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Last active October 12, 2024 12:11
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Sticky/fixed container for streamlit apps. Supports dynamic width change as well as dynamic color updates. Both top/bottom positions are available.
from typing import Literal
import streamlit as st
from streamlit.components.v1 import html
st_fixed_container consist of two parts - fixed container and opaque container.
Fixed container is a container that is fixed to the top or bottom of the screen.
When transparent is set to True, the container is typical `st.container`, which is transparent by default.
When transparent is set to False, the container is custom opaque_container, that updates its background color to match the background color of the app.
Opaque container is a helper class, but can be used to create more custom views. See main for examples.
:root {{
--background-color: #ffffff; /* Default background color */
div[data-testid="stVerticalBlockBorderWrapper"]:has(div.opaque-container-{id}):not(:has(div.not-opaque-container)) div[data-testid="stVerticalBlock"]:has(div.opaque-container-{id}):not(:has(div.not-opaque-container)) > div[data-testid="stVerticalBlockBorderWrapper"] {{
background-color: var(--background-color);
width: 100%;
div[data-testid="stVerticalBlockBorderWrapper"]:has(div.opaque-container-{id}):not(:has(div.not-opaque-container)) div[data-testid="stVerticalBlock"]:has(div.opaque-container-{id}):not(:has(div.not-opaque-container)) > div[data-testid="element-container"] {{
display: none;
div[data-testid="stVerticalBlockBorderWrapper"]:has(div.not-opaque-container):not(:has(div[class^='opaque-container-'])) {{
display: none;
const root = parent.document.querySelector('.stApp');
let lastBackgroundColor = null;
function updateContainerBackground(currentBackground) {'--background-color', currentBackground);
function checkForBackgroundColorChange() {
const style = window.getComputedStyle(root);
const currentBackgroundColor = style.backgroundColor;
if (currentBackgroundColor !== lastBackgroundColor) {
lastBackgroundColor = currentBackgroundColor; // Update the last known value
const observerCallback = (mutationsList, observer) => {
for(let mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type === 'attributes' && (mutation.attributeName === 'class' || mutation.attributeName === 'style')) {
const main = () => {
const observer = new MutationObserver(observerCallback);
observer.observe(root, { attributes: true, childList: false, subtree: false });
// main();
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", main);
def st_opaque_container(
height: int | None = None,
border: bool | None = None,
key: str | None = None,
global opaque_counter
opaque_container = st.container()
non_opaque_container = st.container()
css = OPAQUE_CONTAINER_CSS.format(id=key)
with opaque_container:
html(f"<script>{OPAQUE_CONTAINER_JS}</script>", scrolling=False, height=0)
st.markdown(f"<style>{css}</style>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
f"<div class='opaque-container-{key}'></div>",
with non_opaque_container:
f"<div class='not-opaque-container'></div>",
return opaque_container.container(height=height, border=border)
background-color: transparent;
position: {mode};
width: inherit;
background-color: inherit;
{position}: {margin};
z-index: 999;
div[data-testid="stVerticalBlockBorderWrapper"]:has(div.fixed-container-{id}):not(:has(div.not-fixed-container)) div[data-testid="stVerticalBlock"]:has(div.fixed-container-{id}):not(:has(div.not-fixed-container)) > div[data-testid="element-container"] {{
display: none;
div[data-testid="stVerticalBlockBorderWrapper"]:has(div.not-fixed-container):not(:has(div[class^='fixed-container-'])) {{
display: none;
"top": "2.875rem",
"bottom": "0",
def st_fixed_container(
height: int | None = None,
border: bool | None = None,
mode: Literal["fixed", "sticky"] = "fixed",
position: Literal["top", "bottom"] = "top",
margin: str | None = None,
transparent: bool = False,
key: str | None = None,
if margin is None:
margin = MARGINS[position]
global fixed_counter
fixed_container = st.container()
non_fixed_container = st.container()
with fixed_container:
st.markdown(f"<style>{css}</style>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
f"<div class='fixed-container-{key}'></div>",
with non_fixed_container:
f"<div class='not-fixed-container'></div>",
with fixed_container:
if transparent:
return st.container(height=height, border=border)
return st_opaque_container(height=height, border=border, key=f"opaque_{key}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(30):
st.write(f"Line {i}")
# with st_fixed_container(mode="sticky", position="bottom", border=True):
# with st_fixed_container(mode="sticky", position="top", border=True):
# with st_fixed_container(mode="fixed", position="bottom", border=True):
with st_fixed_container(mode="fixed", position="top", border=True):
st.write("This is a fixed container.")
st.write("This is a fixed container.")
st.write("This is a fixed container.")
# The following code creates a small control panel on the right side of the screen with two buttons inside it:
with st_fixed_container(mode="fixed", position="bottom", transparent=True):
_, right = st.columns([0.7, 0.3])
with right:
with st_opaque_container(border=True):
st.button("Feedback", use_container_width=True)
st.button("Clean up", use_container_width=True)
st.container(border=True).write("This is a regular container.")
for i in range(30):
st.write(f"Line {i}")
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