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Last active June 1, 2017 06:48
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Red [
Author: "Toomas Vooglaid"
file: ""
Purpose: {Perl-like regex for Red}
History: {
Started: 2017-05-30 from
2017-05-31 Improved pattern. Now simple matches with no modes can be done wo delimiters.
eg. "abcbba" ~ "^^[abc]+$"
2017-06-01 Some minor changes in code from
re-ctx: make reactor! [
_spec: clear []
spec: off
starting: 'loose
ending: 'loose
nest-level: 0
sl: ml: off
nocase: off
freespace: off
glob: off
simp: off
debugging: off
longout: clear []
shortout: clear []
rpt: seq: clear []
levelgrp: clear []
levelgr2: clear []
levelcap: clear []
levelsym: clear []
levelnam: clear []
capturing: off
to-short: off
symbol: '&
brsymb: is [to-string symbol]
full-match: is [to-word append copy brsymb 0]
sbrsymb1: is [append copy "_" brsymb]
sbrsymb2: is [append copy "_'" brsymb]
defs: clear []
sym: none
sbrdef1: none
sbrdef2: none
bckref: none
assignments: clear []
replace: off
replacement: none
br-num: 0
next-br: does [br-num: br-num + 1]
cs-num: 0
empty-cs?: false
cs-open?: false
next-cs: does [to-word append copy "cs_" cs-num: cs-num + 1] ; charset-number-word generator
make-charset: func [s /local c e s1 s2 negated cs rpt cb][ ; cb -- charset definition; e -- continuation string
c: copy [] rpt: none ; c -- whole charset expression; rpt -- quantifier
cs-open?: true
if negated: to-logic find/match s #"^^" [s: next s] ; if charset is negated, jump over ^
s1: index? s ; register position after possible ^
system/words/parse s [ ; let's form the charset
collect set cb some [ ; collect charset definitional elements
#"]" s2: [ ; register current position after ]
if (s1 < ((index? s2) - 1)) [ ; if ] is not in the beginning of charclass
any #"]" opt [collect set rpt repeater] ; we are in the end of charset, check for quantifiers, register, exit
(cs-open?: false) e: break ; register closing of charset definition
] | [
if (not empty-cs?) [keep (#"]")] ; if empty charsets are not allowed, then keep ] as part of charset definition
| (cs-open?: false) e: break ; otherwise, register closing, position and exit
| "-]" keep (#"-") ; if - occurs before closing ]
any #"]" opt [collect set rpt repeater] ; collect quantifier, if any
(cs-open?: false) e: break ; declare charclass closed, register position, go back
| "^^" keep (#"^^") ; we can keep ^, because its negation meaning is taken care of
| ["\n" keep (#"^/") | "\r" keep (#"^M")] ; keep linebreakers
| #"\" [
ahead [clmetaset | metaset] ; metachars may be escaped
keep [clmetaset | metaset]
| (cause-error 'user 'message ["Unescaped \ in char-class!"]) ; only one, which sould necessarily be escaped
| #"-" s2: [if (s1 = ((index? s2) - 1)) keep (#"-") ; we have just a dash
| keep ('-) ] ; we have a range
| keep clliteral ; keep more or less anything
| (cause-error 'user 'message ["Malformed charset?"]) ; just for checking
cs: next-cs ; new word to bind charset to
if (cs-open? and empty? e) [
cause-error 'user 'message ["Character class unclosed!"]
