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Created November 4, 2014 23:00
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  • Save topgenorth/2938906521f396dbcd8f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save topgenorth/2938906521f396dbcd8f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This can't be good...
Running CreditCardValidation.CreditCardValidation.UITests.CreditCardValidation.Tests.ValidateCreditCardTests.CreditCardNumber_CorrectSize_DisplaySuccessScreen ...
Full log file: /var/folders/61/bhbtr4_51tx9bl3l5lqzl87m0000gn/T/uitest/log-2014-11-04_15-55-45-579.txt
iOS test running Xamarin.UITest version: 0.6.6
Skipping local screenshots. Can be enabled with EnableScreenshots() when configuring app.
No api key found.
Running in unactivated mode. Test run will be restricted to simulators for a maximum duration of 15 minutes. The full version is available for Xamarin Test Cloud customers, for more information contact
Artifact folder: /var/folders/61/bhbtr4_51tx9bl3l5lqzl87m0000gn/T/uitest/a-30E42FCEFB1FEF479DDA58C9426DEB043C04627A
Running command. { Path: "ps", Arguments: "-xo pid,args", CurrentDirectory: "/Users/tom/work/xamarin/code/mobile-samples/TestCloud/CreditCardValidation/CreditCardValidation-UITest/CreditCardValidation.Tests/bin/Debug" }
Finished with exit code 0 in 21 ms.
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66909 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --extension-process --enable-webrtc-hw-h264-encoding --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.12.1038388885
66910 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --extension-process --enable-webrtc-hw-h264-encoding --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.13.1536810012
66912 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --extension-process --enable-webrtc-hw-h264-encoding --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.15.1441866394
66913 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --extension-process --enable-webrtc-hw-h264-encoding --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.16.193578001
66914 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --extension-process --enable-webrtc-hw-h264-encoding --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.17.68254137
66915 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --extension-process --enable-webrtc-hw-h264-encoding --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.18.1826788963
66916 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --extension-process --enable-webrtc-hw-h264-encoding --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.19.627299757
66917 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --extension-process --enable-webrtc-hw-h264-encoding --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.20.25009517
66919 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --extension-process --enable-webrtc-hw-h264-encoding --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.22.372283233
66921 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --extension-process --enable-webrtc-hw-h264-encoding --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.24.727794376
66925 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderFromOmnibox/OmniboxPrerenderDisabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.27.1352866545
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67861 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
67862 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/XPCServices/
67939 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderFromOmnibox/OmniboxPrerenderDisabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.41.1239943678
68048 /Applications/
68119 /Applications/
68325 /Users/tom/work/xamarin/documentation/tools/Xamarin.DocViewer/Xamarin.DocViewer/bin/Debug/
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68382 /Applications/VMware -pdir /var/folders/61/bhbtr4_51tx9bl3l5lqzl87m0000gn/T//vmware-tom/thnuclnt-68379 -fg
68384 /Applications/VMware -pdir /var/folders/61/bhbtr4_51tx9bl3l5lqzl87m0000gn/T//vmware-tom/thnuclnt-68379 -fg
68385 /Applications/VMware -pdir /var/folders/61/bhbtr4_51tx9bl3l5lqzl87m0000gn/T//vmware-tom/thnuclnt-68379 -fg
68387 /Applications/VMware -pdir /var/folders/61/bhbtr4_51tx9bl3l5lqzl87m0000gn/T//vmware-tom/thnuclnt-68379 -fg
68390 /Applications/VMware -pdir /var/folders/61/bhbtr4_51tx9bl3l5lqzl87m0000gn/T//vmware-tom/thnuclnt-68379 -fg
68391 /Applications/VMware -pdir /var/folders/61/bhbtr4_51tx9bl3l5lqzl87m0000gn/T//vmware-tom/thnuclnt-68379 -fg
68399 /Applications/VMware Graphics Service 3 4
70156 (Google Chrome He)
71195 /System/Library/Frameworks/QTKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
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72564 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderFromOmnibox/OmniboxPrerenderDisabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.104.1721801840
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74491 (Google Chrome He)
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77085 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --disable-databases --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderFromOmnibox/OmniboxPrerenderDisabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.288.553579019
