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Created June 22, 2015 13:19
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from import assert_equal, assert_is_not, assert_raises
def flatten_inheritance_dict(child_dict, parent_key,
expand_parent=lambda x: x):
"""Return a flattened version of dictionary that inherits from a parent.
child_dict : dict
Dictionary with a special key that points to a dictionary of defaults,
or a value that can be expanded to a dictionary of defaults.
parent_key : str
The key that points to a list of parents.
expand_parent : callable(parent) -> dict
Function that returns a dictionary from the value corresponding to
`parent_key`. By default, this simply returns the value.
if parent_key not in child_dict:
return child_dict.copy()
parents = child_dict[parent_key]
if not isinstance(parents, (list, tuple)):
msg = "Parent value must be list or tuple, but given {!r}"
raise ValueError(msg.format(parents))
# Expand any parents defined by `child_dict` into dictionaries.
parents = (expand_parent(p) for p in parents)
# Resolve any grand-parents defined by parents of `child_dict`
parents = [flatten_inheritance_dict(p, parent_key, expand_parent)
for p in parents]
# Child will override parent values in `dict.update` so put it last.
ordered_dicts = parents + [child_dict]
# Copy first dictionary and update with subsequent dictionaries.
output_dict = ordered_dicts[0].copy()
for d in ordered_dicts[1:]:
# Since the parent data been resolved, remove parent references.
del output_dict[parent_key]
return output_dict
def test_empty_dict():
child = {}
flattened = flatten_inheritance_dict(child, 'parents')
assert_equal(flattened, child)
def test_no_parent():
child = {'my-key': 'my-value'}
flattened = flatten_inheritance_dict(child, 'parents')
assert_equal(flattened, child)
# Verify that flatten_inheritance_dict always returns a copy.
assert_is_not(flattened, child)
def test_non_list_raises():
child = {'parents': 'parent-value'}
with assert_raises(ValueError):
flatten_inheritance_dict(child, 'parents')
def test_child_with_no_unique_values():
parent = {'a': 1}
child = {'parents': [parent]}
flattened = flatten_inheritance_dict(child, 'parents')
assert_equal(flattened, parent)
def test_child_overrides_parent_value():
parent = {'a': 'old-value'}
child = {'parents': [parent], 'a': 'new-value'}
flattened = flatten_inheritance_dict(child, 'parents')
assert_equal(flattened, {'a': 'new-value'})
def test_parents_with_distinct_values():
child = {'parents': [{'a': 1}, {'b': 2}]}
flattened = flatten_inheritance_dict(child, 'parents')
assert_equal(flattened, {'a': 1, 'b': 2})
def test_later_parent_overrides_former():
child = {'parents': [{'a': 1}, {'a': 2}]}
flattened = flatten_inheritance_dict(child, 'parents')
assert_equal(flattened, {'a': 2})
def test_grandparent():
grandparent = {'a': 1}
parent = {'parents': [grandparent]}
child = {'parents': [parent]}
flattened = flatten_inheritance_dict(child, 'parents')
assert_equal(flattened, grandparent)
def test_custom_expand_parent():
parent_map = {'a-pointer': {'a': 1}, 'b-pointer': {'b': 2}}
def expand_parent(key):
return parent_map[key]
child = {'parents': ['a-pointer', 'b-pointer']}
flattened = flatten_inheritance_dict(child, 'parents',
assert_equal(flattened, {'a': 1, 'b': 2})
def test_circular_parents():
parent_map = {'a-pointer': {'parents': ['b-pointer']},
'b-pointer': {'parents': ['a-pointer']}}
def expand_parent(key):
return parent_map[key]
child = {'parents': ['a-pointer']}
with assert_raises(RuntimeError):
flatten_inheritance_dict(child, 'parents',
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