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Created August 3, 2022 10:28
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Prefect 2.0 Infinite Tic-Tac-Toe
from prefect import Task, flow, task, get_run_logger
from prefect.blocks.core import Block
from prefect.orion.schemas.states import Completed, Cancelled, Failed, StateType
import asyncio
import random
from prefect.blocks.system import JSON
from typing import List
# Initialize board
wins = (
def build_square(i: int) -> Task:
async def square():
return i
return square
square_ids = list(range(9))
squares = {i: build_square(i) for i in square_ids}
class Board(Block):
next_player: int
o_moves: List[int]
x_moves: List[int]
def display(self) -> str:
moves = []
for i in square_ids:
if i in self.o_moves:
elif i in self.x_moves:
moves.append(" ")
return "\n--+--+--\n".join("|".join(moves[x : x + 3]) for x in (0, 3, 6))
def get_avaliable_squares(self):
squares_taken = set(self.o_moves + self.x_moves)
return list(set(square_ids) - squares_taken)
def update_o(self, square):
o_moves = self.o_moves
self.o_moves = o_moves + [square]
self.next_player = 2
def update_x(self, square):
x_moves = self.x_moves
self.x_moves = x_moves + [square]
self.next_player = 1
def check_win(self) -> int:
o_moves = "".join([str(x) for x in sorted(self.o_moves)])
x_moves = "".join([str(x) for x in sorted(self.x_moves)])
if any(win in o_moves for win in wins):
# O wins
return 1
if any(win in x_moves for win in wins):
# X wins
return 2
elif len(o_moves) + len(x_moves) == 9:
# Draw
return 0
# Continue game
return -1
def create_board(game_no: int, o_start: bool, starting_square: int) -> Board:
if o_start:
board = Board(next_player=2, o_moves=[starting_square], x_moves=[])
board = Board(next_player=1, x_moves=[starting_square], o_moves=[])
tally = JSON(value={"n_games": game_no})"tally", overwrite=True)"n{game_no}", overwrite=True)
logger = get_run_logger()"\n(Game %s) Starting move:\n%s", game_no, board.display())
async def nought(game_no: int):
logger = get_run_logger()
while True:
board = await Board.load(f"n{game_no}")
game_status = board.check_win()
if game_status == -1 and board.next_player == 1:
possible_moves = board.get_avaliable_squares()
square = await squares[random.choice(possible_moves)]()
await"n{game_no}", overwrite=True)"\n(Game %s) O moves:\n%s", game_no, board.display())
game_status = board.check_win()
if game_status == 1:
return Completed(message=f"(Game {game_no} Over) 🎉 NOUGHT WON")
elif game_status == 2:
return Failed(message=f"(Game {game_no} Over) 👻 NOUGHT LOST")
elif game_status == 0:
return Cancelled(message=f"(Game {game_no} Over) 🤯 DRAW")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def crosses(game_no: int):
logger = get_run_logger()
while True:
board = await Board.load(f"n{game_no}")
game_status = board.check_win()
if game_status == -1 and board.next_player == 2:
possible_moves = board.get_avaliable_squares()
square = await squares[random.choice(possible_moves)]()
await"n{game_no}", overwrite=True)"\n(Game %s) X moves:\n%s", game_no, board.display())
game_status = board.check_win()
if game_status == 2:
return Completed(message=f"(Game {game_no} Over) 🎉 CROSSES WON")
elif game_status == 1:
return Failed(message=f"(Game {game_no} Over) 👻 CROSSES LOST")
elif game_status == 0:
return Cancelled(message=f"(Game {game_no} Over) 🤯 DRAW")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
tally = JSON(value={"n_games": 0})"tally", overwrite=True)
async def tic_tac_toe(o_start: bool, starting_square: int, max_games: int = 100):
1. First move and player is selected via flow parameters
2. Loser moves first in next game
3. Draw spawns two next games
Subflow states
- Lose = FAILED
# Initialize game
tally = await JSON.load("tally")
game_no = tally.value["n_games"] + 1
if game_no > max_games:
return Completed(f"All {max_games} games complete.")
# Play
create_board(game_no, o_start, starting_square)
players = [nought(game_no, return_state=True), crosses(game_no, return_state=True)]
o_state, x_state = await asyncio.gather(*players)
# Rematch
new_games = []
if o_state.message in ["NOUGHT LOST", "DRAW"]:
tic_tac_toe(o_start=False, starting_square=random.choice(square_ids))
if x_state.message in ["CROSSES LOST", "DRAW"]:
tic_tac_toe(o_start=True, starting_square=random.choice(square_ids))
await asyncio.gather(*new_games)
return Completed(message=f"GAME {game_no} OVER")
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:, starting_square=0))
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