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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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The base class of entity models.
__all__ = ['EntityModel']
class EntityModel(object):
"""The base class of entity models.
All entity models are comparable and hashable. There are some meta
- ``id_attr_name``
- ``repr_attr_names``
>>> class Article(EntityModel):
... class Meta:
... id_attr_name = 'article_id'
... repr_attr_names = ['title', 'is_public']
... def __init__(self, article_id):
... self.article_id = article_id
... self.title = 'TITLE {0}'.format(article_id)
... self.is_public = True
>>> article = Article('1000001')
>>> article
Article(article_id='1000001', title='TITLE 1000001', is_public=True)
>>> str(article).startswith('<core.models.base.Article at 0x')
>>> str(article).endswith(' article_id:1000001>')
>>> article == Article('1000001')
>>> article != Article('1000001')
>>> article == Article('1000002')
>>> sorted([
... a.article_id
... for a in {article, Article('1000001'), Article('1000002')}])
['1000001', '1000002']
def __eq__(self, other):
id_attr_name, id_attr_value = get_id_attr(self)
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__) or \
not id_attr_name or \
not hasattr(self, id_attr_name) or \
not hasattr(other, id_attr_name):
return NotImplemented
return id_attr_value == getattr(other, id_attr_name)
def __ne__(self, other):
rv = self.__eq__(other)
if isinstance(rv, bool):
return not rv
return rv
def __hash__(self):
id_attr_name, id_attr_value = get_id_attr(self, default=missing)
return hash((self.__class__, id_attr_name, id_attr_value))
def __repr__(self):
name = self.__class__.__name__
kwargs = ', '.join('%s=%r' % pair for pair in iter_repr_attrs(self))
return '{0}({1})'.format(name, kwargs)
def __unicode__(self):
name = get_qual_name(self.__class__)
id_attr = u'%s:%s' % get_id_attr(self)
return u'<{0} at {1} {2}>'.format(name, hex(id(self)), id_attr)
def __str__(self):
return self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8')
#: A symbol object which means "missing value"
missing = object()
def get_meta_attr(cls, name, default=None):
"""Gets the meta attribute from the instance of Meta class of the host
meta = getattr(cls, 'Meta', object)()
return getattr(meta, name, default)
def get_qual_name(cls):
"""Just like the ``__qualname__`` in Python 3."""
return '{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}'.format(cls=cls)
def get_id_attr(self, default=None):
"""Gets the id attribute key-value pair of this entity."""
id_attr_name = get_meta_attr(self.__class__, 'id_attr_name', 'id_')
id_attr_value = getattr(self, id_attr_name, default)
return id_attr_name, id_attr_value
def get_repr_attr_names(self):
"""Gets the names of representation attributes."""
id_attr_name = get_meta_attr(self.__class__, 'id_attr_name', 'id_')
repr_attr_names = get_meta_attr(self.__class__, 'repr_attr_names', [])
repr_attr_names = list(repr_attr_names)
if id_attr_name and id_attr_name not in repr_attr_names:
repr_attr_names = [id_attr_name] + repr_attr_names
return repr_attr_names
def iter_repr_attrs(self):
repr_attr_names = get_repr_attr_names(self)
for attr_name in repr_attr_names:
if not hasattr(self, attr_name):
yield attr_name, getattr(self, attr_name)
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