if to-logic negated [cb: compose/deep [not [(cb)]]] ; if charset is negated, make negation
append defs copy compose/deep [
(to-set-word cs) charset [(cb)]
] ; escape parse to actually make a charset
if rpt [append c either block? rpt/1 [rpt/1][rpt]] ; did we have quantifiers? Append them here
append c cs ; and finally a word referring to created charset
compose/deep [[(c)] (e)] ; send proudly back charset def and remaining string after charset
group: [if (not cs-open?) [
#"(" ; named group
[ "?P<" copy gname to #">"
| "?'" copy gname to #"'"
| "?<" copy gname to #">"
] skip
insert levelcap capturing
capturing: on
if 1 < length? levelcap [to-short: on]
insert levelnam copy gname
insert levelsym next-br
insert/only levelgrp copy longout
insert/only levelgr2 copy shortout
if debugging [probe compose ["lgrp:" (levelgrp)]]
longout: clear []
shortout: clear []
| [ #"(" "?+" copy n number #")" ; relative subroutine (forward)
| "\g"
[ "<+" copy n number #">"
| "'+" copy n number #"'"]
] keep (to-word append copy sbrsymb1 br-num + to-integer n)
| [ #"(" "?-" copy n number #")" ; relative subroutine (backward)
| "\g"
[ "<-" copy n number #">"
| "'-" copy n number #"'"]
] keep (to-word append copy sbrsymb1 br-num + 1 - to-integer n)
| [ #"(" #"?" copy n number #")" ; absolute subroutine reference
| "\g"
[ #"<" copy n number #">"
| #"'" copy n number #"'"]
] keep (to-word append copy sbrsymb1 n)
| [ #"(" ; named subroutine reference
[ "?&" copy gname to #")"
| "?P>" copy gname to #")"]
| "\g"
[ #"<" copy gname to #">"
| #"'" copy gname to #"'"]
] skip
keep (to-word append copy "_" gname)
| "(?:" ( ; non-capturing group
insert levelcap capturing
capturing: off
insert/only levelgrp copy longout
insert/only levelgr2 copy shortout
longout: clear []
shortout: clear []
| #"(" ( ; capturing group
insert levelcap capturing
either simp [ ; unless simplex
capturing: off
capturing: on
if 1 < length? levelcap [to-short: on]
insert levelsym next-br
insert levelnam none
insert/only levelgrp copy longout
insert/only levelgr2 copy shortout
if debugging [probe compose ["lgrp:" (levelgrp)]]
longout: clear []
shortout: clear []
| #")" opt collect set rpt repeater ; end of group, check for quantifier
either capturing [ ; are we capturing?
all [
nam: take levelnam
append defs to-set-word copy append copy "_" nam
nam: to-word copy nam
sym: take levelsym
sbrdef1: to-word append copy sbrsymb1 sym
sbrdef2: to-word append either to-short [copy sbrsymb2][copy sbrsymb1] sym
bckref: to-word append copy brsymb sym
append/only append defs to-set-word sbrdef1 copy longout
all [
starting = 'loose
append/only append defs to-set-word sbrdef2 copy shortout
if debugging [probe compose ["defs:" (defs)]]
if block? first rpt [rpt: first rpt]
longout: append append take levelgrp rpt compose [copy (bckref) (sbrdef1)]
shortout: append append take levelgr2 rpt sbrdef2
assignments: make block! 5
either glob [
unless block? select get symbol sym compose [extend (symbol) reduce [sym make block! 5]]
append assignments compose [append select (symbol) (sym) (bckref)]
if nam [
unless block? select get symbol nam compose [extend (symbol) reduce [nam make block! 5]]
append assignments compose [
(to-set-word nam) (bckref)
append select (symbol) (to-lit-word nam) (bckref)
append assignments compose [put (symbol) (sym) (bckref)]
if nam [
append assignments compose [
(to-set-word nam) (bckref)
put (symbol) (to-lit-word nam) (bckref)
append/only longout to-paren assignments
if debugging [probe compose ["lout:" (longout)]]
][ ; we are not capturing
longout: append/only append take levelgrp rpt copy longout
shortout: append/only append take levelgr2 rpt copy shortout
capturing: take levelcap
| keep literal
class: [
"[:" copy cl to ":]" 2 skip keep (to-word cl) ; this is in wrong place?