77096 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --disable-databases --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderFromOmnibox/OmniboxPrerenderDisabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.291.48697365
77311 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderFromOmnibox/OmniboxPrerenderDisabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.303.1125217588
77564 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudPhotoServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CloudPhotoServicesConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
77725 (Google Chrome He)
77736 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=ppapi --channel=66893.326.1498607652 --ppapi-flash-args --lang=en-US
79241 /Library/Application Support/Google/
79330 /Applications/
79868 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=ppapi --channel=66893.388.1018927000 --ppapi-flash-args --lang=en-US
79889 /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
79892 /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Word
79896 /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft AU AU Daemon
80231 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderFromOmnibox/OmniboxPrerenderDisabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.396.1156793007
80278 /Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Helper --type=renderer --lang=en-US --force-fieldtrials=AutoReloadExperiment/Enabled/AutoReloadVisibleOnlyExperiment/Enabled/DomRel-Enable/disable/EmbeddedSearch/Group8 pct:10h stable:pp2 prefetch_results:1 reuse_instant_search_base_page:1/ExtensionInstallVerification/None/GoogleNow/Enable/OmniboxBundledExperimentV1/NewSuggestType_A8_Stable_R2/PasswordGeneration/Disabled/Prerender/PrerenderEnabled/PrerenderFromOmnibox/OmniboxPrerenderDisabled/PrerenderLocalPredictorSpec/LocalPredictor=Disabled/QUIC/Disabled/RapporRollout/Enabled/SDCH/EnabledAll/SafeBrowsingIncidentReportingService/Default/SettingsEnforcement/no_enforcement/Test0PercentDefault/group_01/UMA-Dynamic-Binary-Uniformity-Trial/default/UMA-Dynamic-Uniformity-Trial/Group6/UMA-Population-Restrict/normal/UMA-Session-Randomized-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_02/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-1-Percent/group_74/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-10-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-100-Percent/group_01/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-20-Percent/group_04/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-5-Percent/group_11/UMA-Uniformity-Trial-50-Percent/group_01/VoiceTrigger/Install/ --renderer-print-preview --enable-offline-auto-reload --enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only --enable-delegated-renderer --disable-accelerated-video-decode --channel=66893.401.1947411613
80574 /Applications/Xamarin
80599 /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/3.10.0/bin/mono /Applications/Xamarin
80600 launchd_sim /tmp/com.xamarin.MTHosting.1c9f4b3f1/A61D327E-55A3-43A0-A331-C17C2C97291A/data/var/run/launchd_bootstrap.plist
80602 /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.Android.framework/Versions/Current/bin/mandroid -d
80603 /Applications/
80605 /Applications/
80608 /Applications/
80609 /Applications/
80610 /Applications/
80611 /Applications/
80612 /Applications/
80613 /Applications/
80615 /Applications/
80616 /Applications/
80617 /Applications/
80618 /Applications/
80619 /Applications/ -d
80620 /Applications/
80622 /Applications/
80623 /Applications/
80624 /Applications/
80625 /Applications/
80626 /Applications/
80627 /Applications/ daemon
80628 /Applications/
80629 /usr/libexec/pkd -d/tmp/PlugInKit-Annotations
80630 /Applications/
80631 /Applications/
80632 /Applications/
80633 /Applications/
80634 /Applications/
80635 /Applications/
80637 /tmp/com.xamarin.MTHosting.1c9f4b3f1/A61D327E-55A3-43A0-A331-C17C2C97291A/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/156BC09D-B5FC-4A5B-A983-5FDCBE78989C/
80638 /Applications/
80639 /Applications/
80640 /Applications/
80641 /Applications/
80642 /Applications/
80643 /Applications/
80644 /Applications/
80646 /Applications/
80648 /Applications/
80739 /Applications/ --sending-client-environment
80768 /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/3.10.0/bin/mono --debug /Applications/Xamarin MonoDevelop.NUnit.External.ExternalTestRunner /var/folders/61/bhbtr4_51tx9bl3l5lqzl87m0000gn/T/tmp643399fe.tmp
80770 /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/Helpers/
80772 /bin/ps -xo pid,args
Starting process. { Path: "/usr/bin/osascript", Arguments: "/var/folders/61/bhbtr4_51tx9bl3l5lqzl87m0000gn/T/uitest/a-30E42FCEFB1FEF479DDA58C9426DEB043C04627A/ResetSimulator.AppleScript", CurrentDirectory: "/Users/tom/work/xamarin/code/mobile-samples/TestCloud/CreditCardValidation/CreditCardValidation-UITest/CreditCardValidation.Tests/bin/Debug" }
Starting process. { Path: "/usr/bin/otool", Arguments: "-o "/Users/tom/work/xamarin/code/mobile-samples/TestCloud/CreditCardValidation/CreditCardValidation-UITest/CreditCardValidation.iOS/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/"", CurrentDirectory: "/Users/tom/work/xamarin/code/mobile-samples/TestCloud/CreditCardValidation/CreditCardValidation-UITest/CreditCardValidation.Tests/bin/Debug" }
Finished with exit code 0 in 14 ms.
