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Created March 11, 2011 23:48
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Gist version of, so I can embed it on my blog. From, as of commit 5c58bdb584ccf086fe7d
import string
import random
LETTERS = string.ascii_letters + ' ' + '!' + '?'
class GeneticHelloWorld(object):
def __init__(self,
target = "Hello Python World!", # Target string we're going for
num_samples = 1000, # Have 1000 chromos in the sample group
num_selected = 100, # Have 100 chromos in the selected group
mutation_factor = 10,): # Mutate every 10 chromosomes = target
self.num_samples = num_samples
self.num_selected = num_selected
self.mutation_factor = mutation_factor
def generate_random_chromosomes(self,):
''' Create a list of random chromosomes to seed our alogrithm.
chromos = []
while len(chromos) < self.num_samples:
new_chromo = ''
while len(new_chromo) < len(
new_chromo += random.choice(LETTERS)
return chromos
def fitness(self, chromo):
''' Fitness of a chromo is the sum of how far each of its charactors is
from the target string.
Input string must be the same length as the target string. A string that
exactly matches the target string has a fitness of 0. Lower fitness is
better than higher.
Tests assume that 'Hello World!' is the target string.
>>> ghw = GeneticHelloWorld()
>>>'Hello World!')
>>>'Iello World!')
>>>'Iallo World!')
total_fitness = 0
for i, char in enumerate(chromo):
total_fitness += abs(ord(char) - ord([i]))
return total_fitness
def tourny_select_chromo(self, samples):
''' Randomly select two chromosomes from the samples, then return the one
with the best fitness.
a = random.choice(samples)
b = random.choice(samples)
if <
return a
return b
def breed(self, a, b):
''' Breed two chromosomes by splicng them in a random spot and combining
them together to form two new chromos.
splice_pos = random.randrange(len(a))
new_a = a[:splice_pos] + b[splice_pos:]
new_b = b[:splice_pos] + a[splice_pos:]
return new_a, new_b
def mutate(self, chromo):
''' Mutate a chromosome by changing a random char to a different letter.
pos = random.randrange(len(chromo))
return random.choice(LETTERS).join( [chromo[:pos], chromo[pos+1:]] )
def run(self):
# Create a random sample of chromos
sample = self.generate_random_chromosomes()
# Main loop: each generation select a subset of the sample and breed from
# them.
generation = -1
while[0]) != 0:
generation += 1
# Generate the selected group from sample- take the top 1% of samples
# and tourny select to generate the rest of selected.
ten_percent = int(len(sample)*.01)
selected = sample[:ten_percent]
while len(selected) < self.num_selected:
# Generate the solution group by breeding random chromos from selected
solution = []
while len(solution) < self.num_samples:
# Apply a mutation to a subset of the solution set
for i, chromo in enumerate(solution[::self.mutation_factor]):
solution[i] = self.mutate(solution[i])
sample = sorted(solution, key =
# Print useful stats about this generation
(min, median, max) = map(,
[sample[0], sample[len(sample)//2], sample[-1]])
print("{0} best string: {1}. fitness: best {2}, median {3}, worst {4}" \
.format(generation, sample[0], min, median, max))
return generation
def main():
ghw = GeneticHelloWorld()
print "Took {0} generations".format(
if __name__ == "__main__":
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