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Last active February 6, 2017 05:39
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Steps to reproduce MasterDuke's AIOOBE from scratch
# Setup installation directory
mkdir install
# Create an environment setup shell file for sourcing
# Make it so that it can be repeated with no ill effects
cat > <<EOF
if [ ".\$perl6_prefix" = "." ]; then
export perl6_prefix=`pwd`/install
export PATH=\$perl6_prefix/bin:\$PATH
# ... and source it for the rest of this script
# Try to be somewhat offline-ready: Download first, then build.
# Download all relevant repositories
git clone --recurse-submodules
git clone
git clone
# Alternate: Update existing repositories
# We rebase the line number branch to freshly checked-out master
# just 12 hours between nqp and rakudo were enough to make rakudo complain about outdated nqp...
cd MoarVM
git pull --recurse-submodules
cd ../nqp
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout source_file_line_numbers_on_jvm
git pull
cd ../rakudo
git pull
cd ..
# Build and install MoarVM
cd MoarVM
# The following still wants to be online for the submodules,
# even though we have a current copy.
# I'd like to avoid this but don't yet know how.
perl --prefix=$perl6_prefix --make-install
cd ..
# Build and install NQP
cd nqp
# get the branch that shows the problem
git checkout source_file_line_numbers_on_jvm
perl --backends=moar,jvm --prefix=$perl6_prefix --make-install
cd ..
# Build and install Rakudo
cd rakudo
perl --backends=moar,jvm --prefix=$perl6_prefix --make-install
# FAILS with a complaint that nqp-j is too old. Dangit.
# ===SORRY!===
# nqp-j is too old
# The nqp-m binary is too old
# To automatically clone (git) and build a copy of NQP 2017.01-64-gf21c8f1,
# try re-running with the '--gen-moar' option.
# Or, use '--prefix=' to explicitly specify the path where the NQP and MoarVM
# executables can be found that are use to build Rakudo.
cd ..
# "from scratch" is done, onwards to "reproduce"!
perl6-j --ll-exception -e 'say 1/0'
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Not sure whether I re-ran I usually use, but sometimes (rarely) I just use make.

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