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Last active November 17, 2015 00:07
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MongoDB adapter for Code igniter 2
* 1. Add this file to libraries folder
* 2. Extend the Mongo_model class in your models (models directory) example: class User_model extends Mongo_model
* 3. add protected statis $collectionName = 'here the name of your mongo collection';
* 4. Load it in your controller, example: Mongo_model::load('user_model');
class Mongo_Model
protected static $collectionName;
protected $collection;
protected $CI;
private $new_instance = true;
private $primary_key = null;
public function __construct(){
$this->CI = & get_instance();
$this->collection = SELF::getCollection();
* @param $mixWhere array|string mongoID
* @param array $select
* @return array of objects|single object => Depending of the count
static public function find($mixWhere = [] , $select = []){
$collection = SELF::getCollection();
$where = [];
$where = $mixWhere;
$where = ['_id' => new MongoId($mixWhere)];
$cursor = $collection->find($where, $select);
$return = null;
if($cursor->count() == 1){
$data = @reset(iterator_to_array($cursor));
$return = new static();
foreach($data as $name => $value)
$return->{$name} = $value;
}else if($cursor->count() > 1){
foreach($cursor as $obj){
$tmp = new static();
$tmp->setPrimaryKey(['_id' => $obj['_id']]);
foreach($obj as $name => $value)
$tmp->{$name} = $value;
$return[] = $obj;
return $return;
public static function exists($mixWhere){
$collection = SELF::getCollection();
$where = [];
$where = $mixWhere;
$where = ['_id' => new MongoId($mixWhere)];
return $collection->count($where);
public function save($operators = []){
$prop = $this->getPublicProperties();
if($this->new_instance == true){
$this->_id = $prop['_id'];
$this->setPrimaryKey(['_id' => $this->_id]);
return true;
}catch (Exception $e){return false;}
$prop = $operators;
$this->collection->update($this->primary_key, $prop);
return true;
public static function update($where, $update, $options = []){
$collection = SELF::getCollection();
return $collection->update($where, $update, $options);
public function getId(){
if(isset($this->_id) && gettype($this->_id) == 'object'){
return $this->_id->{'$id'};
return '';
public function remove(){
return true;
return false;
public static function delete($mixWhere){
$where = [];
$where = $mixWhere;
$where = ['_id' => new MongoId($mixWhere)];
return true;
public function setNewInstance($bool){
$this->new_instance = $bool;
public function setPrimaryKey($mix){
$this->primary_key = $mix;
private function getPublicProperties($notID = false){
$public_properties = (new ReflectionObject($this))->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC);
$properties = [];
foreach($public_properties as $key => $property){
if($property->name != "_id" || $notID)
$properties[$property->name] = $this->{$property->name};
return $properties;
private static function getCollection(){
$CI = & get_instance();
return $CI->mongo_db->db->selectCollection(static::$collectionName);
* load($file_name) loads mongo models
* @param: $file_name => Name of the file in /models directory
public static function load($file_name){
//File name must match because linux is case sensitive
require_once APPPATH."models/".ucfirst($file_name).".php";
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