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Last active December 21, 2022 00:06
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  • Save toraritte/a47ad823dd1b0769aac1bdf06191e84f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save toraritte/a47ad823dd1b0769aac1bdf06191e84f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
scrape the target weekly ads into a (hopefully) coherent human-readable text (see comments on how to test drive it)
/* ============================================================================= */
function nullToEmptyString(maybeNull) {
return maybeNull ? maybeNull : '';
function stripPeriod(itemProperty) {
const notNullItemProperty = nullToEmptyString(itemProperty);
return notNullItemProperty.replace(/\.(\s|\*|†)*$/, '');
function addDollarSignIfPriceIsNumber(itemProperty) {
const notNullItemProperty = nullToEmptyString(itemProperty);
if (Number(notNullItemProperty)) {
return `$${notNullItemProperty}`;
} else {
return `${notNullItemProperty}`;
function formatFinePrint(finePrint) {
let newFinePrint =
/* The purpose of this is to be able to filter out 'Expect More. Pay Less.` from `page_description` on the "company messaging" page. */
replace(/(More|Less)\./g, '').
replace(/No. /g, 'Product number: ').
replace(/\/mo\./g, ' per month').
filter( str => !str.match(/(©|reserved|trademark|property|countr)/i) ).
filter( str => str.length > 5 ).
filter( str => !str.match(/Target Circle/) ).
filter( str => !str.match(/help\.target\.com/g) ).
join('; ');
//if ( newFinePrint.length < 10 ) { console.log(newFinePrint.length); }
if (newFinePrint.length > 1000) {
return '';
} else {
return (newFinePrint.length === 0) ? '' : `; Fine print: ${newFinePrint}`;
function makeItemScript(item) {
const newTitle = stripPeriod(item.title);
const newPrice = addDollarSignIfPriceIsNumber(item.price);
const newProductDescription = stripPeriod(item.product_description /* .replace(/\.\s+/g, '; ') */ );
const newFinePrint = formatFinePrint(item.fine_print);
const template = `${newTitle}; ${newPrice}; ${newProductDescription}${newFinePrint}. `;
return template.
replace(/BOGO/g, 'Buy one get one ').
replace(/\s*[†•]\s*/g, '; ').
replace(/;\s*;/g, ';'). /* If product_description is empty, this can happen. */
replace(/;\s*\./g, '.'). /* If price is empty, then there will be a dangling semicolon. */
replace(/\s+/g, ' ').
replace(/\s+\./g, '.').
replace(/\.\./g, '.').
replace(/\*/g, '').
replace(/\.;/g, ';').
//replace(/;\s*Fine print:\s*\./,'.').
replace(/-pc\./g, '-piece').
replace(/-pk\./g, '-pack').
replace(/-qt\./g, '-quart').
replace(/-ct\./g, '-count').
replace(/-oz\./g, '-ounce').
replace(/\/lb/g, '$ per pound').
replace(/\/mo/g, '$ per month').
replace(/-in\./g, '-inch').
replace(/-pt\./g, '-pint').
replace(/-fl\./g, '-fluid').
replace(/-lb\./g, '-pound').
replace(/([0-9]+)\/\$/g, "$1 for $").
/* The Azure TTS REST API chokes on the replaced characters below. */
replace(/\&/g, ' and ').
replace(/™/g, ' ');
function pluralize(itemNumber) {
return `${itemNumber} ${( itemNumber > 1 ) ? 'items' : 'item'}`;
function massagePageDescription(desc) {
return desc.
replace(/BEV/g, 'beverages').
replace(/SNC/g, 'novelty candies').
replace(/NIT/g, '').
filter( (v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i).
join('; ');
/* Excluding `promotion_message` because it is always included in the `product_description`.
function parseFlyer(jsonString) {
return JSON.parse(jsonString).pages.
/* Filter pages that advertise Target services. */
filter( ( page ) => { return Number(page.indd_page_number) } ).
( page ) =>
let newItems =
/* When there is only a `title` and `price` and `page_description` are missing, usually the item is just a page blurb. */
filter( ( item ) => { return [!!item.title, !!item.price, !!item.product_description].filter(i => i).length > 1 } ).
