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Created April 1, 2015 18:02
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Riak injector
%% @doc Prepare map data
prepare_map(MapData) ->
%% The initial map to be expanded
InitialMap = riakc_map:new(),
%% Build tuple elem
Definition = element(2,MapData),
Data = [element(Nth, MapData) || Nth <- lists:seq(3,tuple_size(MapData))],
%% Fill in the data based by definition
update_map_data(Data, Definition, InitialMap).
update_map_data([], [], AccMap) -> AccMap;
update_map_data([CurrentData|DataT],[CurrentDefinition|DefT],InitialMap) ->
{AtomDataKey,DataType} = CurrentDefinition,
DataKey = list_to_binary(atom_to_list(AtomDataKey)),
AccMap = case DataType of
register ->
riakc_map:update({DataKey, DataType},
fun(Val) -> riakc_register:set(CurrentData, Val) end,
set ->
append_set(CurrentData, DataKey, InitialMap);
counter ->
riakc_map:update({DataKey, DataType},
fun(Val) -> riakc_counter:increment(CurrentData, Val) end,
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