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Last active August 14, 2019 19:58
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Parametrized curve
Red [
Title: "Shooting"
Description: "Exercise with parametrized curve"
Date: 2019-08-10
Author: "Toomas Vooglaid"
Licence: "Public domain"
Usage: {
To load and orient the weapon - drag point.
To relocate the target - drag target.
To relocate weapon - ctrl-drag it (cannon relocates horizontally on dragging).
To resize shooting range - resize window.
With holopoint try also holding down shift (when near the left edge of the range).
Shooting happens when you release.
bezier2: func [t w /local t2 mt mt2][
t2: t * t
mt: 1 - t
mt2: mt * mt
(w/1/x * mt2) + (2 * w/2/x * mt * t) + (w/3/x * t2)
(w/1/y * mt2) + (2 * w/2/y * mt * t) + (w/3/y * t2)
mv: aim: trg: pos: tr1: tr2: none
tick: 0
wp: copy [transform 0x0 0 1 1 100x400 [circle 0x0 3]]
fnt: make font! [size: 15]
sort-projectiles: func [a b][a/6/x < b/6/x]
projectile: [stone arrow dart rifle cannon]
shatter-projectiles: does [
proj: find/tail wep block!
while [proj: find/tail proj block!][
either 3 = length? proj/-1 [
proj/-2/y: range/size/y - proj/-1/3
proj/-2/y: range/size/y
proj/-5: 80 + random 20
proj/-2/x: proj/-2/x - 2 + random 4
view/flags/tight [
title "Shooting range"
on-resizing [range/size: face/size - 0x50]
on-resize [range/size: face/size - 0x50]
at 130x14 panel [
origin 0x0
pad 0x-5
check "Trajectory" 80 on-change [
traj/-2: either face/data ['pink]['off]
check "Holopoint" 80 on-change [
holopoint/-2: either face/data ['red]['off]
pad 0x5
text 50 "Weapon:" weapon: drop-list select 1 data ["stone" "arrow" "dart" "rifle" "cannon"] on-change [
spring/2: .5 spring/4: 'brown spring/6: 'round steps/data: 100 speed/data: 30
wheel/2: 'off stock/9/2/2: 'off stock/9/4/2: 'off stock/9/4/4: 'off
wp: switch face/selected [
1 [spring/2: 3 hardness/data: 8 [ ;stone
transform 0x0 0 1 1 100x400 [circle 0x0 3]
2 [hardness/data: 20 [ ;arrow
transform 0x0 0 1 1 100x400 [
line -40x0 0x0 line -3x-1 0x0 -3x1 line -42x-1 -39x0 -42x1 line -40x-1 -37x0 -40x1
3 [hardness/data: 6 [ ;dart
transform 0x0 0 1 1 100x400 [
line -20x0 0x0 line -3x-1 0x0 -3x1 line -22x-1 -19x0 -22x1 fill-pen white ellipse -15x-2 10x4
4 [spring/2: 2 spring/4: 'black spring/6: 'square hardness/data: 30 steps/data: 20
line/2: traj/2: line/3 + -50x0 stock/5: 0 stock/8: line/3
stock/9/2/2: 'black stock/9/4/2: 'brown stock/9/4/4: 'brown [ ;rifle
transform 0x0 0 1 1 100x400 [
circle 0x0 1
5 [spring/2: 15 spring/6: 'square spring/4: 'black hardness/data: 22 ;cannon
line/2: traj/2: line/3 + -50x20
wheel/12: line/3 - line/2 / 3 * 2 + 0x6 + line/2
wheel/2: 'brown [
transform 0x0 0 1 1 100x400 [
circle 0x0 5
text 60 "Hardness:" hardness: field 20 "7"
text 30 "Steps:" steps: field 30 "100"
text 35 "Speed:" speed: field 30 "32"
button 40 "Clear" [clear wep points/text: "" total/text: "0" tries/text: "0"]