( item ) =>
return {
tts_item_script: makeItemScript(item),
original_properties: {
title: item.title,
price: item.price,
product_description: item.product_description,
fine_print: item.fine_print,
/* promotion_message: item.promotion_message */
return {
items: newItems,
tts_page_script: `${massagePageDescription(page.page_description)}; ${pluralize(page.hotspots.length)} on this page. `,
original_properties: {
page_description: page.page_description,
indd_page_number: page.indd_page_number
); /* the above creates an object where each key is the original page number and it holds each items with the proposed texts to be read) */
const convertPageItemsToString =
( items ) =>
return items.
(acc, item) =>
{ return acc + item.tts_item_script; },
map( (page, i) => `Page ${ i+1 }: ${ page.tts_page_script } ${ convertPageItemsToString(page.items) }`)
The in-progress port of the above script to Node.js
import * as sdk from "microsoft-cognitiveservices-speech-sdk";
import * as readline from "readline";
import * as https from "https";
/* import * as http from "http"; */
import * as fs from "fs";
/* ============================================================================= */
function nullToEmptyString(maybeNull) {
return maybeNull ? maybeNull : '';
function stripPeriod(itemProperty) {
const notNullItemProperty = nullToEmptyString(itemProperty);
return notNullItemProperty.replace(/\.(\s|\*|†)*$/, '');
function addDollarSignIfPriceIsNumber(itemProperty) {
const notNullItemProperty = nullToEmptyString(itemProperty);
if (Number(notNullItemProperty)) {
return `$${notNullItemProperty}`;
} else {
return `${notNullItemProperty}`;
function formatFinePrint(finePrint) {
let newFinePrint =
replace(/(More|Less)\./g, ''). /* This is to be able to filter our 'Expect More. Pay Less.` on the "company messaging page */
replace(/No. /g, 'Product number: ').
replace(/\/mo\./g, ' per month').
filter( str => !str.match(/(©|reserved|trademark|property|countr)/i) ).
filter( str => str.length > 5 ).
filter( str => !str.match(/Target Circle/) ).
filter( str => !str.match(/help\.target\.com/g) ).
join('; ');
//if ( newFinePrint.length < 10 ) { console.log(newFinePrint.length); }
if (newFinePrint.length > 1000) {
return '';
} else {
return (newFinePrint.length === 0) ? '' : `; Fine print: ${newFinePrint}`;
function makeItemScript(item) {
const newTitle = stripPeriod(item.title);
const newPrice = addDollarSignIfPriceIsNumber(item.price);
const newProductDescription = stripPeriod(item.product_description /* .replace(/\.\s+/g, '; ') */ );
const newFinePrint = formatFinePrint(item.fine_print);
const template = `${newTitle}; ${newPrice}; ${newProductDescription}${newFinePrint}. `;
return template.
replace(/BOGO/g, 'Buy one get one ').
replace(/\s*[†•]\s*/g, '; ').
replace(/;\s*;/g, ';'). /* If product_description is empty, this can happen. */
replace(/;\s*\./g, '.'). /* If price is empty, then there will be a dangling semicolon. */
replace(/\s+/g, ' ').
replace(/\s+\./g, '.').
replace(/\.\./g, '.').
replace(/\*/g, '').
replace(/\.;/g, ';').
//replace(/;\s*Fine print:\s*\./,'.').
replace(/-pc\./g, '-piece').
replace(/-pk\./g, '-pack').
replace(/-qt\./g, '-quart').
replace(/-ct\./g, '-count').
replace(/-oz\./g, '-ounce').
replace(/\/lb/g, '$ per pound').
replace(/\/mo/g, '$ per month').
replace(/-in\./g, '-inch').
replace(/-pt\./g, '-pint').
replace(/-fl\./g, '-fluid').
replace(/-lb\./g, '-pound').
replace(/([0-9]+)\/\$/g, "$1 for $").
/* The Azure TTS REST API chokes on the replaced characters below. */
replace(/\&/g, ' and ').
replace(/™/g, ' ');
function pluralize(itemNumber) {
return `${itemNumber} ${( itemNumber > 1 ) ? 'items' : 'item'}`;
function massagePageDescription(desc) {
return desc.
replace(/BEV/g, 'beverages').
replace(/SNC/g, 'novelty candies').
replace(/NIT/g, '').
filter( (v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i).
join('; ');
/* Excluding `promotion_message` because it is always included in the `product_description`.
function parseFlyer(jsonString) {
return JSON.parse(jsonString).pages.