| #"[" s:
set [c e] make-charset s ; send string to the charset-factory
append longout c ; put the charset into place
append shortout c
e: any [find/last s e tail s]
:e ; continue after the charclass
special: [
"\d" keep ('digit)
| "\D" keep ('nondigit)
| "\w" keep ('word)
| "\W" keep ('nonword)
| "\s" keep ('wspace)
| "\S" keep ('nonwspace)
| "\t" keep (#"^-")
| "\n" keep (#"^/")
| "\N" keep ('nonlinebreak)
| "\r" keep (#"^M")
| "\f" keep (#"^L")
| "\v" keep (#"^K")
backref: [
[ #"(" "?P=" copy gname to #")" ; reference to named captured string
| "\k"
[ #"'" copy gname to #"'"
| #"<" copy gname to #">"
| #"{" copy gname to #"}"]
] skip
keep (to-word gname)
| #"\" copy n number
keep (to-word append copy brsymb n)
replref: [#"\" [
[ #"'" copy n number #"'"
| #"<" copy n number #">"
| #"^{" copy n number #"^}"
] keep (to-word append copy brsymb n)
| [ #"'" copy gname to #"'"
| #"<" copy gname to #">"
| #"^{" copy gname to #"^}"
] skip keep (to-word gname)
linestart: is [either ml [[#"^^" keep (#"^/")]][[#"^^" (starting: 'strict)]]]
lineend: is [either ml [[#"$" keep ([ahead [opt #"^/" end | #"^/"]])]][[#"$" keep ([opt #"^/" end])]]]
wordboundary: ["\b" keep ( ; does not react on changing word / nonword values
[s: [
if ((1 = index? s) or find nonword first back s) [ahead word]
| if (find word first back s) [ahead [nonword | end]]
anchor: [linestart | lineend | wordboundary]
paren: charset "()"
square: charset "[]"
lower: charset [#"a" - #"z" #"ß" - #"ö" #"ø" - #"ÿ"]
upper: charset [#"A" - #"Z" #"À" - #"Ö" #"Ø" - #"Þ"]
alpha: is [union lower upper]
digit: charset "0123456789"
nondigit: complement digit
number: [some digit]
alnum: is [union alpha digit]
word: is [union alnum charset "_"]
nonword: is [complement word]
blank: charset [#" " #"^-"]
nonblank: complement blank
linebreak: charset [#"^M" #"^/" #"^L"]
nonlinebreak: is [complement linebreak]
wspace: is [union blank linebreak]
nonwspace: is [complement wspace]
punct: charset ",;!^"':-" ;"
nonpunct: is [complement punct]
meta: [#"\" #"^^" #"$" #"." #"|" #"?" #"*" #"+" #"(" #")" #"[" #"^{"]
metaset: charset meta
literal: is [complement metaset]
clmeta: [#"\" #"^^" #"-" #"]"]
clmetas: [#"\" | #"^^" | #"-" | #"]"]
clmetaset: charset clmeta
clliteral: is [complement clmetaset]
closing-paren: charset [not #")"]
not-closing-paren: complement closing-paren
comm: ["(?#" thru #")"]
anychar: is [either sl [
union metaset literal
exclude union metaset literal charset [#"^/" #"^M"]]
escaped: [
#"\" keep metaset
| "$$" keep #"$"
altern: [#"|" keep ('|)]
char: [keep literal]
exception: [
#"\" (cause-error 'user 'message ["Unescaped \!"])
| #")" (cause-error 'user 'message ["Invalid use of closing parentheses!"])
