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Created June 12, 2023 17:22
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Skippy and the Skulls Arduino Nano header file
#define NOP __asm__ __volatile__ ("nop\n\t")
const char compile_date[] = __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
uint8_t song_total = 15;
char song_list[] = {'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'};
const char menu_title[] PROGMEM = "Which song?";
const char song1[] PROGMEM = "1 - In Heaven There Is No beer";
const char song2[] PROGMEM = "2 - Skel Dance Joke";
const char song3[] PROGMEM = "3 - Oogie Boogie Man";
const char song4[] PROGMEM = "4 - Funny Bone Joke";
const char song5[] PROGMEM = "5 - The Time Warp";
const char song6[] PROGMEM = "6 - Lying Ghost Joke";
const char song7[] PROGMEM = "7 - Monster Mash";
const char song8[] PROGMEM = "8 - Ice Scream Joke";
const char song9[] PROGMEM = "9 - The Addams Family";
const char song10[] PROGMEM = "a - Skel Cross Road Joke";
const char song11[] PROGMEM = "b - Werewolves of London";
const char song12[] PROGMEM = "c - Ghostbusters";
const char song13[] PROGMEM = "d - Purple People Eaters";
const char song14[] PROGMEM = "e - I Put a Spell on You";
const char song15[] PROGMEM = "f - I Want Candy";
const char volume_control[] PROGMEM = "g - get/set the volume";
const char *const menu_table[] PROGMEM = {menu_title, song1, song2, song3, song4, song5, song6, song7, song8, song9, song10, song11, song12, song13, song14, song15, volume_control};
const char menu_title2[] PROGMEM = "Which servo are you reading/writing?";
const char head[] PROGMEM = "1 - Skippy's Head";
const char jaw_1[] PROGMEM = "2 - Skippy's Jaw";
const char jaw_2[] PROGMEM = "3 - Joe's Jaw";
const char jaw_3[] PROGMEM = "4 - Stush's Jaw";
const char jaw_4 [] PROGMEM = "5 - Rosie's Jaw";
const char jaw_2_3[] PROGMEM = "6 - Joe and Stush's Jaw";
const char jaw_2_3_4 [] PROGMEM = "7 - All Jaws";
const char init_file [] PROGMEM = "8 - Init a file (if w); play all (if r)";
const char *const menu_table2[] PROGMEM = {menu_title2, head, jaw_1, jaw_2, jaw_3, jaw_4, jaw_2_3, jaw_2_3_4, init_file};
//declare reset function @ address 0
void(* resetApp) (void) = 0;
//prepping for the TIMER1 stuff
volatile bool TIMER1_OF = false;
//the file descriptor for reading/writing
File myFile;
///////servo stuff
Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver();
int roll_ADC = A0;
int pitch_ADC = A1;
int yaw_ADC = A2;
int jaw_ADC = A3;
int pitch_servo = 0;
int roll_servo = 1;
int yaw_servo = 2;
int jaw_1_servo = 3;
int jaw_2_servo = 4;
int jaw_3_servo = 5;
int jaw_4_servo = 6;
uint16_t MIN_PULSE_WIDTH_YAW = 185; //lower number and he bumps into stush
uint16_t DEF_PULSE_WIDTH_YAW = 245;
uint16_t MAX_PULSE_WIDTH_YAW = 295; //higher number and he bumps into rosie
uint16_t MIN_PULSE_WIDTH_PITCH = 205;
uint16_t DEF_PULSE_WIDTH_PITCH = 290;
uint16_t MAX_PULSE_WIDTH_PITCH = 370;
uint16_t MIN_PULSE_WIDTH_ROLL = 105;
uint16_t DEF_PULSE_WIDTH_ROLL = 158;
uint16_t MAX_PULSE_WIDTH_ROLL = 220;
uint16_t MAX_PULSE_WIDTH_JAW_1 = 300;//215;//250; //open
uint16_t MIN_PULSE_WIDTH_JAW_1 = 90;//335;//350; //closed
//Joe, Port4
uint16_t MIN_PULSE_WIDTH_JAW_2 = 110;//closed
uint16_t MAX_PULSE_WIDTH_JAW_2 = 240;//open
uint16_t MIN_PULSE_WIDTH_JAW_3 = 110;
uint16_t MAX_PULSE_WIDTH_JAW_3 = 240;
uint16_t MIN_PULSE_WIDTH_JAW_4 = 110;
uint16_t MAX_PULSE_WIDTH_JAW_4 = 240;
#define FREQUENCY 50
//#define NUM_SERVOS 7
#define HEAD_OFFSET 0
#define JAW1_OFFSET 6
#define JAW2_OFFSET 8
#define JAW3_OFFSET 10
#define JAW4_OFFSET 12
///////end servo stuff
const int PLAY_BTN = 9;
bool auto_play = false;
//////mp3 stuff
const int VOLUME_ADDR = 0;
const int SONG_ADDR = 2;
const int SET_VOLUME = 18;//25;
const int BUSY = 8; //busy signal from MP3 player when playing a track
// implement a notification class, its member methods will get called
class Mp3Notify
static void OnError(uint16_t errorCode)
// see DfMp3_Error for code meaning
Serial.print(F("Com Error "));
static void OnPlayFinished(uint16_t globalTrack)
Serial.print(F("Play finished for #"));
static void OnCardOnline(uint16_t code)
Serial.print(F("Card online "));
static void OnUsbOnline(uint16_t code)
Serial.print(F("USB Disk online "));
static void OnCardInserted(uint16_t code)
Serial.print(F("Card inserted "));
static void OnUsbInserted(uint16_t code)
Serial.print(F("USB Disk inserted "));
static void OnCardRemoved(uint16_t code)
Serial.print(F("Card removed "));
static void OnUsbRemoved(uint16_t code)
Serial.print(F("USB Disk removed "));
SoftwareSerial secondarySerial(6, 7); // RX, TX
DFMiniMp3<SoftwareSerial, Mp3Notify> mp3(secondarySerial);
//////mp3 stuff
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