points: box 40x50 font-size 15 ""
total: box 40x50 font-size 15 "0"
tries: box 40x50 font-size 15 "0"
range: box 800x500 white draw [
target: translate 770x300 [
fill-pen white
t10: box 0x0 20x50
t50: ellipse 5x10 10x30
fill-pen brick t100: ellipse 8x20 4x10
pen off traj: curve 100x400 100x400 100x400
pen off normal: line 100x400 100x400
pen off holopoint: circle 100x600 1
spring: line-width 3 pen brown line-cap round
line: line 100x400 100x400
stock: line-width 1 transform 0x0 0 1 1 100x400 [
shape [pen off move -50x5 arc -46x4 2 2 0]
shape [
pen off fill-pen off
move -10x1 line -50x1 arc -60x4 10 30 30 sweep line -71x6 -70x16 -47x4 -12x2
wheel: pen off fill-pen off line-width 5 transform 0x0 0 1 1 100x400 [
circle 0x0 15 line -10x0 10x0 line 0x-10 0x10
line-width 1 pen black fill-pen black
] on-down [
ofs: event/offset
case [
within? event/offset target/2 t10/3 [
trg: true
true [
insert wep copy wp
switch/default wpn: projectile/(weapon/selected) [
cannon rifle [
if wpn = 'rifle [
line/2: line/3 + -50x0
stock/8: line/3
stock/5: 0
wep/6: traj/2: line/2
traj/3: traj/2 + (line/3 - line/2 * hardness/data)
traj/4: as-pair traj/2/x + (traj/3/x - traj/2/x * 2) range/size/y + 50
mv: true
pos: line/2
wep/6: line/2: traj/2: traj/3: traj/4: normal/2: normal/3: line/3: event/offset
aim: true
points/text: ""
tries/text: to-string 1 + load tries/text
] all-over on-over [
case [
mv [
switch wpn: projectile/(weapon/selected) [
cannon [
df: event/offset - ofs
wep/6/x: line/2/x: traj/2/x: line/2/x + df/x
line/3/x: line/3/x + df/x
wheel/12/x: wheel/12/x + df/x
wheel/9: wheel/9 + df/x
either event/ctrl? [
wep/6/y: line/2/y: traj/2/y: line/2/y + df/y
line/3/y: line/3/y + df/y
wheel/12/y: wheel/12/y + df/y
y: min wheel/12/y + 7 max wheel/12/y - 12 line/2/y + df/y
wep/6/y: line/2/y: traj/2/y: y
traj/3: traj/2 + (line/3 - line/2 * hardness/data)
traj/4: as-pair traj/2/x + (traj/3/x - traj/2/x * 2) range/size/y + 50
ofs: event/offset
rifle [
either event/ctrl? [
df: event/offset - ofs
wep/6: line/2: traj/2: line/2 + df
stock/8: line/3: line/3 + df
ofs: event/offset
df: line/3 - event/offset
ang: arctangent2 df/y df/x
x: cosine ang + 180
y: sine ang + 180
wep/6: line/2: traj/2: line/3 + as-pair x * 50 y * 50
stock/5: ang
traj/3: traj/2 + (line/3 - line/2 * hardness/data)
traj/4: as-pair traj/2/x + (traj/3/x - traj/2/x * 2) range/size/y + 50
pos: line/2
aim [
pos: as-pair either event/offset/x < 0 [0][event/offset/x]
either event/offset/y > face/size/y [face/size/y][event/offset/y]
traj/2: wep/6: line/2: pos
either event/ctrl? [
line/3: traj/3: traj/4: normal/2: normal/3: pos
traj/3: traj/2 + (line/3 - line/2 * hardness/data)
traj/4: as-pair traj/2/x + (traj/3/x - traj/2/x * 2) range/size/y + 50
normal/2: normal/3: line/2
switch projectile/(weapon/selected) [
arrow dart [
ln: line/3 - line/2
wep/3: arctangent2 ln/y ln/x
