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Last active December 31, 2015 18:59
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OSX Dev & Misc Tools

To be made into a BOXEN environment


  1. Chrome / Firefox (Browser)
  2. OSX Xcode
  1. Homebrew (Package Manager for Open Source Apps)
  2. Sublime Text 3 (+ extras)
  3. Terminal (already installed), or iTerm2
  1. VirtualBox
  2. Vagrant
  3. Git (brew install git)
  4. Vaporware's RDBox


  1. Airmail (Email)
  2. Toggl (Time Tracking)
  3. Fluid (Single Browser Native App Session)
  • Asana Native App using Fluid (Task Tracking)
  • Newrelic Native App using Fluid (Monitoring)
  1. Divvy ($14) (Window Management)
  2. Padlock ($3) (Quick Lock)
  3. Dropbox (File Sharing)
  4. F.lux (Nighttime)
  5. Spotify ($10/mo) (Music)
  6. Adium (Chat) / Limechat (IRC)
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