/Users/tom/work/xamarin/code/mobile-samples/TestCloud/CreditCardValidation/CreditCardValidation-UITest/CreditCardValidation.iOS/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/ is not an object file
Starting process. { Path: "/usr/bin/otool", Arguments: "-o "/Users/tom/work/xamarin/code/mobile-samples/TestCloud/CreditCardValidation/CreditCardValidation-UITest/CreditCardValidation.iOS/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/"", CurrentDirectory: "/Users/tom/work/xamarin/code/mobile-samples/TestCloud/CreditCardValidation/CreditCardValidation-UITest/CreditCardValidation.Tests/bin/Debug" }
Finished with exit code 0 in 7 ms.
/Users/tom/work/xamarin/code/mobile-samples/TestCloud/CreditCardValidation/CreditCardValidation-UITest/CreditCardValidation.iOS/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/ is not an object file
Starting process. { Path: "/usr/bin/otool", Arguments: "-o "/Users/tom/work/xamarin/code/mobile-samples/TestCloud/CreditCardValidation/CreditCardValidation-UITest/CreditCardValidation.iOS/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/"", CurrentDirectory: "/Users/tom/work/xamarin/code/mobile-samples/TestCloud/CreditCardValidation/CreditCardValidation-UITest/CreditCardValidation.Tests/bin/Debug" }
Finished with exit code 0 in 7 ms.
/Users/tom/work/xamarin/code/mobile-samples/TestCloud/CreditCardValidation/CreditCardValidation-UITest/CreditCardValidation.iOS/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/ is not an object file
Starting process. { Path: "/usr/bin/otool", Arguments: "-o "/Users/tom/work/xamarin/code/mobile-samples/TestCloud/CreditCardValidation/CreditCardValidation-UITest/CreditCardValidation.iOS/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/"", CurrentDirectory: "/Users/tom/work/xamarin/code/mobile-samples/TestCloud/CreditCardValidation/CreditCardValidation-UITest/CreditCardValidation.Tests/bin/Debug" }
Finished with exit code 0 in 20 ms.
Objective-C segment
Contents of (__DATA,__objc_classlist) section
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imp 0xf4b0
name 0x331190 badParamError:
types 0x336a36 @12@0:4@8
imp 0xf550
name 0x33135b gaiError:
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name 0x331ed2 sslError:
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imp 0xf8e0
name 0x331461 connectTimeoutError
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name 0x3319be readTimeoutError
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name 0x331f0b connectedHost6
types 0x336b3e @8@0:4
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imp 0x113a0
name 0x331f29 connectedPort6
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imp 0x11420
name 0x331f38 localHost4
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imp 0x114a0
name 0x331f43 localHost6
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name 0x3315e2 connectedHostFromSocket4:
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imp 0x116a0
name 0x3315fc connectedHostFromSocket6:
types 0x336d6a @12@0:4i8
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name 0x331616 connectedPortFromSocket4:
types 0x336d85 S12@0:4i8
imp 0x11820
name 0x331630 connectedPortFromSocket6:
types 0x336d85 S12@0:4i8
imp 0x11900
name 0x33164a localHostFromSocket4:
types 0x336d6a @12@0:4i8
imp 0x119b0
name 0x331660 localHostFromSocket6:
types 0x336d6a @12@0:4i8
imp 0x11a80
name 0x331676 localPortFromSocket4:
types 0x336d85 S12@0:4i8
imp 0x11b30
name 0x33168c localPortFromSocket6:
types 0x336d85 S12@0:4i8
imp 0x11c10
name 0x331f59 connectedAddress
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types 0x336c80 c8@0:4
imp 0x124a0
name 0x331f7e isIPv6
types 0x336c80 c8@0:4
imp 0x126d0
name 0x331f85 isSecure
types 0x336c80 c8@0:4
imp 0x12900
name 0x33115c getInterfaceAddress4:address6:fromDescription:port:
types 0x336d8f v24@0:4^@8^@12@16S20
imp 0x12b50
name 0x3311fb setupReadAndWriteSourcesForNewlyConnectedSocket:
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imp 0x13570
name 0x331845 usingCFStream
types 0x336c80 c8@0:4
imp 0x13d70
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imp 0x13dc0
name 0x3314eb resumeReadSource
types 0x3369fc v8@0:4
imp 0x13e40
name 0x3319eb suspendWriteSource
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imp 0x13ec0
name 0x3314fc resumeWriteSource
types 0x3369fc v8@0:4
imp 0x13f40
name 0x331f8e readDataWithTimeout:tag:
types 0x336da4 v20@0:4d8l16
imp 0x13fc0
name 0x331fa7 readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:
types 0x336db1 v28@0:4d8@16I20l24
