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Last active August 11, 2018 19:24
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Multi-selection text-list
Red [
Author: "Toomas Vooglaid"
Date: 2018-08-10
Last: 2018-08-11
Purpose: {Attempt at multi-selection text-list style}
cnt: 0
view [
style multi-selection-text-list: text-list
on-create [face/extra: object [key: none selected: none selection: copy [] nums: copy [] layer: none]]
on-select [
face/extra/selected: face/selected
unless face/extra/layer [
fc: face
append face/parent/pane layout/only [
box draw [fill-pen #0078d7]
on-down [
unless fc/extra/key [
fc/selected: event/offset/y / 16 + 1
append clear fc/extra/selection copy pick fc/data fc/selected
append clear fc/extra/nums fc/selected
clear at fc/extra/layer/draw 3
probe fc/extra/selection
on-key-down [fc/actors/on-key-down fc event]
on-key-up [fc/actors/on-key-up fc event]
fc/extra/layer: last fc/parent/pane
do [
fc/extra/layer/offset: fc/offset
fc/extra/layer/size: fc/size
on-change [
case [
find [left-control right-control] face/extra/key [
face/extra/selection: unique append face/extra/selection copy pick face/data face/selected
face/extra/nums: unique append face/extra/nums face/selected
find [left-shift right-shift] face/extra/key [
face/extra/selection: copy unique append face/extra/selection
at face/data (
minimum: min face/extra/selected face/selected
) + m: either face/extra/selected < face/selected [1][0]
absolute face/extra/selected - face/selected
repeat i absolute face/extra/selected - face/selected [
append face/extra/nums minimum + i - 1 + m
face/extra/nums: unique face/extra/nums
'else [
append clear face/extra/selection copy pick face/data face/selected
append clear face/extra/nums face/selected
probe face/extra/selection
;probe face/extra/nums
either 1 < length? face/extra/nums [
clear at face/extra/layer/draw 3
len: either face/size/y < (15 * length? face/data) [20][3]
nums: face/extra/nums
forall nums [
unless nums/1 = face/selected [
append face/extra/layer/draw compose [
pen (hex-to-rgb #0078d7)
box (as-pair 2 (nums/1 - 1 * 15 + 2)) (as-pair face/size/x - len (nums/1 * 15 + 1))
pen white
text (as-pair 2 (nums/1 - 1 * 15 + 2)) (face/extra/selection/(index? nums))
][clear at face/extra/layer/draw 3]
on-key-down [face/extra/key: event/key]
on-key-up [face/extra/key: none]
multi-selection-text-list data ["One" "Two" "Three" "Four" "Five" "Six" "Seven"]
;multi-selection-text-list data ["alpha" "beta" "gamma" "delta" "epsilon" "zeta" "eta" "theta" "iota" "kappa" "lambda"]
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