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Created April 2, 2014 20:03
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def ip2n(ip):
Convert an IP address in dotted quad to an integer
octets = ip.split('.')
return sum([(int(octets[x]))<<(24-(8*x)) for x in range(0,4)])
def n2ip(n):
Convert an integer to a dotted quad ip address
return '.'.join( [str((n>>(24-(8*x)))&0xff) for x in range(0,4)] )
def cidrbits2mask(bits):
Given a number of bits (i.e. /bits), return a subnet mask
return n2ip(0xffffffff & ~int((2**(32-bits)-1)))
def cidr2range(cidr):
Convert CIDR notation to a range.
net,bits = cidr.split('/')
bits = int(bits)
net = ip2n(net)&ip2n(cidrbits2mask(bits))
return (n2ip(net), n2ip(net+2**(32-bits)-1))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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