rmfree: [any [
remove [any wspace #"#" thru linebreak] ; comments
| change "\ " " "
| "\[" | "\]"
| #"[" (cs-open?: yes)
| #"]" (cs-open?: no)
| if (not cs-open?) remove some wspace
| skip
sequence: [
| anchor
| altern
| comm
| backref
| group
| class
| special
| #"." keep ('anychar)
| char
| exception
repeater: [
#"^{" copy n1 number #"," copy n2 number #"^}"
keep (reduce [to-integer n1 to-integer n2])
| #"^{" #"," copy n2 number #"^}" keep (reduce [0 to-integer n2])
| #"^{" copy n1 number #"," "^}" keep (reduce [to-integer n1 10000])
| #"^{" copy n1 number #"^}" keep (to-integer n1)
| #"?" keep ('opt)
| #"+" keep ('some)
| #"*" keep ('any)
build: func [inner /local s e c t r n out][ ; main workhorse
longout: clear []
shortout: clear []
parse/case inner [
any [
collect set seq sequence
opt collect set rpt repeater
if block? first rpt [rpt: first rpt]
if debugging [probe compose ["seq rpt:" (seq) (rpt)]]
append longout compose [(rpt) (seq)]
append shortout compose [(rpt) (seq)]
if debugging [probe compose/deep ["short long:" [(shortout)] [(longout)]]]
unless ending = 'loose [
foreach out [shortout longout][
append get out switch ending [
strict [[ahead [opt #"^/" end]]]
strictissima [[ahead end]]
compose/deep [[(shortout)] [(longout)]]
finish: func [inner /local short long repl][
set [short long] build copy inner
append _spec either replace [
switch type?/word replacement [
string! [
parse replacement [collect set repl any [replref | backref | char]]
if debugging [probe compose/deep ["repl:" [(repl)]]]
compose/deep [
s: copy (full-match) (either starting = 'loose ['thru][]) [(long)]
(to-paren append copy either glob [[append select]][[put]] compose [(symbol) 0 (full-match)])
:s change [(short)] (to-paren append/only copy [rejoin] compose [(repl)])
block! [
replacement: either empty? replacement [clear []][
map/only replacement func [rep][
parse reduce rep [collect any [replref | backref | char]]
compose/deep [
s: copy (full-match) (either starting = 'loose ['thru][]) [(long)]
(to-paren append copy either glob [[append select]][[put]] compose [(symbol) 0 (full-match)])
:s change [(short)]
(to-paren append/only copy [rejoin]
compose [
(to-paren compose/deep [
either reduce pick replacement length? select (symbol) 0 [
reduce pick replacement length? select (symbol) 0
map! [
function! [
compose/deep [
copy (full-match) (either starting = 'loose ['thru][]) [(long)]
(to-paren append copy either glob [[append select]][[put]] compose [(symbol) 0 (full-match)])
all [
starting = 'loose
insert _spec compose/deep [to [(short)]]
ending = 'loose
_spec: append/only copy [some] compose [(_spec)]
append _spec switch ending [
strict [[opt #"^/" end]]
strictissima ['end]
loose [[to end]]
if debugging [probe compose/deep ["_spec:" [(_spec)]]]
regex: func [
"Perl-like regex for Red"
str [string!] "string to parse"
rex [string!] "regular expression"
/local inner basemode delim re modes mode
cs-num: 0
br-num: 0
_spec: make block! 100
inner: clear ""
self/replace: any [replace off]
self/replacement: any [replacement none]
empty-cs?: false
cs-open?: false
levelgrp: make block! 5
levelgr2: make block! 5
levelcap: make block! 5
levelsym: make block! 5
levelnam: make block! 5
capturing: off
to-short: off
defs: make block! 5
mode: charset "imsxgn"
parse rex [
copy basemode opt [#"m" | #"s"]
copy delim skip
copy re to delim skip
[if (basemode = "s") copy replacement to delim skip | none]
copy modes any mode end
| copy re to end
nocase: any [find modes "i" off]
self/ml: any [find modes "m" off]
self/sl: any [find modes "s" off]
freesp: any [find modes "x" off]
glob: any [find modes "g" off]
simp: any [find modes "n" off]