imp 0x14040
name 0x33174d readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:
types 0x336dc4 v32@0:4d8@16I20I24l28
imp 0x140d0
name 0x331fd4 readDataToLength:withTimeout:tag:
types 0x336dda v24@0:4I8d12l20
imp 0x14430
name 0x331784 readDataToLength:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:
types 0x336dea v32@0:4I8d12@20I24l28
imp 0x144b0
name 0x331ff6 readDataToData:withTimeout:tag:
types 0x336e00 v24@0:4@8d12l20
imp 0x14820
name 0x332016 readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:
types 0x336e10 v32@0:4@8d12@20I24l28
imp 0x148b0
name 0x33204a readDataToData:withTimeout:maxLength:tag:
types 0x336e26 v28@0:4@8d12I20l24
imp 0x14950
name 0x3317ba readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:
types 0x336e39 v36@0:4@8d12@20I24I28l32
imp 0x149f0
name 0x33142d maybeDequeueRead
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imp 0x14dc0
name 0x33172c doReadData
types 0x3369fc v8@0:4
imp 0x15150
name 0x331737 doReadEOF
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name 0x3318b1 completeCurrentRead
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imp 0x16f20
name 0x331475 endCurrentRead
types 0x3369fc v8@0:4
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name 0x33182a setupReadTimerWithTimeout:
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imp 0x175c0
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types 0x3369fc v8@0:4
imp 0x178d0
name 0x3319a2 doReadTimeoutWithExtension:
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imp 0x17dd0
name 0x332074 writeData:withTimeout:tag:
types 0x336e00 v24@0:4@8d12l20
imp 0x17f50
name 0x33143e maybeDequeueWrite
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name 0x3319cf setupWriteTimerWithTimeout:
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imp 0x19380
name 0x331a57 doWriteTimeout
types 0x3369fc v8@0:4
imp 0x19690
name 0x331a9a doWriteTimeoutWithExtension:
types 0x336d60 v16@0:4d8
imp 0x19b90
name 0x33208f startTLS:
types 0x336a50 v12@0:4@8
imp 0x19d10
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name 0x3320ac abortSSLHandshake:
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name 0x33181c maybeStartTLS
types 0x3369fc v8@0:4
imp 0x1abe0
name 0x3320bf performBlock:
types 0x336e52 v12@0:4@?8
imp 0x1b6a0
name 0x3320cd socketFD
types 0x336e5d i8@0:4
imp 0x1b6e0
name 0x3320d6 socket4FD
types 0x336e5d i8@0:4
imp 0x1b770
name 0x3320e0 socket6FD
types 0x336e5d i8@0:4
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imp 0x1b830
name 0x3320f5 writeStream
types 0x336e7c ^{__CFWriteStream=}8@0:4
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name 0x331bc6 enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat:
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imp 0x1b970
name 0x332101 enableBackgroundingOnSocket
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name 0x33211d enableBackgroundingOnSocketWithCaveat
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alignment 2
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alignment 2
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size 4
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alignment 2
size 4
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type 0x336eba ^{dispatch_source_s=}
alignment 2
size 4
offset 0x3f2d30 44
name 0x33219b accept6Source
type 0x336eba ^{dispatch_source_s=}
alignment 2
size 4
offset 0x3f2d40 48
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type 0x336eba ^{dispatch_source_s=}
alignment 2
size 4
offset 0x3f2d4c 52
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type 0x336eba ^{dispatch_source_s=}
alignment 2
size 4
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type 0x336eba ^{dispatch_source_s=}
alignment 2
size 4
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type 0x336eba ^{dispatch_source_s=}
alignment 2
size 4
offset 0x3f2d5c 64
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imp 0x23920
name 0x332ad5 handleUnknownMethod:
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name 0x33266d handleResourceNotFound
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imp 0x23dc0
name 0x33276c preprocessResponse:
types 0x336a36 @12@0:4@8
imp 0x23fd0
name 0x33295c preprocessErrorResponse:
types 0x336a36 @12@0:4@8
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name 0x331945 socket:didReadData:withTag:
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name 0x331a3b socket:didWriteDataWithTag:
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name 0x33150e socketDidDisconnect:withError:
