlockLoaderLock(Flags, Cookie);
// Find an entry in the DLL loader table for a module
_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY* FindLoaderEntry(HMODULE module)
// Release the GIL before acquiring the loader lock
// Acquire the loader lock before iterating over the loader data
ULONG_PTR cookie(0);
LdrLockLoaderLock(0, NULL, &cookie);
#ifdef _WIN64
PPEB peb = reinterpret_cast<PPEB>(__readgsqword(0x60));
PPEB peb = reinterpret_cast<PPEB>(__readfsdword(0x30));
// Look through the loaded modules to find the entry relating to our specific python3.dll
_PEB_LDR_DATA* data = reinterpret_cast<_PEB_LDR_DATA*>(peb->Ldr);
LIST_ENTRY* first = data->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink, *link = first;
_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY* entry = reinterpret_cast<_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY*>(link);
if (entry->DllBase == module)
found = entry;
link = link->Flink;
while (link != first);
// Release the loader lock
if (cookie)
LdrUnlockLoaderLock(0, cookie);
return found;
// Update the loader table to redirect to our module
UpdateLoaderTable(_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY* entry)
if (NULL == entry || !entry->EntryPoint)
return updates;
// Release the GIL before acquiring the loader lock
// Acquire the loader lock before updating the loader data
ULONG_PTR cookie(0);
LdrLockLoaderLock(0, NULL, &cookie);
#ifdef _WIN64
PPEB peb = reinterpret_cast<PPEB>(__readgsqword(0x60));
PPEB peb = reinterpret_cast<PPEB>(__readfsdword(0x30));
// Redirect all DLLs with the same base name to our entry
_PEB_LDR_DATA* data = reinterpret_cast<_PEB_LDR_DATA*>(peb->Ldr);
LIST_ENTRY* first = data->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink, *link = first;
_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY* current = reinterpret_cast<_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY*>(link);
if (current->BaseDllName.Length == entry->BaseDllName.Length
&& current->DllBase != entry->DllBase
&& 0 == wcsnicmp(current->BaseDllName.Buffer,
// Add this entry to the list of updates before modifying it
updates.insert(std::make_pair(current, *current));
// Update this one to match the entry we want to use
current->DllBase = entry->DllBase;
current->EntryPoint = entry->EntryPoint;
current->SizeOfImage = entry->SizeOfImage;
link = link->Flink;
while (link != first);
// Release the loader lock
if (cookie)
LdrUnlockLoaderLock(0, cookie);
return updates;
void RestoreLoaderTable(const std::map<_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY*, _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY>& updates)
if (updates.empty())
// Release the GIL before acquiring the loader lock
// Acquire the loader lock before updating the loader data
ULONG_PTR cookie(0);
LdrLockLoaderLock(0, NULL, &cookie);
#ifdef _WIN64
PPEB peb = reinterpret_cast<PPEB>(__readgsqword(0x60));
PPEB peb = reinterpret_cast<PPEB>(__readfsdword(0x30));
_PEB_LDR_DATA* data = reinterpret_cast<_PEB_LDR_DATA*>(peb->Ldr);
LIST_ENTRY* first = data->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink, *link = first;
_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY* entry = reinterpret_cast<_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY*>(link);
auto found = updates.find(entry);
if (found != updates.end())
// Restore this entry back to how it was
entry->DllBase = found->second.DllBase;
entry->EntryPoint = found->second.EntryPoint;
entry->SizeOfImage = found->second.SizeOfImage;
link = link->Flink;
while (link != first);
// Release the loader lock
if (cookie)
LdrUnlockLoaderLock(0, cookie);
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