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Last active October 6, 2022 19:48
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Tiny Wikidata SPARQL
Red [
Description: {Playing while reading Wikidata SPARQL tutorial}
Needs: View
ws: charset " ^-^/"
qt: charset {"'}
data: copy items: copy []
rule: [
(clear items) thru <head>
some [
not </head> [
"variable name=" copy _ qt copy item to _ (append items item)
| skip
] (append/only data copy items)
thru "<results" thru #">" any ws
some [
<result> (clear items)
some [
not <result> [[
"<literal" thru #">" copy item to </literal>
| "<uri>" to </uri> s: (s: find/reverse/tail s #"/") :s copy item to </uri> ;<uri> thru "entity/" copy item to </uri>
] (append items item)
| skip
| (append/only data copy items) fail
view/flags [
title "Wikidata SPARQL"
on-resizing [
btn/offset/x: face/size/x - btn/size/x - 10
end/size/x: btn/offset/x - 130
query/size/x: btn/offset/x - 20
tbl/size: face/size - tbl/offset - as-pair btn/size/x + 3 10
tbl/actors/resize tbl
text "SPARQL endpoint:"
end: drop-list 390 data [
return query: area 500x200 wrap focus {select distinct ?Concept where {[] a ?Concept} LIMIT 50}
btn: button "Query" [
clear data
ans: read append to-url copy pick end/data end/selected enhex query/text
parse ans rule
tbl/actors/data: data
;tbl/actors/init tbl
tbl/actors/open-red-table/only tbl [frozen-rows: [1]]
return tbl: table 517x317
] 'resize
; Example queries
comment [
; Wikidata:
SELECT ?child ?childLabel WHERE {
?child wdt:P22 wd:Q1339.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
SELECT ?child ?childLabel ?childDescription WHERE {
?child wdt:P22 wd:Q1339.
?article schema:about ?child .
?article schema:inLanguage "en" .
?article schema:isPartOf <>.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
;Slow one
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel
?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel.
FILTER(CONTAINS(LCASE(?itemLabel), "city"@en)).
} limit 10
SELECT distinct ?item ?label ?itemLabel ?itemDescription WHERE{
?item ?label "Something"@en.
?article schema:about ?item .
?article schema:inLanguage "en" .
?article schema:isPartOf <>.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?label
SERVICE wikibase:mwapi
bd:serviceParam wikibase:endpoint "";
wikibase:api "Generator";
mwapi:generator "search";
mwapi:gsrsearch "inlabel:Amsterdam"@en;
mwapi:gsrlimit "max".
?item wikibase:apiOutputItem mwapi:title.
?item rdfs:label ?label.
FILTER( LANG(?label)="en" )
# … at this point, you have matching ?item(s)
# and can further restrict or use them
# as in any other SPARQL query
# Example: the following restricts the matches
# to college towns (Q1187811) only
#?item wdt:P31 wd:Q1187811 .
select distinct ?Concept where {[] a ?Concept} LIMIT 50
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?name ?birth ?person WHERE {
?person dbo:birthPlace :Tallinn .
?person dbo:birthDate ?birth .
?person foaf:name ?name .
FILTER (?birth > "1960-01-01"^^xsd:date) .
} ORDER BY ?name LIMIT 100
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?name ?description_en ?musician
?musician a dbo:MusicalArtist .
?musician foaf:name ?name .
?musician rdfs:comment ?description_en .
FILTER (LANG(?description_en) = 'en') .
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?name ?birth ?description ?person WHERE {
?person a dbo:MusicalArtist .
#?person dbo:birthPlace :Berlin .
?person dbo:birthDate ?birth .
?person foaf:name ?name .
?person rdfs:comment ?description .
FILTER (LANG(?description) = 'en') .
} ORDER BY ?name LIMIT 50
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT distinct ?title ?description WHERE {
?game a dbo:Game ;
foaf:name ?title ;
rdfs:comment ?description .
FILTER (LANG(?description) = 'en') .
} ORDER by ?title
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