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name 0x33598a isView:zIndexAboveView:
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imp 0x5bb60
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types 0x336fa1 c12@0:4@8
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imp 0x5c570
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imp 0x5dff0
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imp 0x5e290
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name 0x335cad dateFromString:timeZone:
types 0x3376c7 @16@0:4@8o^@12
imp 0x62fa0
name 0x334aac dateFromString:timeZone:range:
types 0x3376d6 @20@0:4@8o^@12o^{_NSRange=II}16
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imp 0x63960
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imp 0x64160
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003e9f50 0x3f3b60
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003e9f54 0x3f3b88
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Meta Class
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types 0x336f7b @16@0:4@8@12
imp 0x67af0
name 0x333933 performWithTarget:error:
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imp 0x67cc0
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ivars 0x0
weakIvarLayout 0x0
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Meta Class
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Meta Class
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ivars 0x0
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003e9f64 0x3f3c28
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Meta Class
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Meta Class
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name 0x334d1c selector
type 0x33733d :
alignment 2
size 4
offset 0x3f3000 12
name 0x336211 argument
type 0x336ea1 @
alignment 2
size 4
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size 1
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Meta Class
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003e9f70 0x3f3c8c
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imp 0x2cb1e0
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type 0x337765 ^?
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Meta Class
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Meta Class
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Contents of (__DATA,__objc_classrefs) section
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003f2b70 0x0
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003f2b78 0x0
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003f2b80 0x3f3a34
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003f2b90 0x3f3020
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003f2b9c 0x3f3214
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003f2ba8 0x3f38cc
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003f2bf4 0x3f3c8c
003f2bf8 0x3f3cc8
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Contents of (__DATA,__objc_superrefs) section
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003f2c38 0x3f328c
003f2c3c 0x3f32dc
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003f2c50 0x3f3444
003f2c54 0x3f3458
003f2c58 0x3f346c
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Contents of (__DATA,__objc_catlist) section
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types 0x33723a c16@0:4@8^q12
imp 0x2c2f0
name 0x33258a parseString:intoUInt64:
types 0x337248 c16@0:4@8^Q12
imp 0x2c3b0
name 0x33336e parseString:intoNSInteger:
types 0x337256 c16@0:4@8^i12
imp 0x2c470
name 0x333389 parseString:intoNSUInteger:
types 0x337264 c16@0:4@8^I12
imp 0x2c540
protocols 0x0
instanceProperties 0x0
003e9f80 0x3ebc28
name 0x33642a
cls 0x0
instanceMethods 0x3ebbf4
entsize 12
count 2
name 0x3325b4 ddrangeValue
types 0x337272 {_LPDDRange=QQ}8@0:4
imp 0x2d070
name 0x3325c1 ddrangeCompare:
types 0x337287 i12@0:4@8
imp 0x2d0d0
classMethods 0x3ebc14
entsize 12
count 1
name 0x3325a2 valueWithDDRange:
types 0x337291 @24@0:4{_LPDDRange=QQ}8
imp 0x2cff0
protocols 0x0
instanceProperties 0x0
Contents of (__DATA,__objc_protolist) section
003e9f84 0x3f3ce4
003e9f88 0x3f3d10
003e9f8c 0x3f3d7c
003e9f90 0x3f3dbc
Contents of (__DATA,__objc_imageinfo) section
version 0
flags 0x20
Starting app bundle. { AppBundle: "/Users/tom/work/xamarin/code/mobile-samples/TestCloud/CreditCardValidation/CreditCardValidation-UITest/CreditCardValidation.iOS/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/" }
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