trg [
df: event/offset - ofs
target/2: target/2 + df
ofs: event/offset
if not trg [
holopoint/2: either event/shift? [
hp: bezier2 1.0 * target/2/x / (traj/4/x - traj/2/x) next traj
either within? hp target/2 t10/3 [hp][
bezier2 1.0 / (traj/4/x - traj/2/x) * (face/size/x - traj/2/x) next traj
hp: bezier2 1.0 / (traj/4/x - traj/2/x) * (target/2/x + 10 - traj/2/x) next traj
either within? hp target/2 t10/3 [hp][
bezier2 1.0 / (traj/4/x - traj/2/x) * (face/size/x - traj/2/x) next traj
] on-up [
aim: mv: trg: false
if all [
within? pos line/2 - 5 10x10
line/2 <> line/3
pos: none
tick: 0
face/rate: speed/data
tr1: traj/3 - traj/2
tr2: traj/4 - traj/3
switch projectile/(weapon/selected) [
cannon [fallback: yes]
rifle [fallback: 4]
] on-time [
t: (tick: tick + 1) * 1.0 / steps/data
wep/6: bezier2 t next traj
switch projectile/(weapon/selected) [
arrow dart cannon [
normal/2: traj/2 + as-pair tr1/x * t tr1/y * t
normal/3: traj/3 + as-pair tr2/x * t tr2/y * t
nrm: normal/3 - normal/2
angle: arctangent2 nrm/y nrm/x
wep/3: angle
;after release
case [
projectile/(weapon/selected) = 'cannon [
if all [fallback target/2/x - line/3/x / 6 + line/2/x <= wep/6/x] [
line/3/x: line/3/x - 10
line/2: line/3 + -50x20
wheel/12/x: wheel/12/x - 10
fallback: false
projectile/(weapon/selected) = 'rifle [
if all [fallback target/2/x - line/3/x / 10 + line/2/x <= wep/6/x] [
if fallback = 4 [line/2: line/2 - 3]
ang: switch fallback [
4 [ang - 4]
3 [ang - 2]
2 [ang + 5]
1 [0]
x: 50 * cosine ang
y: 50 * sine ang
line/3: line/2 + as-pair x y
stock/8: line/3
stock/5: ang
if 0 = fallback: fallback - 1 [fallback: false]
all [wep/6/x < line/3/x wep/6/x > line/2/x][
if projectile/(weapon/selected) <> 'cannon [line/2: wep/6]
wep/6/x >= line/3/x [line/2: line/3 - 1]
case [
all [
wep/6/x >= holopoint/2/x
within? holopoint/2 target/2 t10/3
wep/6: holopoint/2
face/rate: none
points/text: case [
within? wep/6 target/2 + t100/2 t100/3 ["100"]
within? wep/6 target/2 + t50/2 t50/3 ["50"]
within? wep/6 target/2 + t10/2 t10/3 ["10"]
total/text: to-string (load total/text) + load points/text
switch projectile/(weapon/selected) [
;if darts, sort projectiles to put darts with greater x forward
dart [sort/skip/compare/all wep 7 :sort-projectiles]
cannon [
y: 15 * sine angle
x: 15 * cosine angle
target/2: target/2 + hop: as-pair x y
wep/6: wep/6 + hop
if target/2/x + t10/3/x > face/parent/size/x [
face/parent/size/x: target/2/x + t10/3/x
wep/6/x >= range/size/x [
switch/default projectile/(weapon/selected) [
cannon [
y: 15 * sine angle
x: 15 * cosine angle
face/parent/size/x: face/parent/size/x + 15
wep/6: holopoint/2 + as-pair x y
][wep/6: holopoint/2]
face/rate: none
wep/6/x <= 0 [wep/6/x: 0 face/rate: none]
wep/6/y <= 0 [wep/6/y: 0 face/rate: none]
wep/6/y >= range/size/y [wep/6/y: range/size/y face/rate: none]
] 'resize
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