/* Filter pages that advertise Target services. */
filter( ( page ) => { return Number(page.indd_page_number) } ).
( page ) =>
let newItems =
/* When there is only a `title` and `price` and `page_description` are missing, usually the item is just a page blurb. */
filter( ( item ) => { return [!!item.title, !!item.price, !!item.product_description].filter(i => i).length > 1 } ).
( item ) =>
return {
tts_item_script: makeItemScript(item),
original_properties: {
title: item.title,
price: item.price,
product_description: item.product_description,
fine_print: item.fine_print,
/* promotion_message: item.promotion_message */
return {
items: newItems,
tts_page_script: `${massagePageDescription(page.page_description)}; ${pluralize(page.hotspots.length)} on this page. `,
original_properties: {
page_description: page.page_description,
indd_page_number: page.indd_page_number
); /* the above creates an object where each key is the original page number and it holds each items with the proposed texts to be read) */
// let ff = Object.keys(f).reduce( (accArray, page_no) => { return accArray.concat(f[page_no])}, [] );
/* (page, i) => `Page ${i+1}: ${page.tts_page_script} ${ page.items.reduce( (acc, item) => { return acc + item.tts_item_script},"") }`. */
/* ). */
/* forEach( e => console.log(e)); */
//filter( pageArray => pageArray.filter( item => item.product_description.match(/wiffer/) ).length > 0 )
//map( pageArray => pageArray.filter( item => !(!!item.price) ) )
//reduce( (acc, pageArray) => { return acc.concat( item => { console.log(item.tts_item_script); return item.tts_item_script} ))}, []).filter( str => str.match(/brief/i) )//.forEach( i => console.log(i) )
/* To print the text to be read (it would have probably been easier to `map` tts_item_script + join('') */
(acc, pageArray) => {
return acc + pageArray.reduce( (acc, item) => { return acc + item.tts_item_script }, "")
/* ============================================================================= */
(function() {
"use strict";
/* The `import`s would not work inside the body of the function for some reason, so had to move them to the top when replacing the `require`s
/* var sdk = require("microsoft-cognitiveservices-speech-sdk"); */
/* var readline = require("readline"); */
/* http.request('http://localhost:4000', (res) => { */
const url = '';
(res) =>
let rawData = '';
(chunk) =>
rawData += chunk;
// (Do note the caveat at the bottom; so if this is something way larger, probably `createWriteStream` is the way to go:
/* fs.appendFile('target_2022-12-18.json', chunk, (err) => { */
/* if (err) { throw err; } */
/* console.log(`This chunk (length: ${chunk.length}) is written.`); */
/* }); */
/* console.log(chunk); */
/* console.log(process.cwd()); */
/* console.log(typeof chunk); */
() =>
/* const str = parseFlyer(rawData)[0].tts_page_script; */
const str = parseFlyer(rawData).map( (page, i) => `Page ${i+1}: ${page.tts_page_script} ${ page.items.reduce( (acc, item) => { return acc + item.tts_item_script},"") }`)[27];
/* console.log(JSON.parse(rawData).pages[0].page_description); */
var audioFile = "YourAudioFile.wav";
// This example requires environment variables named "SPEECH_KEY" and "SPEECH_REGION"
const speechConfig = sdk.SpeechConfig.fromSubscription(process.env.SPEECH_KEY, process.env.SPEECH_REGION);
const audioConfig = sdk.AudioConfig.fromAudioFileOutput(audioFile);
// The language of the voice that speaks.
speechConfig.speechSynthesisVoiceName = "en-US-JennyNeural";
// Create the speech synthesizer.
var synthesizer = new sdk.SpeechSynthesizer(speechConfig, audioConfig);
var rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
rl.question("Enter some text that you want to speak >\n> ", function (text) {
// Start the synthesizer and wait for a result.
function (result) {
if (result.reason === sdk.ResultReason.SynthesizingAudioCompleted) {
console.log("synthesis finished.");
} else {
console.error("Speech synthesis canceled, " + result.errorDetails +
"\nDid you set the speech resource key and region values?");
synthesizer = null;
function (err) {
console.trace("err - " + err);
synthesizer = null;
console.log("Now synthesizing to: " + audioFile);
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  1. Go to
    (20221218 can be any other date that falls on a Sunday - as of the time of this writing)

  2. Open the browser's dev tools and go the JavaScript console.

  3. Use the script above.

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