set symbol either glob [
make map! reduce [0 make block! 10]
make map! reduce [0 make string! 20]
if replacement [
self/replace: on
self/replacement: replacement
if freesp [system/words/parse re rmfree cs-open?: no]
system/words/parse re [
["\A" | "\`" | if (not ml) ["^^"]] (starting: 'strict)
| (starting: 'loose)
copy inner [
to [
#"\" copy s skip
if (find [39 90] to-integer to-char s) end ;#"Z" #"'"
| if (not ml) #"$" end
] (ending: 'strict)
| to [
#"\" copy s skip
if (122 = to-integer to-char s) end
] (ending: 'strictissima) ;#"z"
| to end (ending: 'loose)
(finish copy inner)
_spec: either empty? defs [_spec][head insert/only _spec to-paren defs]
bind _spec: load mold _spec re-ctx ; rebinding corrects some strange behavior
if spec [print mold _spec]
return either nocase [
system/words/parse str _spec
system/words/parse/case str _spec
set '~ make op! :regex
examples: :comment
examples [
"abcaaabbbcaab" ~ "/[a-c]+/"
ip-v4: "/\A(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)(?:\.(?1)){3}\z/"
"" ~ ip-v4
"" ~ ip-v4
;== false
email: "|^^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$|"
"" ~ email
; named groups, captured strings
(read ~ "|<h1[^^>]*>\n?(?P<title>[^^<\n]*)\n?</h1>|"
;== #(
; 0 "<h1 class='title'>^/Red Programming Language^/</h1>"
; 1 "Red Programming Language"
; title: "Red Programming Language"
print title
;Red Programming Language
; absolute, relative and named subroutines in Perl syntax
"abcab" ~ "/(?+1)(?'name'[abc])(?1)(?-1)(?&name)/"
; same in Ruby syntax
"bbccc" ~ "/\g'+1'(?'name'[abc])\g'1'\g'-1'\g'name'/"
"bca" ~ "|(?P<name>[abc])(?1)(?P>name)|"
; comments
"abc" ~ ":abc(?# Simple re ):"
; freespace demonstration + named group + wordboundary + backreference
; without wordboundary invalid IP addresses like eg will be
; reckognized as
ip-v4: {@
( # We are capturing the whole address
?P< ipaddr > # Let's give it a name
( # Begin definition of quad number
\b (?: # Quad starts (wordboundary + noncapturing group)
25[0-5] # Highest quads 250-255
| 2[0-4]\d # Second highest quads 200-249
| 1\d\d # Quads in second hundred 100-199
| [1-9]\d # Quads 10-99
| \d # Quads 0-9
) \b # Quad ends (nc-group ends + wordboundary)
) # End definition of quad number,
# and check first quad
(?: # Begin non-capturing group
\. # check for dot
(? 2 ) # and call quad definition subroutine
) # End group
{ 3 } # Iterate last group 3 times
@x} {# Put the freespace mode switch in the end}
"some text around the address" ~ ip-v4
;== ""
regex/parse/freespace ip-v4 "some text around the address"
;== false
; global mode with nested groups
"per aspera ad astra" ~ "/(\w(\w{1,2}))\W(\w+)/g"
;== #(
; 0 ["per aspera" "ad astra"]
; 2 ["er" "d"]
; 1 ["per" "ad"]
; 3 ["aspera" "astra"]
; global + simplex (non-capturing) modes
"per aspera ad astra" ~ "/(\w(\w{1,2}))\W(\w+)/gn"
== true
>> br_
== #(
0 ["per aspera" "ad astra"]
; as previous + named groups
>> regex/parse/g/n "(?<pre>\w(\w{1,2}))\W(?<nom>\w+)" "per aspera ad astra"
;== #(
; 0 ["per aspera" "ad astra"]
; 1 ["per" "ad"]
; pre: ["per" "ad"]
; 2 ["aspera" "astra"]
; nom: ["aspera" "astra"]
; different groups with same name
"per aspera ad astra" ~ "/(?<pre>\w(\w{1,2}))\W(?<pre>\w+)/gn"
;== #(
; 0 ["per aspera" "ad astra"]
; 1 ["per" "ad"]
; pre: ["per" "aspera" "ad" "astra"]
; 2 ["aspera" "astra"]
; replacement of overall match
(x: "I like Red") ~ "s/ik/ov/" head x
;== "I love Red"
; replacement of outer word
var: "trick" (x: "xabcx") ~ "s/abc/\'var'/" head x
== "xtrickx"
;global replacement of overall match
(x: "first second third fourth") ~ "s|(\w+) (\w+)( ?)|\2 \1\3|g" head x
;== "second first fourth third"
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